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Archive through February 4, 2000

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what a picture you drew! "bloody" Russians, "brave" kiddnappers-bandits-and-heroes
you are a hypocrat. Where do you live? Have you been anywhere close to the region? I did. And you? Lived in Russia? Chechnya? I DON'T think so.
So Stop Babbling and Crying here!!!

you know something - hypocrites have a habbit of calling other people hypocrites when they ran out of facts - look at the mirror if yuo wanna see ONE

P.S. Please don't ask for my comments any more - it is obvoius that we are never going to agree on ANYTHING..unless you just here to pick a which case - BE MY GUEST.

I hope it is understood by you.

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TURKA I love your style! You had nothing to say about the facts I provided and you started insulting me. And you call me childish. About Turkey beating Russia, YOU should be the one who should reread history. I'm not even going to name Russian commander (you will tremble and s h i t in your pants if I do) who beat Turks on NUMEROUS occasions with army THREE-FOUR times smaller. Couple of times while WERE SURROUNDED! I won't even mention that Turks' best fighters were SLAVIC KIDS who were STOLEN from their mothers and raised in Turkland.

As one chechen bandit said few days ago, "WE ARE HAPPY TO DIE FOR ALLAH!". And I say, "WELL GOOD, HURRY UP AND DO IT!".

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I have noticed exactly the same about Turk - seems like his rage and hatred carries him away, big time; lately he is defenitelly getting rediculous and saying things that make me the beginning he did make some sense, but I trully think he needs a reality check by now...But I already expressed that in my post to him.

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Today from Chechen captivity were LIBERATED:

2 YOUNG MEN (students)
1 OLD WOMAN (81 years old who talked about concentration camps for Russians in Chechnya)
1 MOTHER OF A SOLDIER (who was kidnapped while searching for her son)
1 NURSE (who also talked about concentration camps)

too many to count

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Here is what ANDREI BABITSKY is famous for ---
(my best translation)

It must be said, that Chechens cut [Russian] soldier's throats not because they are sadists and have tendancies to some sort of cruel treatment to soldiers, it just this way they try to make the war more visible, spectacular, bright, knock on [i.e. make noticable to] society's opinion.

Nado skazat' chto chechentsy pererezayut gorlo soldatam ne potomu, chto oni sadisty i ispytyvayut sklonnosti k kakomu-to osobo zhestokomu otnosheniyu k soldatam, no prosto takim obrazom oni pytayutsya sdelat' vojnu bolee vypukloj, zrimoj, yarkoj, dostuchat'sya do obschestvennogo mneniya.

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The rebels have acknowledged their heaviest losses yet in the retreat. At least three senior commanders were killed and Russia's most wanted man, the warlord Shamil Basayev, had parts of his foot blown off.

Vladimir Shamanov, a Russian commander, said the rebels were lured into the minefield by an officer who posed as corrupt, and offered them a corridor out of Grozny in return for $100,000.

The Russians planted mines there and hid gunners nearby.

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Faiz Khan (WHO CAN'T REALLY) If you continue your verbal attacks against me I will have no other choice than to have my DARLING DIMITRI summon the RATH of the all powerfull, all knowing, legendary IGOR KING OF WELFARE to fall upon your empty head not to mention your arsh.

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To : Dimitri

Meddling in the internal affairs of Checheya and Dagesthan prompted those kidnappings and blasts and should continue until the puppet leaders are replaced by Nationalist leaders in dagesthan, Azerbaijan, Abkazia and the rest. Era of manipulative domination should end lest Russia is destroyed as Soviet Union got destroyed by Afghans.

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By IGOR ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 09:28 am:

Igor the IDIOT - "US can not stop Russia from doing what they want."

USA is no longer a super power. She is actually a hyperpower. Any sane person will acknowledge that, like it or not. She can actually stop Russia whenever and wherever she wants. You are a MORON to claim otherwise. They destroyed USSR, haven't they, while soviets were a great power. Why they can't do whatever they want against a bankrupt, weak Russia?

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Time to go clean house in Kosovo.Damn Albanians fighting with Nato forces in Mitrovica,Serbs still being killed .Russian and Serb force need to go and restore law and order.

Russia strongly condemns terrorist act in Kosmet
February 03, 2000

Condemnation of terrorist attack on Serbs

Moscow, February 3 (Tanjug) - Russia strongly condemned today the terrorist attack on Serb citizens in Kosovo and Metohija in which even the anti-tank missile was used, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"Activities of the opponents of a political solution for the situation in Kosovo and Metohija are becoming even more insolent and challenging," the Russian Foreign Ministry said warning that "they were not stopped even by the fact that the U.N. mission bus, which was transferring the Serbs who were attacked, was under strong KFOR armed protection."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that it is clear that the aim of the perpetrators of the terrorist act, and of those who give the orders to them, is to intimidate the remaining non-Albanian population and not to allow the return to Kosovo and Metohija of the hundreds of thousands of expelled people."

"This and similar terrorist and violent acts testify that, unfortunately, as was underscored a number of times, U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, which sets the fundamental principles for the resolution of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, remains unrealized in many aspects," the statement said

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Terk the jerk stick your head up your arse

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to: Faiz

JUST GET ONE THING STRAIGHT - there's NOTHING(you hear -NOTHING) that could serve as an excuse for blasts and kiddnapings..that goes for every terrorist organization, not just Basayev's one..and since Russia is much stronger on those issues than, say Ingland(who's being way too soft on Northern Irish Terrorists), it took us about 4-5 months to "finita la comedia"..Russia gave de facto independence to Chechnya in 1994 after being careless they got kicked out - and what happened??? Oh yes, you probably don't know or conviniently forgot - it became a scary place to live - a country rulled by family clans.."nationalists" my arse..I've lived in Moscow between 1990-1991, and I've had a "pleasure" to meet the members of those clans - bunch of ingnorant, angry people who hate everything that's Russian, but...nevertheless -living in Moscow, using Russian goods and raping Russian girls( I knew one myself, it's a common story there).."noble fighters" indeed..."noble" my arse.

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Dimi what do you think of this clown Turk/ Isn't he the most retarded,well almostcan not forget Abfoolah and Bozzo.Where are they lately bark bark

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"""By IGOR ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 09:50 am:


You are so naive. You are living in Canada, but clearly you have no idea how Western mind is operating. Didn't you know that western people don't show much emotions, anger, and they always treat their opponent in such a way that the opponent start to over estimate their own capacity. This is called manipulation. They are especially good in handling dangerous, stupid bears.

What do you think that they are talking or planning behind the scenes? After all they were full of praise for the soviets even at the height of the cold war, but this did not prevent destruction of USSR.

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