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Archive through February 5, 2000

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Friday 04 February 2000: The Real War is About to Begin

The Russians set forth to pile up their countless number of dead soldiers, amongst them Chechen hypocrites, who all met their
death at the hands of the Mujahideen. Not surprisingly, Russian Mass Media began to display photographs of their War dead
and claimed that they were actually Mujahideen! We have no response to this, due to the utter futility of such claims, but what
we do say is that let it be known that the Mujahideen do not leave their killed behind and always bury them without fail.

Intense Russian bombardment upon the village of Alkhan-Kala, which lies southwest of Grozny. Alkhan-Kala was one of the
first villages the Mujahideen had evacuated from and yet the Russians continue to bombard countless numbers of injured
elderly, women and children.

Continuous shelling upon the district of Shatoi and other remaining districts full of helpless civilians.

Russian Forces advanced in the direction of the villages of Vedeno, Najir-Yurt, Lastanji, Santara and others in an apparent
`combing` operation. And on order of their Commanders; they arrested innocent civilians and pillaged and looted all of their

Russian Forces continue to look for the Mujahideen in Grozny after their withdrawal from the capital. However, the Russians
are progressing very slowly and cautiously in fear of any Mujahideen hidden in and around the city.

A Mujahideen Unit detected a convoy of Russian Forces heading towards the southern mountainous regions. The Mujahideen
went ahead of them and met up with their brave brothers guarding the entrance to the mountains. Both parties agreed upon
moving closer to the Russian Forces and hiding in wait for them. The Mujahideen say that the Real War has now begun and
that the Russians should start digging for what are going to be their countless graves in Chechnya.

More details to follow soon, Allah Willing.

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Drake the retards paid Russian commander $100,000 to escape .It was a trap and they were led into minefield and machinegun nests and the rest is history.I posted link yesterday I beleive.

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ULTRA check out CNN video of Chechens surrendering.They take bastard out and shoot him.

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Drake here is the story

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By LET THE REAL WAR BEGIN ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 10:22 pm:
Friday 04 February 2000: The Real War is About to Begin

Buddy the real end is coming for Chechens.It is time for vapour bombs,no more civilians to hide behind.

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Igor, hahahahahahah, those Stupid chechens. Lol!! They getting there assis kicked!! HAHAHA!! Nice videos. I wish they would show how we roll over on with tank or something. So its gonna be just as sick as that one where soldier gets stabbed in neck.

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By Turk ( - on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 05:13 am:

>"""By IGOR ( - on Friday, >February 4, 2000 - 03:04 am:

>US looking for trouble?


>USA is only showing who is the boss to Russia.

>USA is happy for Russia to do the dirty work in
>Chechnya against Islamic Freedom fighters,
>however she is giving a clear message to
>Russia that Russia is an insignificant military
>power, and should toe the line.

>USA has drawn a line on the sand in Georgian
>border, and now she is demonstrating Russia
>who is boss.

>Its bettter for Russia to behave since the USA
>is the only superpower of the world. Otherwise
>Russia's ass can be kicked, and kicked real
>hard, just like during the cold war which ended
>with the collapse and disintegration of USSR.

The last time U.S. soldiers did any serious fighting was in Vietnam. Back then the VC and the NVA kicked the American butt outta town.

In all the U.S. campaigns of aggression in the last decade, such as Panama, Iraq, and Yugoslavia, the U.S. Air Force and the Tomahawk missiles got a workout, but the Army and the Marines were never provided with much more than the opportunity to mop up after the Air Force. Quite simply, the average U.S. soldier has never fought in a real war (unless you call video games a "war") and has never had his mettle and courage (or lack thereof) tested.

The Russians, on the other hand, have fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Chechnya. In both places the Russians faced an enemy which was receiving indirect U.S. financial and military assistance (the Afghans through the CIA and Pakistan, and the Chechens through the CIA and the Turks, Afghans et al).

The Russian forces have been through hell and have demonstrated the will to fight, whereas the Americans have no stomach to fight in any war which might put them at risk of dying. This is reflected in how traumatized the Americans were when Saddam Husein's forces hurled a Scud at the U.S. military barracks in Dharan.

Should U.S. forces go toe to toe with the Russians, given equal firepower and numbers to both sides, I would bank on the Russians winning easily. The only reason why American forces would be victorious over Russian forces is the American technological and logistical superiority.

The Turk finally admits what we have known all along, that Russian women, as most women living in Turkish-occupied territory, are forced into sexual slavery and prostitution. That Turks are the world's premier rapists is nothing new. But this admission from the Turk should provoke a serious consideration on the part of Russians and all civilized people to launch a counter-terrorist operation against the Turks who are occupying Anatolia and forcing the women of the land to be sex slaves and prostitutes.

From the Turk's admission that so many women under Turkish occupation are prostitutes, it can be inferred that most Turks are sons of prostitutes.

