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Archive through February 8, 2000

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As far as I can see, Chechens wrongly perform Islamic rules, - they cut their pricks insufficiently. It looks that Russians corrected their mistakes

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Yo Antonio,

Welcome to the 21st Century where garbage like this still occurs. Are ya proud of these boys? Real tuff highly trained soldiers you defend. I just hope this isn't the norm.

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You mentioned in an earlier post that the US was "looking for trouble"? