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Archive through February 29, 2000

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By Gonzo ( - on Tuesday, February 29, 2000 - 04:28 pm:
Right which is exactly why China threatening to fire long range missles at the US can just be said to be saber ratteling.

* I wouldn't say that. It's a sign that, the US got power-tipsy beyond the point, inviting hints like that.

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Woah, hold on , "the US got power-tipsy beyond the point, inviting hints like that." I don't think the US invited anything. It was a threat made by China if the US helps defend Taiwan if the Chicoms attacked. Yes it is just saber ratteling, why? Because Taiwan elections are coming up and China is trying to influence them. Like last time.

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and the consequent genetic mental disorders that result.
* Confess, You're part of that, right?
By the way, crafty Jewess, This weeks London Sunday Times just ranked my 'hick' town the wealthiest in Britain.
* With protruding non compos mentis.
To All American
You are a gentleman and a scholar.

* of camel humping "science".

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Hey go back and read the story "If the US steps in to defend Tiawan, then China might use missles." I hardly see what this has to do with that. This has to do with the independence of Taiwan. Let me ask you this. Do you think Taiwan should stay free? Do you think if China attacks Taiwan the USA should defend it. Which to you see as a better country. One that says it would use Nukes first or one that doesn't?

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In case you didn't get it. Mata Hari (Gertrude Zelle) was rather slim and diminutive. NOT an overweight cow like you!
* Said Canadian Salo looking in the mirror.

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Right now though I think China is too busy to attack Taiwan because the ChiComs are too busy arresting people who are doing slow-moving exercises.

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Well I guess its time to go for today. I will leave you with a joke (not a very good one).

I ate at a Chinaese/German Resterant the other day.

An hour later I was still hungry...for power.

HA HA HA sniff....OK its a lame joke. Later

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yo bacon.
what a life you must have, that you'd talk that **** here for awhile, then appear to leave...then come back to do more, even worse, of the same.
must be catharsis for you, huh? to hack away at (kissie) in all your impotent you think it makes you =koff= a MAN or something? [but that's not what your ex-wife called you, huh?].
as for your 'gentleman and scholar' rump buddy...LMAO, what more can i say? he digs his own hole. imagine what websurfers the world over must think when they see that. it aint ME who disgusts's HIM.

yes, the neighborhood is coming back into contention for "nastiest/meanest page on the net".
the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY.

so yeah, you two can prepare your sorry attempts at firing back now. and puke the usual vomit. one's got this racist/political angle and the other thinks he bad.

you know, you guys simply arent....arent COOL. [LOL]
at best, just the terrors of your own mental playgrounds.

and the joke's on you, no matter what.
the joke is, now and forever, ALWAYS on you.
no matter what.

I don't hear you laughing.

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Dear Gonzo,
Hey go back and read the story "If the US steps in to defend Tiawan, then China might use missles." I hardly see what this has to do with that.
* It has a lot to do with that on the grounds, that US Govt. got "frivolous" in direct bombing of the Chinese Embassy, i.e. territory. A clear sign of intimidation/warning.
This has to do with the independence of Taiwan.
* Everything's interconnected - if you (not You, of course) feel free to bomb my territory there and feel free on jerrybuilding spree of "Albanian states", - why not me?
Do you think Taiwan should stay free?
* Free of what? US? China? Does China curtail Hong Kong? Heck, "free" - nice notion - does it mean "free" of anoyone and anything, 'sept Uncle? A person/state just cant be free on this level of development.
Do you think if China attacks Taiwan the USA should defend it
* A suicido-homicidal fiction ... for US, - it's not just China alone, - it's Russia as well. And a wild horse India. Do You know, that the previous year the US had to leave the Panama Canal? Chinese rule it now?
Which to you see as a better country.
* Just my lovely Utopia. (And I invite Kim, L'-san, D'-khan, Abu Igor to settle there.)
One that says it would use Nukes first or one that doesn't?
* Excuse me! The US have been doing recently quite a lot of red rag waiving, - not really China, Russia, whatever.

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Good words, L'-san.

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invitation's accepted 😉
just send a stagecoach..


Sinderella-khan (aka Goofball)

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Seems like today is the day for good news. The Russian Army has seized Shatoy, the so-proclaimed "unbreakable fortress (my ass)". There was a really lame joke though "Sergeyev added that he believed the Chechen rebel leaders, including President Aslan Maskhadov and warlord Shamil Basayev, were still hiding on Chechen territory". I bet those two "leaders" have been hiding in Afghanistan for the past month, leaving their people to Russia's mercy.
And the US got its ass kicked... once again... by Chinese. The Empire of Power can only understand the language of its own - power. Go Red China!
P.S. I would also like to see the Hollywood go up in nuclear mushroom - must be a really exciting scene.

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Kanadisher Speck: (Canadian Bacon NUMBNUTS)

Und......Ich habe keine Zeit fur Ihr dummes Gesprach. Gehen Speil mit selbst.

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To: Haity Mary
Vergeuden sie nicht ihre zeit auf diesem idiot kanadierspeck. Er spricht nicht gut seine eigene sprache.
Sorry for my broken German 🙂

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