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Chechen War II is continuing, it will end with the extermination of Russian troops and break-up of Russian Federation

Independent Chechen Nation will continue its struggle agaist Russian Aggressors

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"The unbelieving will have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone." (Apocalypse 21:8)

Pope St. Gregory the Great says: "Persist in the true faith and ground your life on the rock of the Church, lest your many tears and good works avail you nothing, separated from the true faith. Works, however good they may seem, are nothing if separated from the solidarity of the faith."

St. Nilus says: "Wherefore, let us be friutful, not in paganism, not in Judaism, not in any evil heresy, but in the House of the God; for ungodly men bring forth fruits in vain outside the Church."

St. Fulgentius says: "Assuredly, such people possess a certain kind of goodness; but, because it is not the product of faith in God nor love of God, it is not able to help them."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "To have merit, each act must not only be a natural work, but also a supernatural work; and this cannot be said of the infidel who, because he is without the faith, cannot perform supernatural good works."

St. John Chrysostom says: "Well should the pagan weep and lament who, not knowing God, goes straight to punishment when he dies!"

St. John Bosco says: "If you die as an unbeliever, you will be damned and lost forever."

St. Peter Mavimenus says: "Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned, as was Mohammed."

St. George of San Saba says: "Mohammed was a disciple of the devil, and his followers are in a state of perdition."

Pope St. Gregory the Great says: "We can no more pray for a deceased infidel than we can for the devil, since they are condemned to the same eternal and irrevocable damnation."

Pope St. Pius X says: "Those who die as infidels are damned. Who are infidels? Infidels are those who have not been baptized, and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like."

St. Prosper of Aquitaine says: "Where knowledge of the eternal and unchangeable Truth is lacking, there is only false virtue even with the best of conduct. For without worship of the true God, even what might seem to be virtue is sin."

"Unbelief is a mortal sin." - The Holy Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre says: "Is unbelief a mortal sin? Listen to Our Lord: 'If you do not believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins!' (St. John 8:24)"

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "O ye atheists who do not believe in God, what fools you are! But if you do believe there is a God, you must also believe there is a true religion. And if not the Roman Catholic, which is? Perhaps that of the pagans who admit many gods, and thus deny them all. Perhaps that of Mohammed, a religion invented by an imposter and framed for beasts rather than humans. Perhaps that of the Jews who had the true faith at one time but, because they rejected their Redeemer, lost the faith, their country, their everything. Perhaps that of heretics who, separating themselves our Church, have confused all revealed dogmas in such a way that the belief of one heretic is contrary to that of his neighbor. O holy faith! Enlighten all those poor blind creatures who run to eternal perdition!"

St. Francis Xavier says: "O eternal God, remember that the souls of infidels have been created by Thee after Thine own image and likeness. Behold, Lord, how to the dishonor of Thy name, Hell is peopled with them! Forget their idolatry and infidelity, and grant that they may at length acknowledge Our Lord Jesus Christ in Whom is our salvation."

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St. Peter Mavimenus says: "Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned, as was Mohammed."

St. George of San Saba says: "Mohammed was a disciple of the devil, and his followers are in a state of perdition."

Pope St. Pius X says: "Those who die as infidels are damned. Who are infidels? Infidels are those who have not been baptized, and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like."

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Chechen War II is continuing, it will end with the extermination of Russian troops and break-up of Russian Federation

Independent Chechen Nation will continue its struggle against Russian Aggressors

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printed in todays Sierra Times

Keep Citizens Rapeable

By Gary Marbut - Sierra Times Editorial
February 3, 2000

I recall during the recent WTO protests in Seattle, the City of Seattle passed an ordinance making it illegal to own or possess a gas mask. The assertion by those opposed was that Seattle
demands it's citizens remain "gasable".

That word, "gasable" has stuck in my mind. Not only does the government want its citizens to remain "gasable", it wants them to remain "stabable", "shootable", "beatable", "robable", and, of course, "rapeable". In short, government wants people dependent solely upon government for all protection, and for any other benefits or necessities government can persuade people are forthcoming only from government.

Government, of course, thrives best when governing a wholly dependent class - people who desperately NEED government for their day-to-day survival. What government most abhors are independent people, people who take responsibility for themselves, people who feed themselves, people who protect themselves and, Heaven forbid, others as well. Responsible people slyly steal mission and power from government and from all of its employees.

Is it any wonder then that all levels of government are opposed to the right to keep and bear arms. Not only are armed citizens a threat to encroaching tyrannies, large and small, but they threaten the very reason for government - doing for people what people shouldn't be allowed to do for themselves.

As Jeffrey Snyder opines in "A Nation of Cowards", this is akin to the assertion that only professional ball players should be allowed to play with balls, and only professional swimmers should be allowed near water. These examples are a thin extension from the argument that people should leave crime-fighting to the professionally-trained police.

Don't try to protect yourself. Never mind that the police can never interpose themselves between the criminal and his intended victim. Forget that the courts have repeatedly held that the police have no responsibility to protect any individual. Disregard that to dial 911 and wait for help too often means to die. Leave protection to the
professionals. Give up your guns. Join the dependant class.

Those collectivists who would have all individuals surrender their personal power to an incompetent government are quite willing to pour
out the blood of slain real people onto the altar of their social agenda. Despite sensitivity and PC [Political Correctness] claims, they have no real conscience, and no concern but their own selfish urges to power and to an unreachable
and undesirable utopia.

