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Archive through February 7, 2000

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That raises the question if civilians can be held responsible for the crimes that military forces of their country commit. I think yes. People voted to choose their leaders in Chechnia (Internationally sponsored elections), Ygoslavia, USA and Russia (Mr. Putin was put in the president chair by Eltsin but most of Russians seems to be happy with him). Most of population either pays taxes or supports the goverment of the given country in one way or another.(maybe sometimes it is passive support but support nonetheless..they do not riot)
Ygoslavs did not protest against Milosivitch killing peaceful population and got NATO at their
backs. (I do not want to go into the political excuses of NATO intruding upon another country territory.)And now Albanians are killing civilan Serbs in Kosovo..Is it so called "people's justice" - eye for an eye killed my son and I am going to kill yours or is it a crime?
Is it a crime for a Russian soldier to kill a Chechen woman knowing that her son and husband
fighting for rebels and probably killed his two best friends last night and somebody from the local village posioned the water in the well next to the Russians camp? Is that crime for a Chechen rebel whose wife and daughter were killed by
Russian bomb to torture and kill Russian POWs?
When two ideas, positions or religions clash there
are no rights. Wins the strongest one..When the USA had two explosions on their military bases, our president Mr. Clinton did not hesitate to launch rockets at possible rebels camp( I bet there were enough wives and children there and I bet those terrorists had good personal, national and religious reasons to wage a terrorist war against the USA) But then Mr. Clinton also had a good reason avenging the lives of 18 year olds kids who dies in the blasts.
So ..who is right and who is wrong...I guess we need to be in the shoes of both sides before we can decide.

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By abd ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 01:21 pm:
>>Igor it is not over yet fool, you kill one mujahid there will be 100 next day.

This will be exactly an opposite way. For each Russian soldier a hundred one-legged Basaevs will be shot. It was this way before it will be now.

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"hop along Bassayev" hopscotch champ of Chechnya

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ps> when i said 'what do you expect' i didnt mean 'you' yourself, cheri. nah, i was ramblin', heh.

yeah, you knew.

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L'menex, ABD and others,

Look back let say bluntly, to the 17th century and read the chronicles of war. When a town was taken, the winning chiefs, when they deemed the battle over, allowed the grunts to loot and then set the town in fire. The next day only the chiefs entered the city.
Sometimes, soldatesque were not given a salary but were offered to keep the loot they could find.
If Human Right Wacht were active at these time, they would have had a lot of work and quiet a big shock.

It's a little what happend in Russia nowadays.
They are poorly paid, live in difficult conditions so no surprise they got the middle-Age mentality.
Of course I don't say it's the right way to go but if Russia had the money to buy it, it would afford a perfectly moraly clean army.

Welcome to the XXI Century!
"That raises the question if civilians can be held responsible for the crimes"

I agree with you.
Look for example at this man an this woman with a baby. The man waas shot by russian soldiers.
So what? If they stayed in Grozny during the siege there is two possibility.

1/They are f_cking stupid:
They ignored the leaflets which said that everybody who didn't leave the city will be anihilated.
They ignored that russian easy kill or take prisoner, men of theyr age in the combat zone.
They ignored that for a baby and a woman too, it's better not to stay in a cellar with no food or water and under a rain of bomb during three month.

Poeple choose theyr place, if not theyr faith.

2/He was a rebel fighter.

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by ABD>>"you kill one mujahid there will be 100 next day."
Your answer:
"For each Russian soldier a hundred one-legged Basaevs will be shot."

That' exactly what he means:
"There will be 100 next day"... to be shot by one russian soldier!!!Or a vapour bomb.

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Sorry if I struck a nerve but no worries, it'll heal.

As to your statement of "...Vietnamese refused to turn over thousands of American POWs..." could you please provide a link as to your ascertion to "thousands" of POWs, or is it just a number you pulled out of your ass?

You state, "...the news footage of the brave American soldiers fleeing from the NVA forces in Da Nang? Remember the brave American soldiers booting out all the civilians from the aircraft that were supposed evacuate civillians, so that the brave American soldiers could flee instead?"

* What TV station were you watching? I don't remember seeing ANY American "Fleeing" I guess that's your spin, right? Must make you feel better so go ahead, I won't deny ya.

"This is my point. The U.S. forces are a bunch of pansies who depend on advanced technology to win their wars for them."

* As far as the word "pansies", more spinning in your mind? Ya better sit down dude before ya fall down. If "advanced technology" works why not use it? Are you that much of an idiot or do you still have ringing in your ears? I guess you like being cannon fodder. ;-(

"What was Da Nang 1975? Who left the battlefield? Whose helicopters fled Saigon? Whose flag flies over Vietnam now?"

* I believe in 1975 the US military was ordered out of Vietnam by the President. I think that's why we left the battlefield. And there you go again using the past tense of "flee". Damn you like that word. And I believe the Vietnamese flag is flying over Vietnam at the present. Weren't you aware of that? And even if the South had held a Vietnamese flag would be flying, NOT a US one. Damn this is getting simplistic!

"...but what proof do you have that the Chinese were helping them? Some help."

* I wonder where they received their "Chicom" grenades from? Russia? How bout North Korea? Or does "Chicom" refer to "CHINESE" communist?

"So the U.S. politicians were helping the Vietnamese too? Well then, why doesn't the U.S. military declare war against the politicians? Why doesn't the U.S. military have half the guts as found in third world militaries where they mount coups against traitor politicians and then execute them? If the U.S. politicans are such losers, but the U.S. military eats their •••• and kisses their ass, then how can you say that the U.S. military are anything other than candy-ass faggots. By the way, did you know that the U.S. military allows fags in its ranks?"

* Ever hear of the word "Democracy"? The military is branch of that and work FOR an ELECTED President. Our Generals don't cry and pout and threaten to resign if they don't get their way. Sound fimiliar? Seems the RF military has a problem with ELECTED officials.

"You say I have no military knowledge. I have fought on the ground in a certain Caucasus region country, and have survived aireal, GRAD missile, artillery, mortar and automatic grenade bombardment, and heavy machine gun and sniper fire. Furthermore, I survived an explosion of two anti-tank land mines which destroyed a non-armored small vehicle I was riding in which was loaded with explosives, ammunition, rockets, and a half-full tank of fuel."

* Ahhh...a conscript from the past but you didn't mention the war. Why? Was it one of those losing causes? For such bravery here's a purple heart. I also see you didn't die for your country. Did you reenlist after that?

"So where does your military knowledge come from?"

* 10 yrs in the USAF working around our ICBMs. And no, I wasn't apart of the maintenance team. You'll just have to wonder what my duties were. And I did reenlist but no purple heart. 🙁

"You only destroyed Serbian civilian apartment buildings and maternity wards and passenger trains and churches and embassies etc."

* True, these places were hit but on purpose? You're starting the spinning again...please stop, you're getting predictable plus the Russian did all that in Chechnya to their own people. That took guts! NOT...

"You also destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

* True, we did but as I stated earlier in previous posts, Japan was our enemy and with the destruction of those two cities it saved an estimated 1 million US casualties. Russia would have done the same to Berlin if they had the bomb and you damn well know it. You forgot to mention Pearl Harbor, why? Did we start the war with Japan? NO, but you failed to mention that, how convenient.

"I wasn't talking about tactics."

* Why? You must agree then that the US doctrine is superior to your antiquated one.

"I was talking about courage, self-sacrifice, and endurance under hardship. These are things that the US soldiers have not had to have since Vietnam because everything has been made sterile and easy like a video game. The US never sends in ground forces now except to mop up what has been bombed to smithereens by B-2s and B-52s."

