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Archive through February 3, 2000

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To : BILLj.barufi and likes.

Seasonal croaking has a brief life. Tactical relocation consequence of unequal war-machinery is no victory to the cowardly Russians. Faith-inspired human courage may be briefly subdued but cannot be totally defeated by technological advantages. Intermitant hiccups do occurr. The ever-gallant mojahideen will soon turn this "groaned and moaned asumed victory" into a dreaded nightmare for the evil Russians, Insha'allah.

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By Ibrahim on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 07:18 am:
>>>What is the problem if somebody is a gay?!! I know a few Chechen fighters, in fact, used to be one of the during the first Chechen war, and know well enough that some of my friend had quite intimate relationship with each other (after all, if you spend all your time with men, than masturbation is not the best option....)

Ibragim, how much for a blow job? I'll give you five bucks. Hah!
Guys, anyone care to give him $5.50? The highest bid wins.

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""""""Rather hypocritical of you chaps, wouldn't you say?""""""""""

No, Bacon-palio, it's not. I NEVER (read never-ever) called chechens terrorists...ONLY BASAYEV AND CO.

Didn't ya give all that good speech about my fellas-comrades for nothing? remember - "good" ones, "bad" ones, generalization is "baaad", not generalization is GOOD, and all that goood stuff?
Hope that rings the bell..if you even read my posting from yesterday, of course..

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""""Didn't ya give all that good speech""""

I meant - "Didn't I...", of course..

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IGOR, an advice for you. When you read someone's post, READ it. Then take few minutes to UNDERSTAND what it was about. Then READ IT AGAIN, with Russian-English Dictionary if necessary.


So don't forget: read, think, then read again. Good luck! May Russia Win!

What's next? A statue to Yermolov and Stalin?

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piss_onn + CanadianBacon = Camel Stop Thugs

>>By CanadianBacon on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 02:52 pm: Once again to all new people:

Who is new here, you •••••••? Thugs like you are always here but under the different names.
Did you know Allah sucked Lenin's d...?

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The content of these messages can only reveal one thing. The world has been at peace for entirely too long. All people have a need to channel his or her anger. However ridiculing others only serves to increase the liklihood of such a phenomenon. The revelation which permeates this message board is one that spells doom. The world needs another war and this board is just one myopic example of the larger picture.
This board breeds hate and the concept of reason has become its ultimate casualty. Such an outcome
instills a profound sense of disgust towards the human essence. You all are stimulating my growing feeling of disenchantment for the future. I would like to congratulate those of you who have extended my capacity for apathy.

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Dude...what the hell is this? *giggling* I can't believe he let someone take his picture looking like this. Makes ya wonder how many double takes people were doing, on both sides! I wonder were his horse is? *Laughing*

Sorry dude but ya gotta admit, this is ONE for the books.

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I still don't understand why these mid eastern terrorist types like Armenian are here on this board arselicking the Russians!! it just doesn't make sense!

Armenian's favorite word:


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There was a good article in yesterdays London Times about Russian soldiers visiting Japanese bath houses and stinking up the place.

Russian's were also confused about how to use the toilet, shame Armenian wasn't around he would have been happy to suck up any extra excrement!

Sorry Armenian - as I said you're an arselicker, THE LOWEST OF THE LOW!

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Armenian+ on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 03:16 pm

The son of swine who is half pig and half moinkey, ask your dady.

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I know, dude, I was just looking at this picture about an hour ago..looks like a shot from some kinda Holywood "B" movie scene, with an Russian version of "rambo", huh?!

as embarassing as it sounds, he probably put it on intentionally..ha

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my friend - don't engage into a conversation with certain individuals who are here out of bordom mainly - for they make it senseless and achieve their goal by insulting you..I trully believe that being a gentelman with pigs doesn't pay off at all..I have tried to "talk sense" to them myself, luck..

don't let those stupidos get to ya, we got people like myself here to do all the "dirty" work 😉
..they only understand the language of power, abuse, sarcasm, insultings, etc., etc., etc.

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Your words are both kind and hold truth. It is fortunate that a person who is both articulate and rational has joined this board among all the mentally-challenged chimpanzees who wish to bite, claw, and s.h.i.t. into the direction of other members on the board. Antagonizm is fine, but only if it is guided by a system of logic. Again, I appreciate all your comments with the highest esteem.

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Thank you, my friend - the same (and more)goes for you too.

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