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Archive through February 4, 2000

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Keep dreaming moron smoke some more of that weapon grade hash

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If they destroyed us why are we still here ---a mirage?

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Read Revelations buddy America does not do too well in the end

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Igor I read one of the links you posted (the one about Russia and China teaming up to start some kind of war against the USA). I think it is a buch of conspiracy theory histerical bunk. Has that guy ever heard of Mutually assured Distruction. I mean come on "The US can take on China or Russia but not at the same time" . What the hell the US has enougth nukes to destrot the world 8 times over. OK what a bout a land war well first they have to get here. What are they going to invade? Uh I think we will see them coming plus every bubba in the US has a gun, you think Chechnya was tough. Anyany the story was good for a laugth. I think there is too much postering of who is going to kick whos ass, it is so childish and silly.

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""""Why they can't do whatever they want against a bankrupt, weak Russia? """"


Cuz they have enough nukes, and US is smart enough to acknowledge it...DUH! Doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure that one out,oh naive one..

Na, you're not naive - you just bitter and angry over Russia's end to this compain, and THIS IS YOUR REAL MOTIVE(in your own words -WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT).

Man, I see that if I learned on how to be more patient and understanding with opponents, You on the other hand, litteraly DEGRATED ( at least in my eyes)and became like your "allies" bosna and Adder21..happy about it much?

and BTW what Turkey's victories over Russia are you talking about? "E" already confronted you about that but you conviniently forgetting to respond to him about this topic.

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Turka you are pathetic. No really, you are.

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Ia s toboi ponost'iu soglasen naschet etogo sychenka tyrka - on gavniuk sovsem OTYPEL ot zlosti, laet tochno kak bosna..Ia em y eto kstati tol'ko-chto sam vse vilozjil, tak chto posmotrim sho on mne otvetit..on blea v konetc ot zlosti oxyel blea..

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"""By IGOR ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 02:03 pm:

Sounds like US getting a bit paranoid


They need to invent new threats to keep their power and influence. This is true for all security agencies around the globe. Did you ever hear your local police department saying that crime is under control, we don't need this many police officers?

On the other hand, do you agree with the following assesment from the article you posted:

"However, he said that already "globalization and the permeability of borders to the flow of people, goods and information are all combining to erode state sovereignty," and that state power "is shifting in three directions: outward to non-state actors, downward to subnational and local levels of government, and upward, to a certain degree, to regional and international institutions and legal regimes." "

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Dimitri, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that the US does not want a bankrupt Russia. It is simple economics , if Russia had a stronger economy and free of mob and corrupt influences it is better for bussiness and the bussiness of America is bussiness.

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Problem is too many of you sand coloured bastards.

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Gonzo I posted enough articles that contradict what you just said "By Gonzo ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 05:45 pm:
Dimitri, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that the US does not want a bankrupt Russia. It is simple economics , if Russia had a stronger economy and free of mob and corrupt influences it is better for bussiness and the bussiness of America is bussiness."

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"""Dimitri, what I think a lot of people don't understand is that the US does not want a bankrupt Russia"""

Gonzo..that, I never denied. However there might be certain nuances - by helping Russia, US might want to have a certain amount of control over political, as well as economical fields.
It ain't no crime, any country would like to have control(peacefull type) over another...human nature, you know.

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"""By É… ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 03:12 pm:

Turks' best fighters were SLAVIC KIDS who were STOLEN from their mothers and raised in Turkland."""

If this is upsetting to you, then why the hell most of the russian soldiers pictured in Cechnya look like Turkic, or Mongol. So your best fighters must be sons of Turks and Mongols trapped in Russia.

"""Couple of times while WERE SURROUNDED! """

Yeah!. In one occasion your empress "Catherina the Great" had to prostitute herself all night to save the skins of your brave fighters. I bet this was no big deal for her, since she was sleeping around with so many other man.

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Only time will show whether Gonzo's or Igor's point of view is the RIGHT for me - I...simply don't know yet..I guess I need to do my own research on that one.

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Dimitri , absolutly, it would be silly to say otherwise. Economics is a field in which all countries compete plus haveing another countrys political goals in line with thoes of the US is a logical step.

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