* Please explain to me why your need to sustain casualties is SO important when air power accomplishes the mission. Are you so hell bent on dieing for your country? Sounds like you have an Allah complex.

"As for tactics, so what. Take an equal number of US soldiers and Russian soldiers and put them on a level battlefield with the same weapons, and the Russians will win. The only place the US soldiers will win is in a video arcade."

* And your proof is like where? Could you post a link or is this just more biased garbage you're talking?

"> Which I may add,
>works great! And Two, Why die for your country
>when you can let the other S.O.B die for theirs.
>Nuff said.

You just prove my point. Americans would never die for their country. That means that America is not a country worth dying for."

* Now where do you see that I said an American would "NEVER" die for our country? You don't and you completely missed my point. Why am I not surprised!

"Judging by the quality of American public schools, it's apparent that America is the Mother of all Suckers. Why can't Johney read?"

* My, now you've elevated yourself to be a Judge impressive! Great, a topic TOTALLY off the subject, and again a link please or another biased OPINION?

"On the other hand, Russians learn Calculus in the 10th grade."

* Okay, and your point is? How many comprehend the subject and out of the ones that do immigrate to other countries for better pay (or pay at all) and a better way of life? What happenes to the ones that don't comprehend it?

"Why shouldn't Russia use nuclear weapons on the U.S.?"

* Because of MADD. O, that stands for Mutually Assured Destruction if ya did know. Besides, not ALL Russians are that stupid!

"But perhaps if an alliance with China is successful, the need to use nuclear weapons on U.S. imperial forces can be reduced, until some time when Russia can develop some other means to restrain American madness."

* First off, US forces will do. And Second, are you admitting that the RF conventional forces can't withstand the US or NATO? So much for your theory on matching us toe to toe even without NATO. Why didn't you say that in the beginning?

Sorry for my late response but I don't live on this site as some others do, some of us have lives.

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As far as the definition of "Defeated" goes, look it up in your nearest Websters.

By the sounds of your question and post, you count dead and wounded as whether or not you've been defeated.

If that's the case you WON! Ya happy?

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Aslanbek Ismailov is ALIVE!!!

SUN FEB 06 2000 12:02 P.M. G.M.T.

Chechens defend escape route to southern mountains

ACHKOI-MARTAN, Russia, Feb 6 (AFP) - Rebel Chechen separatists fought tooth and nail Sunday to maintain control over a corridor west of Grozny which leads to southern mountain strongholds, as Russian forces pounded them with artillery and air strikes.

Russian shelling targeted Alkhan-Kala, Zakan-Yurt, Shaami-Yurt, Katry-Yurt and Achkoi-Martan, which are located between 20 and 30 kilometers (12 to 18 miles) southwest of Grozny, said an AFP correspondent here.

Rebel sources said almost all of their fighters had evacuated the capital of the breakaway republic in a pull-back to the southern mountains, adding that the Russian strikes had caused mainly civilian casualties.

The last of the Chechen fighters in Grozny were preparing to leave, the sources said.

Moscow maintains its forces are trying to avoid deaths among the Chechen population, but witnesses questioned Sunday by AFP said around 10 people,
including several children, had died in the shelling.

Chechen sources said that rebel chief Akhmed Zakayev, who commands the fighters holding the corridor, had been wounded.

The Chechen commander Aslambek Ismailov, who organized Grozny's defense, is also alive and in the southern mountains, the sources added.

Ismailov sent a message to his parents, who were preparing a memorial service after hearing that he had been killed, they added.

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By FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 04:57 pm:

>>That' exactly what he means: "There will be 100 next day"... to be shot by one russian soldier!!!Or a vapour bomb.

Fred, you are right. I did not read Abdulah's post carefully. His post says exactly that. LOL.

Guys and gals, I've just watched one-legged Basaev on CNN. He is a real mess. I doubt he'll be even able to use a wheelchair. I don't feel sorry for him. Wonder why..

