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Archive through February 7, 2000

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Chechens threaten terrorism


THE announcement yesterday by Vladimir Putin, acting Russian President, that the battle for Grozny is over was countered by a Chechen threat to take the war into Russia.

Shamil Basayev, the leading Chechen field commander, issued a statement to local television forecasting "total combat operations in the entire terroritory of Russia". He said that the rebels would not hurt ordinary Russians or officials "whose hands are not stained with Chechen blood". Observers say he may be planning terrorist acts similar to the 1995 hostage raid on a hospital in which 100 people died.

I guess grabbing hostages at a hospital does not count as terrorism.Draw your own conclusions.Somes right from the shites mouth.

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igor, OF COURSE such an act would be terrorism.

and things that happened 300 years ago dont
justify anything so much as affirm that it's
happened nigh-forever. soldiers as egg-sucking
dogs are not an innovation of any sort. and as
such the killing civilians is no less
heart-rending in its tragedy.

bones, antonio is a dork from east LA who's into
'great conspiracies'. dont be apologizing to
someone who speaks of the illuminati with a
straight face.

and there's quite a lot to gripe about here, aint
no doubt about it...and a lot for decent americans
to be angry and embarrassed over...and i dont need
to be deluded by some kinda 'patriotism' to feel
that way. i'm no patriot.

what a FOOL to think east LA equals the rest of
what a FOOL to believe in the conspiracy rubbish
you spout here.

you have ZERO CREDIBILITY. you're no better than
matthesson or berstein or the allah-mongers. you
may be WORSE than some. i'd laugh but for your
pissing me off at the moment.
go find out what REALITY is, why don'tcha. get
your head out of these screwy books you read.

good night, k-san.

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Joined: 17 years ago
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By Bones ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 05:16 pm:


>Sorry if I struck a nerve but no worries, it'll heal.

Your concern for my nerves is touching. Have you considered a career in medicine?

>As to your statement of "...Vietnamese refused
>to turn over thousands of American POWs..."
>could you please provide a link as to your
>ascertion to "thousands" of POWs, or is it just a
>number you pulled out of your ass?

Oh, so you're one of those U.S. bureaucrats involved in the coverup and denial of the existence of American POWs in 'Nam.

>You state, "...the news footage of the brave
>American soldiers fleeing from the NVA forces in
>Da Nang? Remember the brave American
>soldiers booting out all the civilians from the
>aircraft that were supposed evacuate civillians,
>so that the brave American soldiers could flee

>* What TV station were you watching? I don't
>remember seeing ANY American "Fleeing" I
>guess that's your spin, right? Must make you
>feel better so go ahead, I won't deny ya.

I was waching NBC Nightly news with John Chancellor and David Brinkley.

>"This is my point. The U.S. forces are a bunch
>of pansies who depend on advanced
>technology to win their wars for them."

>* As far as the word "pansies", more spinning in
>your mind? Ya better sit down dude before ya
>fall down. If "advanced technology" works why
>not use it? Are you that much of an idiot or do
>you still have ringing in your ears? I guess you
>like being cannon fodder. ;-(

You just make my point. You rely on technology,
so you have become hard-hearted yellow-bellied
lily-livered brown-nosing butt-boofed pansies. Without technology, the Americans would dry up and blow away. America is a nation of gutless cowards, and the U.S. military is a reflection of the cross-section of American society.

>"What was Da Nang 1975? Who left the
>battlefield? Whose helicopters fled Saigon?
>Whose flag flies over Vietnam now?"

>* I believe in 1975 the US military was ordered
>out of Vietnam by the President. I think that's
>why we left the battlefield.

Now why would the president order a retreat, unless the U.S. forces were getting their collective butts kicked. If they weren't, and they had the will to win, then why didn't they mount a military coup and depose the president, whom they should have accounted as a traitor?!!
So why didn't they? Because American soldiers are just a bunch of ass-kissing pansies following orders, no different than the German soldiers who gave the same excuse in Nuremburg.

> And there you go again using the past tense of
>"flee". Damn you like that word. And I believe
>the Vietnamese flag is flying over Vietnam at the
>present. Weren't you aware of that?

Yeah. So why were American troops fighting on someone elses territory? If the American flag wasn't supposed to be flying over Vietnam, then the presence of American soldiers there was an act of imperialist aggression.

> And even if the South had held a Vietnamese
>flag would be flying, NOT a US one. Damn this
>is getting simplistic!

To mindless American ass-kissers everything is simple, and anything beyond that they aren't capable of comprehending.

>"...but what proof do you have that the Chinese
>were helping them? Some help."

>* I wonder where they received their "Chicom"
>grenades from? Russia? How bout North
>Korea? Or does "Chicom" refer to "CHINESE"

If you purchase something with your own money, that does not mean you are receiving assistance, but that you are doing business. Or didn't Ronnie Reagan teach you that?

>"So the U.S. politicians were helping the
>Vietnamese too? Well then, why doesn't the
>U.S. military declare war against the politicians?
>Why doesn't the U.S. military have half the guts
>as found in third world militaries where they
>mount coups against traitor politicians and then
>execute them? If the U.S. politicans are such
>losers, but the U.S. military eats their •••• and
>kisses their ass, then how can you say that the
>U.S. military are anything other than candy-ass
>faggots. By the way, did you know that the U.S.
>military allows fags in its ranks?"

>* Ever hear of the word "Democracy"?

Yeah. "Democracy" means mob-rule.

> The military is branch of that and work FOR an
>ELECTED President.

You really are a gullible sap if you think that the "people" of America elect the president. U.S. presidents are selected by David Rockefeller. That's why George Bush stopped campaigning against Clinton, because he read an endorsement of Clinton in the New York Times by Rockefeller, and so he knew that he didn';t stand a chance of winning. And all the candidates for U.S. president are members of the Illuminati/Freemasons or the Biderburgers or Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations.

> Our Generals don't cry
>and pout and threaten to resign if they don't get
>their way.

All the U.S. generals are also Freemasons or members of the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission. Of course they aren't going to get uppity, because they know that they will get iced if they do. Cases in point: Douglas MacArthur and George Patton.

> Sound fimiliar? Seems the RF military
>has a problem with ELECTED officials.

The Russians at least understand that democracy is bullshit.

>"You say I have no military knowledge. I have
>fought on the ground in a certain Caucasus
>region country, and have survived aireal,
>GRAD missile, artillery, mortar and automatic
>grenade bombardment, and heavy machine
>gun and sniper fire. Furthermore, I survived an
>explosion of two anti-tank land mines which
>destroyed a non-armored small vehicle I was
>riding in which was loaded with explosives,
>ammunition, rockets, and a half-full tank of

>* Ahhh...a conscript from the past but you didn't
>mention the war. Why? Was it one of those
>losing causes?

I was not a conscript. I was a volunteer. And though I was not Armenian, I was very honored that the Armenians allowed me to joined them in Nagorno Karabakh to kick Azeri Turkish Muslim butt outta town. Outnumbered 10 to 1 and ridiculously outgunned, Armenian forces mangled the U.S./Ottoman/Israeli - supported Azerbaijanis. Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, unto the ages of ages. Amen!

Nagorno Karabakh was definitely a losing cause - for the Americans and the Turks. And Chechnya and Gruzya and Iraq and Kosovo and everywhere else is going to prove in the long run to be losing causes for the U.S., which is going down down down....

> For such bravery here's a purple heart. I also
>see you didn't die for your country. Did you
>reenlist after that?

I fought on snow-capped mountain peaks with Hepatitis and advanced stage jaundice. I was blessed by God to escape death on dozens of occasions. Medals mean nothing to me. God sees everything.

Since the war is dormant now, there would be little point of returning just to do guard duty. Every soldier lives for the attack, and the battles continue, but in different battlefields.

>"So where does your military knowledge come

>* 10 yrs in the USAF working around our

Ahh. So you are a mass-murderer type just waiting to push the button. How clean. How neat.

> And no, I wasn't apart of the maintenance
>team. You'll just have to wonder what my duties
>were. And I did reenlist but no purple heart. 🙁

Lemme guess. You sat around and played cards and ate doughnuts and Dominos pizza.

>"You only destroyed Serbian civilian apartment
>buildings and maternity wards and passenger
>trains and churches and embassies etc."

>* True, these places were hit but on purpose?

Of course they were hit on purpose. Only a simpleton American would dispute that.

>You're starting the spinning again...please stop,
>you're getting predictable plus the Russian did
>all that in Chechnya to their own people. That
>took guts! NOT...

Russia is the instrument of God's punishment, just as the Assyrians were. And Russia will do the same to other nations as well, including America, unless the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary is performed publically by the Pope and all the Roman Catholic bishops in the world at the
same chosen hour.

