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Archive through February 6, 2000

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To Ibn 'Umar ( - on Saturday, February 5, 2000 - 01:04 pm

You should call your self ibn khinzir, son of swine.

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y'know fellas, i never had a problem with criticism of america (ask my battle-decorated, former high-ranking USMC, long-estranged pater)
but some of y'all say some mighty STUPID things, with antonio in the lead, at present.or ought i say, "as usual"? enough mit der kiddie porn, dude...someone might think your constant belaboring of the subject has less-than-noble motivations...

so one moment USA helps chechen rebels, the next moment USA helps russia. both sentiments recently expressed on this board. how 'bout if you make up your minds?

personally, i suspect that american ground troops, fed violent media/entertainment SLUDGE all their young lives, would be an unpleasant bunch w/whom to tangle. let's not be finding out, mkay?

it's all the same to the worms.
ohaya, k-san!
sorry to hear about your unpleasant weekend.

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only a test

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Allah teaches us that we must fornicate with Pig. Allah is great!

Allah teaches us that we must murder in his name. Allah is great!

Allah teaches us that we must hijack Airliners.
Allah is great!

Allah teaches us that we must drink our urine.
Allah is great!

Allah teaches us to be good pyschopaths.!

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By Bones ( - on Saturday, February 5, 2000 - 05:37 pm:
Just to clear up some facts....

By Antonio ( - on Saturday, February 5, 2000 - 12:00 am:

"The last time U.S. soldiers did any serious fighting was in Vietnam. Back then the VC and the NVA kicked the American butt outta town."

Bones, just wanted to add a little support, as a fellow "gutless" American, to your response to Antonio.
Antonio, to you, and all others who think this country is full of faint hearted weaklings that have no stomach for war. I simply invite you, from whatever hellhole you live in, to "bring it on" and get a lesson in "gutless American weaklings" who, by the way, probably includes a bunch of your very own countrymen/women. All you have is this posting forum from which to spout your hot air, mainly because you are sad, miserable and jealous of us. Come on over, we'll show you a real good time! But, alas, you do not have the balls!

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It had been estimated that as many as 40,000 civilians were trapped inside Grozny at the height of the Russian assault. This now appears to have been exaggerated; most appear to have long since fled, either to towns or villages elsewhere in the republic or across the border of the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia.

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It is time for all the chechians to get rid of rotten chickens from their back yard.

Chechen Town Rebels Against Russian Army And Kills Soldiers

MOSCOW, Feb 4, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Inhabitants of the Chechen town of Valerik revolted Thursday against a Russian army unit and shot dead soldiers who had set fire to their houses, a spokesman for the Chechen rebel command told AFP.

The gunfire began while occupying troops were checking identity papers in the town south-west of Grozny, spokesman Amin Guilayev said.

Russian troops had reportedly burnt inhabitants' houses, insisting that Chechen rebels who had fled from Grozny this week were being sheltered inside.

Furious townspeople began shooting at the soldiers, killing several of them, before destroying a tank and an armored car.

Gunfights also took place in other Chechen towns such as Chaali-Yurt, Zakan-Yurt and Ermolovka -- all south-west of Grozny and close to Alkhan-Kala, where many Chechen rebels had passed through, reported

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aabdfoolah what you got to say now moron

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A SENIOR Russian general yesterday boasted that his troops had lured 1,000 Chechen fighters into a "brilliant trap", pinned them down and raked them with artillery.
The rebels had been coaxed out of Grozny to the village of Alkhan Kala, southwest of the capital, after a Russian agent posing as a traitor offered them "a safe corridor" out of the city in return for a $100,000 bribe. "We honestly didn't think they would swallow the bait," General Vladimir Shamanov said on Russian television.

The claim about the siege came as General Valery Manilov, the Deputy Chief of Staff, announced that many of the 93,000 Russian troops would be withdrawn from Chechnya after this week's victory in seizing Grozny.

Yesterday Russian troops were drinking vodka in the city's streets after a week of heavy losses for the Chechens, as advance units chased retreating rebels towards the mountains. Abfoolah they are as stupid as you.hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Igor it is not over yet fool, you kill one mujahid there will be 100 next day.

your filthy life for this world and here after is hell for you and your gangs.
If you die as you are, but if you later accept the Creatror alone, then there is a chance.

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you russians terrorist will no go way without punishment

Look you all commie fools, killing innocent civilians for the name of bandits is not bravery.

Earlier Chechen civilians said Russian soldiers have been carrying out summary executions and going on rampaging looting sprees during the operation to take the Chechen capital Grozny.

Putin: "Grozy liberated"

The Human Rights Watch organisation says it has been given the names of 36 people killed in the Staropromyslovsky district of the Chechen capital.

The group says it has witness statements and even survivor accounts to substantiate the allegations.

Locals had hoped the besieged city would become calm after the Russian operation to take Grozny.

But Chechen civilians say instead, there was fresh terror, as groups of soldiers ran amok, looting and carrying out summary executions.

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Igor, question for you.

How come you worshiping a man from ARAB name JEsus(pbuh). He was not blond hair and blue eyes as I seen your orhtadog charces.

Honest answer.

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Igor learn to live as good human and best things is that learn to die as a believer.

good advise from dady.

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There are no innocent civilians in Chechnya,they get what they deserve.I worship my AK47.

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My brother in-law is a shrink.He can get you help Abfoolah.

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