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Hopscotch Olymics coming to Wacko Islamic State near you next Kosovo.Boring today no news no action only all star game .Abfoolah come back and entertain us.

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The nearest restaurant for example. J

And Menu today is.

Chechen Kitchen specialty:

-JIZ-BIZZ, Basayev’s b*lls with Lecha Dudayev’s guts, sautéed on pure Saudi Arabian oil

-GROZNY DOLMASY, Chechen butt collected fresh from minefield, stuffed with Tula shrapnel

-SHAMIL KEBAB, Basayev’s leg marinated in sheep dung, barbecued on whatever left from rebel’s village

-BAKLAVA, imported Estonian sniper with Chechen on the top, run over by Russian T 80 Armenian I saw this on CNN board Is that you

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Igor, I hate CNN and never go to their board. Unfortunately, there is no alternative to CNN on TV here.
CNN is corny, primitive, and politically correct beyond any decency.
Although, there is a good side: it fits Camels well. I'd call it Abdulah's channel.

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By maxxum ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 12:52 pm:

>By Bones ( - on Saturday,
>February 5, 2000 - 05:37 pm:
>Just to clear up some facts....

>By Antonio ( - on Saturday,
>February 5, 2000 - 12:00 am:

>>"The last time U.S. soldiers did any serious
>>fighting was in Vietnam. Back then the VC and
>>the NVA kicked the American butt outta

>>Bones, just wanted to add a little support, as a
>>fellow "gutless" American, to your response to
>>Antonio. Antonio, to you, and all others who
>>think this country is full of faint hearted
>>weaklings that have no stomach for war. I
>> simply invite you, from whatever hellhole you
>>live in, to "bring it on" and get a lesson in
>>"gutless American weaklings" who, by the
>>way, probably includes a bunch of your very
>>own countrymen/women. All you have is this
>>posting forum from which to spout your hot air,
>>mainly because you are sad, miserable and
>>jealous of us. Come on over, we'll show you a
>>real good time! But, alas, you do not have the

The hellhole I live in is Los Angeles, English- Occupied New Spain. And having been born in the barrio in Los Angeles, and raised here, I am thoroughly knowledgeable of the black state of the American soul, the utter corruption of the America, and the general cowardice and hypocrisy infecting the American people.

I am not at all envious of you. I can easily live without all the creature comforts that exist here, as I did willingly and voluntarily for several years in the ex-USSR. Living without gas and electricity and running water is difficult, but not impossible, and taking showers in near freezing mountain snowmelt every day becomes routine after a while. The biggest inconvenience is the telephone, transportation, and postal systems, to name but a few, but where there is a will there is a way, and as well as I know Americans, they can't deal with life without their VCRs, remote controls, disposable packaging and fast food. Like the song goes - "only a nobody walks in LA" - because everybody in hedonist America is adicted to ease and comfort.

But come on over to my stomping grounds in the drive-by shooting district, and maybe I'll show you a good time.

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By abd ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 01:46 pm:

>To igor,

>It is possiable that you and your father has the
>same mother that is you and your father came
>form same women.

>Answer is no, right.

>Then why jesus(pbuh) and god has the same
>mother mary. Son (jesus) fatehr (God).

There is but One God, and He is not a unity of one person, but a Trinity of a single nature. The One True God is in three Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Father begets the Son in eternity, and the Holy Ghost proceeds eternally from the love between the Father and the Son.

The Virgin Mary is the daughter of the Father, the wife of the Holy Ghost, and the mother of the Son. Before the Son became man He is God. The Son was incarnate as a man by the power of the Holy Ghost, Who overshadowed the Virgin Mary and conceived the Son in her. The Son took on human nature from the Virgin Mary, and thus hypostatically united human nature with His divine nature. In Him is united divine nature and perfect human nature.

>Who is the grand father of your god

The father of the Virgin Mary is St. Joachim.
And Jesus is no mere prophet, but God.

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