Having fought side-by-side with Russian and Ukrainian soldiers, I know what kind of guts they have. And as I have been around American soldiers all my life, I know them as well. You would be a lot safer in Grozny than you would be in Mai Lai.

>"You also destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

>* True, we did but as I stated earlier in previous
>posts, Japan was our enemy and with the
>destruction of those two cities it saved an
>estimated 1 million US casualties.

Oh. So that justifies it. Americans murder half a million civilians to sabve the lives of 1 million U.S. soldiers, who never should have even considered invading a soveriegn country like Japan in the first place. You prove my point that Americans are gruesome conscienceless bloodthirsty butchers.

> Russia would have done the same to Berlin if
>they had the bomb and you damn well know it.

That is just speculation. And since Russia was under control of the Jews and Communists at the time, it would have been a Jewish/Commie decision, not a Russian one, to nuke or not to nuke.

>You forgot to mention Pearl Harbor, why? Did
>we start the war with Japan? NO, but you failed
>to mention that, how convenient.

The U.S. was selling millions of tons of scrap metal to Japan with which the Japanese built up their navy and war machine. To the U.S., profits were more important than the millions of Chinese murdered by the U.S.-supplied Japanese war machine. But the U.S. decision to stop selling scrap metal to Japan, combined with the U.S. Flying Tigers support for China, convinced the Japanese that the U.S. was preparing an attack on Japan. And Roosevelt knew 7 days in advance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor because the U.S. had deciphered the Japanese codes. Roosevelt had been warned about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but he wanted the Japanese to bomb it because he was itching to get into the war with Germany and knew that though the American people weren't interested in the European war, he could back into it by letting the Americans have an excuse to declare war on ther Japanese, which would then force Germany to declare war on the U.S. because of the Axis alliance.

People speculate about the Russians possibly bombing their own apartment buildings as an excuse to get into war with Chechnya, but if true the Russians were only taking a page out of Roosevelt's playbook.

>"I wasn't talking about tactics."

>* Why? You must agree then that the US >doctrine is superior to your antiquated one.

The Russian battle doctrine is not my own.
If you are refering to successful battle philosophy I have no arguement that U.S. battlefield strategy kills more people and quicker and more economically.

>"I was talking about courage, self-sacrifice, and
>endurance under hardship. These are things
>that the US soldiers have not had to have since
>Vietnam because everything has been made
>sterile and easy like a video game. The US
>never sends in ground forces now except to
>mop up what has been bombed to smithereens >by B-2s and B-52s."

>* Please explain to me why your need to sustain
>casualties is SO important when air power
>accomplishes the mission. Are you so hell bent
>on dieing for your country? Sounds like you
>have an Allah complex.

Your mission is all wrong. The U.S. is an aggressor nation and a threat to freedom and peace. The U.S. and its military may be materially wealthier than everyone else, but spiritually the U.S. is rotting away, going the way of the old pagan Roman Empire which caved in on its own immorality and depravity.

>"As for tactics, so what. Take an equal number
>of US soldiers and Russian soldiers and put
>them on a level battlefield with the same
>weapons, and the Russians will win. The only
>place the US soldiers will win is in a video

>* And your proof is like where? Could you post a
>link or is this just more biased garbage you're

My proof is my own knowledge of both Americans and Russians. I am not biased. It is you that has willingly eaten the garbage of Masonic propaganda.

"> Which I may add,
>works great! And Two, Why die for your country
>when you can let the other S.O.B die for theirs.
>Nuff said.

>You just prove my point. Americans would
>never die for their country. That means that
>America is not a country worth dying for."

>* Now where do you see that I said an
>American would "NEVER" die for our country?
>You don't and you completely missed my point.
>Why am I not surprised!

The only Americans who would die for their country, are suckers being used by the politicians, like the presidents who wasted all that American GI blood in Vietnam all for nothing.

>"Judging by the quality of American public
>schools, it's apparent that America is the Mother
>of all Suckers. Why can't Johney read?"

>* My, now you've elevated yourself to be a
>Judge impressive! Great, a topic TOTALLY off
>the subject, and again a link please or another
>biased OPINION?

Not biased at all. I was also a teacher in several American Communist reeducation camps (public schools).

>"On the other hand, Russians learn Calculus in
>the 10th grade."

>* Okay, and your point is?

America is rotting away. Indeed, is already rotten to the core, but it was that way from its inception by the American founding fathers, who were like johns cavorting with a prostitute who gave birth to a bastard child.