Gary Marbut is the president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, the primary political-action organization for gun owners in Montana.


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Turkey Signs Up Big Guns In D.C 02/02/2000

National Journal: Congress Daily
February 2, 2000

To polish its image in Washington and help facilitate military sales, the Turkish government has hired three former members of Congress to represent it interests in the United States,
National Journal reports Friday.

The new lobbying team will be led by former House Appropriations Chairman Livingston, who now runs the Livingston Group. In addition, the effort will be assisted by former House Rules
Chairman Solomon, who heads the Solomon Group, and former Rep. Stephen Solarz, D-N.Y., now a senior counselor at APCO Associates.

The bipartisan trio will earn $1.8 million this year for their services. They will focus on issues ranging from Turkey's interest in buying about $1 billion worth of attack helicopters to improving the perception of Turkey with members of Congress and the public. Turkey's image has been tarnished in recent years by the country's crackdown against Kurdish rebels.

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Intellectuals file second complaint for Guclukonak massacre 02/01/2000

Kurdish Observer
02 February 2000

The intellectuals have issued a second complaint about the inability of officials to find those responsible for the Guclukonak massacre. To date there has still been no official
investigation for the massacre at Guclukonak although it took place four years ago.

On the morning of 15 January 1996, on a remote mountain road near the town of Güçlükonak in Sirnak province, 10 passengers and the driver of a minibus were found shot dead. The minibus, with the bodies of the passengers still inside,
had been set on fire. All 11 victims were Kurdish men from local villages. Turkish government blamed the PKK for the massacre. But the investigations carried out by the independent
organizations proved that the Turkish State was responsible for the massacre. (See Amnesty International Report for evidence: )

Musician Sanar Yurdatapan, the president of the Istanbul branch of the Turkish, the lawyer Ercan Kanar and the former secretary of Tunceliler Association, Hasan San gathered in the front of
Sultanahmet courthouse in Istanbul and handed their petition of complaint signed by 13 intellectuals to the Istanbul State prosecutor in order to establish a thorough and impartial
investigation into the massacre at Guclukonak, to make public the methods and findings of that investigation, and to bring to justice those responsible for the killings.

Equality before the law

Musician Sanar Yurdatapan reminded that the perpetrators of the Guclukonak massacre have not been brought to justice as well as a serious investigation has not been opened although
four years passed. Yurdatapan added that the one of the most important criteria of being a democratic state was the equality before the law regardless of duty, power and position. "Nobody or any organ can not be exempted from the justice in the democratic countries. It seems like that the General Staff and Prime Ministry are the responsible organs for this massacre. Because although all the suspicions concentrated on the special team and Guclukonak Gendarme station members in the concerning incident, still this
massacre has not been solved. We, those who believe in the rule of law, are demanding that the judgement process must be operated by opening an investigation about the responsible people."

The petition signed by Sanar Yurdatapn, Ercan Kanar, Hasan San, Hunus Ondul, the chairman of Turkish Human Rights Association (IHD), Prof. Fikret Baskaya, journalist Varlik Ozmenek,
Ismail Aslan, the former assistant chairman of the HADEP, Dr. Leyla Pekoz, Munir Ceylan, the former chairman of Petrol-Is (Petrolium Pruducts Employers' Union), Prof. Dr. Tahir Hatiboglu,
Prof. Ali Nesin, Ihsan Arslan, the former chairman of Mazlum-Der (Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People, journalist Veli Ozdemir, was given to Istanbul state prosecutor.

The spokesmen of the initiative had previously filed charges regarding the issue to Istanbul prosecutor on April 16, 1996. But the prosecutor had sent this petition to the General Staff and later the charges were brought to the owners of the petition and they were sentenced to 10 months with "insulting the security forces". The sentences of Sanar Yurdatapan, Munir Ceylan and Ercan Kanar were suspended due to amnesty law for the journalists. Later, the intellectuals published the text they prepared for the incident as a book on September 21 1999.

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Turka unlike you I'm going to answer to your questions/comments.

1. You mentioned that the fact that turks stole slavic children and raised them to hate Russians upset me. Wrong. I'm proud that SLAVIC blood was considered the best even among your people.

1.5 You also said that most of the Russian soldiers pictured in Chechnya look like Turkic, or Mongolic. First of all, you are pathetic to say that. Because 1) obviously mostly are Russians (i.e. slavic blood) 2) I bet you meant it as an insult but guess what, I AM PROUD that Russia's CHILDREN of ANY BLOOD are the to defend their country (read about volunteers from Tatarstan, Buryatia and other ethnic regions). 3) There are no ethnic Turks in Russia (I maybe be wrong though).

2. You said something about "Catherine the Great" having had to prostitute herself to save the brave fighters. I have no idea what you are talking about (give me some links, I would love to read about it). But at any rate, keep in mind 1) she loved to have sex 2) she was German (but in her defense she actually somewhat cared about Russian people, unlike some other tsars of German blood).

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