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Archive through February 4, 2000

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"""By Dimitri ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 07:00 pm:
Turk..what are you gonna tell me now? that I an childlish?..hehe..weak.

rather be childlish than a lier(all eyes, take my intellegent word for it.. """

When I see my opponent is rattled during a discussion, I sense victory. It is always a sure sign that they lost the argument. Harder they attack, better I feel, since victory is always sweet.

You can see their English fades, spelling becomes terrible, almost becomes unintelligible. Well, that is a person who has run out of ammo to defend his argument.

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""""Per capita income in Russia is 4 times lower than TURKEY. Yet Turkey's per capita income is 5 times lower than USA. I am not saying this to upset you, but just to point some facts.""""


ehhh..per capita, who is denying that? I Never did. What does it have to with anything? oh wait, I know - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I(not we) discussed with you.
So if you say something like that, which had NOTHING(see the caps?) to do with our conversation, than, bud, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE TRYING TO UPSET ME..UPSET BECAUSE YOU ARE..LITTLE(yes hypcrite, that one is for you)..yes you country does bbetter compare to Russia economically wise, but USSR was never known for giving their citizens a good income wages, AND YET THEY WERE SUPERPOWER, just fine...

Now don't misunderstand my words - Russia is probably not a superpower at the moment, but militarywise it is second to NO ONE..and that, pal, was the topic of a conversation(one of'em).

Now, is this all understood by you?

I guess it didn't, huh?

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Time to go for me.
Dimitri it was fun talking to you. Remember always keep an open mind, and try to learn. One day you'll be alright. But I don't have much hope for Igor, it is difficult to teach new tricks to old dogs.

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When MUSLIMS goes to war with infidels it is like a win, win situation, if he die he will enter in Heaven and if he wins he will get the booty + killing the chickens infidels.

When a Kafir( non believers, like russians) goes to war it look like loose, loose situation. Their death will enter to HEll and IF the win that will be living hell for them.


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you use your "intellegence" in a convinient way.

my dear bafoon, - tell yourself to grow up and we WON, and bandits lost, AND THAT MY DEAR LOSER,


you are weak. We are victourous( withou having to kidnapp any of chechen children).

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Turk - remember - DO NOT LIE.

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I know that you are going to pretend that you've never noticed THIS posed, but I'll let ya know on a secret - if I used you twisted logic - I would say that I am a REAL winner, for I am the one who's still here and your LAMEself is gone with the wind - that would be your way of "winning"

Your creteria of winning is very childlish, my goes like this:""you made a typo, la-la-lala-la.. I WIN!"""
That's you

Me..I have been typing for about 3-4 more hours than you did - so my "einstein", what can it mean?? that's right, clever-boy - IT MUST MEAN THAT MY HANDS ARE PRETTY TIRED..

OK, OK you wanna win? Don't cry - You "win"

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Is this a War of Islam versus Christianity?

We have received a number of e-mails from people who believe that this War has nothing to do with religion, so we should not constantly mention religion in our news reports and articles. In short response to this, we would like to mention the following points:

a) Islam is a Way of Life. Islam does not divide between personal 'religious' affairs and current political affairs affecting its followers. There is no separation in Islam between religion and politics. Every affair affecting the Muslims is an Islamic affair, whether it is to do with poverty, unemployment, War, famine or crime.

b) The Western Governments are supporting Russia 100% in her ethnic cleansing of the Muslims of Chechnya. Proof of this is that the United Nations has yet to make any statements, let alone resolutions, about the War in Chechnya. As Muslim' extremists' are being fought, there is a convenient silence from the Western countries. During the Bosnian War (1992-95), the West placed an arms embargo on the Bosnian Muslims to prevent them from even defending themselves. Once the War attracted hundreds of Foreign Mujahideen from around the World to solve this problem, and they began to score crushing defeats on the Serbs, the West panicked and immediately ended the War during which they had done nothing for three years. The Dayton Peace Accord was signed only to bring an artificial peace to Bosnia but the real reason was the 'expulsion of all foreign fighters'.

Israeli Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has now become worried that the Mujahideen are once again receiving financial, material and other support from their brothers and sisters around the World and that a protracted War will attract more Mujahideen to the area. Therefore, she is now trying to end the War as soon as Putin's ego trip is over in March later this year. However, this is Chechnya, not Bosnia or Kosova. The Chechen Muslims have refused submission for hundreds of years and they will continue to do so insha-Allah for hundreds of years to come.

Therefore, any action by the Western Governments will only come to further their own interests, not the interests of the 'innocent civilians' and 'refugees' that they claim they are trying to help.

c) Western Media Organisations are also supporting Russia 100% with the exception of a few unbiased reporters, whose reports and articles are rarely published. Proof of their support can be found in the article above.

d) Russia has invaded Chechnya because the Chechens are Muslims who refuse to become their slaves. There is more kidnapping, murder and lawlessness on the streets of Moscow itself than in Chechnya. More foreigners have been murdered in Moscow than in Chechnya, but the Western Governments and Media conveniently decided not to make a big issue of it, because it was done by 'internal' enemies rather than Muslim fanatic fundamentalist extremist terrorist barbarians.

The Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 killed 168 Americans and it was confirmed that it was the work of a white American Nationalist. The East African US Embassy Bombings in 1998 killed 224 people and they were blamed, without evidence that has yet to be produced, on Usama bin Ladin. The Western Media has conveniently forgotten the fear of White Nationalism destroying the World, but Usama bin Ladin and all the Muslim fanatic fundamentalist extremist terrorist barbarians (if anyone has any more words to add to this list, then please let us know) have not been forgotten, but rather are used to haunt the World. Therefore, this battle and conflict is clearly one of Islam against its enemies.

e) We make a clear distinction between Western Governments and the Western people whilst mentioning the above facts. There are good people amongst the non-Muslims in every Western country. Many of these people condemn injustice and speak out against oppression, whoever it is done against, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. It just so happens that most of the oppression and wars in the World today are carried out against Muslims. Most of the refugees in the World are Muslim. Most of those that have been ethnically cleansed in the last century are Muslims, outnumbering the hyped-up Jewish Holocaust by many millions.

We have received many e-mails of support from such people, who are not biased towards Muslims or non-Muslims, but who are sincere people who call a wrong a wrong, and not a right. We acknowledge the support given by these individuals and thank them for their support, which is support against tyranny, not necessarily support for Muslims.

We also stress that the Mujahideen have nothing against the ordinary people of the Western Countries, who do not support their Governments' oppression of the Muslims. Field Commander Khattab is not scared of anyone except Allah. If he carried out the explosions in Russia, he would have said so, without fear of 'public opinion' or 'condemnation'. However, to this day, both Khattab and Basayev deny being responsible for the Russian explosions. Khattab also mentioned recently that his fight is against the Russian Imperialist Government, not the ordinary Russian people. Firstly, it is part of Islam not to harm innocent civilians in War and secondly, it is not his style of warfare. Khattab and Basayev are military field commanders with many sources of funding. They do not need to resort to cheap actions such as kidnapping and murdering innocent foreigners in exchange for some paltry sums of money. All the kidnapping of foreigners in Chechnya, despite being a fraction of crime against foreigners in Moscow, was carried out by common Chechen bandits, who have little or nothing to do with Islam.

On the other hand, as for those fighting the Muslims and those who support this fight with money, words or actions, the Muslims consider them all as enemies and in the same group.

"Our religion, Islam, teaches us to be courteous, kind and to respect everyone, but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the graveyard." [Malcolm X, Al-Hajj Malik Shabazz, 1925-1965]

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EVERYONE - turk "won"...hurray for the "weiner"!!!

damn it, I made a typo again...what a loser I am..

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To Abd

Well said sir! I ain't no moslem but I support all those who have resisted and continue to resist Russian Soviet style aggression and expansion

God bless the rebels

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you are exaggerating..

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Hi people,
I am back

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Well said sir! I ain't no moslem but I support all those who have resisted and continue to resist Russian Soviet style aggression and expansion

God bless the rebels

Please, this is year 2000 not 1990. The Soviet Union is dead for at least 10 years. Majority of people in Russia do not (DO NOT) support communism as it was 20th century.

If you believe in terrorist/rebels (do not care that you call them) at least use correct reason.

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TO all;
Regarding Turk's posting and Gozno & Dmitri replays. Here is a good article ( which is worth reading.

Any comments, thoughts


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Ruskú štátnu vlajku vztýcili federálne jednotky v centre cecenskej metropoly Groznyj. Oznámila to vcera agentúra ITAR-TASS. Ruskí vojaci strielali salvy do vzduchu, zatial co cerveno-modro-biela zástava stúpala nad strechu oficiálnej rezidencie cecenského prezidenta Aslana Maschadova.
Podla doterajších správ Rusko tu plánuje po skoncení vojny rozmiestnit 15 000 vojakov. Väcšina cecenských povstalcov tento týzden po vyše mesiaci urputných bojov opustila Groznyj a podla Manilova bolo rozhodnuté o stahovaní federálnych vojsk vzhladom na to, ze sa situácia rozhodujúcim spôsobom zmenila v prospech Ruska.

Rusko vcera oznámilo, ze co najskôr zacne stahovat cast svojich jednotiek z Cecenska

of course russians will move their forces out of caucas as soon as possible. they are afraid that rebels will kill even more, than they did in grozny. the worst time came for russians. it's just the matter of time, when we will hear another news of dozens of dead russians, who were killed during their withdrawal from chechnya.

that raising of flag is really heroic. i would be ashamed myself to raise flag after 2 months of hard battle and not even winning it, because all of the rebels simply left. russians didn't win grozny, it was given to them.

Those 15,000 russians will have hard time controling cechnya. Feel sorry for those, who have to stay. Who knows, how many from them will never return.


PS. For those, who are going to write, that rebels were chickens, because they left and were afraid to fight: no, they weren't and the war didn't end yet. let's wait a while and see.

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