> How many
>comprehend the subject and out of the ones
>that do immigrate to other countries for better
>pay (or pay at all) and a better way of life? What
>happenes to the ones that don't comprehend

All roads lead to Rome, as they say.

>"Why shouldn't Russia use nuclear weapons
>on the U.S.?"

>* Because of MADD. O, that stands for Mutually
>Assured Destruction if ya did know. Besides,
>not ALL Russians are that stupid!

Well, you know what happens when a snake gets cornered don't you? You know that bears don't fear bees if they need to get the honey.

>"But perhaps if an alliance with China is
>successful, the need to use nuclear weapons
>on U.S. imperial forces can be reduced, until >some time when Russia can develop some
>other means to restrain American madness."

>* First off, US forces will do. And Second, are
>you admitting that the RF conventional forces
>can't withstand the US or NATO?

That is a ridiculous question. Nobody denies that given the disparity in size and technological superiority on the U.S. side that U.S. conventional forces would take the Russians apart. If you are so confident, then why do you not directly attack the Russians now?

> So much for your theory on matching us toe to
>toe even without NATO. Why didn't you say
>that in the beginning?

Just wait until enough American GIs die from Gulf War Syndrome or anthrax vaccinations, or lose all their courage because they get raped by all the homosexuals in the U.S. army.

>Sorry for my late response but I don't live on this
>site as some others do, some of us have lives.

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Topic starter  

This discussion is deterating into "pointing one's fingers at one's a&&hole". I heard a lot of bad things said about the spirit of the American people. I found these things to be untrue. While I guess it does bolsters the opinion of the "other" side to think that your opponent is weakling coward, I think the reality check is needed. Russians and Americans are not different species..the cultures while differ are not as alien to each us as say Chinese or Afrikan. That means that people in Russia have the same values
as people in the USA: family, patritism, pride and
justice to name a few. Sometimes we interpret facts differently, but hey thats "plurarism".
I have a few friends in the US Navy and I know for a fact that they are ready to die for their country. I asked my coworker if they would die for the US. The general response was yes, if the war is waged against the US (unlike Korea or Vietnam.)
Unfortunately, Russian sense of patriotism seemed
to diminish lately. And I believe that is a dangerous tendency. "weak and unpredictable Russia" can deterate bringing chaos to definitely Balkans, certainly to Europe and most likely to the world. On the other hand strong Russia (where people are proud of themselves and their country) if it agrees to cooperate with the West (instead of starting a new cold war) can bring stability to the world. The war in Chechnia has a great effect on morale of Russian people. Restoring the sense of national pride paying for it by blood of its soldiers and Chechens of all ages and both genders. Does the price worth the blood?

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By L'menexe ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 01:16 am:

>bones, antonio is a dork from east LA who's into
>'great conspiracies'. dont be apologizing to
>someone who speaks of the illuminati with a
>straight face.

In her introduction to her book "Star-Apangled Heresy: Americanism" (Veritas Press, Santa Monica, CA), Solange Hertze writes "Whoever does not believe in the oft-ridiculed 'conspiracy theory' of history quite simply does not believe in the existence of the devil, who moves both men and events. Great numbers of his dupes labor to promote satanic causes without necessarily being aware of the source of their inspiration. This is the essence of conspiracy, litterally a 'co-inspiration.' Harnessing masses of witless sinners by appealing to their vices and appetites, fallen angelic intelligences do indeed influence the course of history. The less their victims know the better."

So, how do you feel being dumber than a dork from East LA?

>and there's quite a lot to gripe about here, aint
>no doubt about it...and a lot for decent
>americans to be angry and embarrassed
>over...and i dont need to be deluded by some
>kinda 'patriotism' to feel that way. i'm no patriot.

Patriotism, by definition is love of country. Since by your own admission you are no patriot, this means you do not love America.


So much for the 1st Amendment protection of the freedom of speech. Now everyone the world over can see Americans for the phoney human rights champions that they are. Americans pretent to be so tolerant and humanitarian, and then prove that they only tolerate those who agree with them and kiss their ass and blow them.

Well, since my people were here on this land before your bugger English, you take your country which you don't love, and get off this land!

>what a FOOL to think east LA equals the rest of
> america.

You are right. East LA has people with heart, whereas most of America is just rapists, perverts and murderers.

>what a FOOL to believe in the conspiracy
>rubbish you spout here.

Even the Masons would think you the fool, for they know well their conspiracy, which is why they don't regard you, but they regard me as their enemy.

>you have ZERO CREDIBILITY. you're no better
>than matthesson or berstein or the >Allah-mongers. you may be WORSE than
>some. i'd laugh but for your pissing me off at the

better to be pissed off than pissed on.

>go find out what REALITY is, why don'tcha. get
>your head out of these screwy books you read.

At least I can read. What is your source of REALITY? Comic books? or Playboy magazine?

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A teacher is reviewing her class homework assignments. She>>asks Susie to stand up and tell the class what part of the>>human body enlarges to seven times its original size when>>stimulated.>>>>Susie stands up, shuffles her feet and says, "Well, I think I>>know, but I'm too embarrassed to tell you.">>>>"Sit down, Susie," instructed the teacher. Little Johnny, can>>you tell the class what part of the human body enlarges to>>seven times its size when stimulated.">>>>Little Johnny says, "That's easy. The pupil of the eye enlarges>>to seven times its original size when stimulated by light.">>>>The teacher remarks, "That's right, Little Johnny." Then she>>turns to Susie and says, "Susie, you obviously didn't do your>>homework last night. And, you certainly have a dirty mind.>>But most importantly, when you get married, you're in for a>>big disappointment."

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> Michelle Monahan had 1.7 pints of semen pumped out
> of her stomach in Los Angeles in July 1991.
> Maoni Vi of Cape Town has hair measuring 32 inches
> from the armpits and 28 inches from her vagina.
> Linda Manning of Los Angeles could, without
> preparation, completely insert a lubricated American
> football into her vagina.
> In July 1987, Carl Chadwick of Rugby, England,
> squeezed a zit and projected a detectable amount of
> yellow pus a distance of 7ft 1inch.
> The most horrible drink to be considered a beverage
> and safely drunk is Khoona. It is drunk by Afghani
> tribes men on their wedding night and consists of a
> small amount of still-warm very recently attained bull
> semen. It is believed to be a potent aphrodisiac.
> This is available from a few select bars in New
> York. It contains tomato juice, a double shot of
> vodka, a spoonful of French mustard and a dash of
> lime. It is not mixed, but served with a tampon
> (unused)instead of a cocktail umbrella and is known as
> a Cunt Pump'.
> Horst Schultz achieved 18 ft 9 in with a
> 'substantial' amount of seminal fluid. He also holds
> the records for the greatest height (12ft 4in) and the
> greatest speed of ejaculation, or muzzle velocity,
> with 42.7mph.
> The longest dump ever verified was produced by an
> American, who produced a staggering turd' over a
> period of 2 hr 12 mins which was officially measured
> at 12 ft 2in. The offender is banned from 134
> washrooms in his state.
> Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a
> fart for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42
> seconds.
> Send this to 6 people and you will see the Taco
> Bell dog run across your screen . If you send this to
> 8 people Ronald Mcdonald comes out and attacks the
> Taco Bell dog. It is really funny and it works!! you
> have to try it.

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IT was funny but i hate these letters i get from people from states. I should change my email account, they are free. But i liked the fact that Afghani muslims drink cum. LOL

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Russian tanker allegedly smugging iraqi oil with iraqi naval officer on board as their proof and some weak samples of oil testing done by americans.

Shortly before landing at Andrews Air Force Base just outside Washington, Cohen told reporters accompanying him from an international security conference in Munich, that he was not sure what would happen to the crew of the ship.

``It depends on what the Omanis decide to do -- whether legal actions are taken,'' he said.

Wether legal actions are taken hu? That stupid cohen, he is the most ignorant american. WEll same goes for that journalist that we exchanged to chechens. They can choose to cut his worthless head off or not. All depending on the "sportsmanship" of them. ( As in, hmmm, do we wanna play soccer today? LOL!

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2 Ultra,
How comrade Lenin is doing? I've heard he cought a cold, ah? And regarding Andryusha Babitski, couldn't you just leave the liar along?

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By BILLj.barufi ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 05:05 am:


WOW! Are you high already?

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Reputable Member
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Posts: 341

2 BILLj.barufi,
Way to go, buddy. 🙂

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 222 friend.., what you think of hairy-back Russian womans???Isnt she as smooth as arse..of camel's???I do Long for thigh of usa women, tho.., they are , how you for speed!!!i see only Oprah winfrey here..., with 30 pound of crack, in backside.., it is HORRIBLY THING.., JUST LIKE HEAD OF RUSH LIMBAUGH..REACHING OUT FROM SCREEN..., TO TERRORIZE ALL ABOUT THE AREAS.....

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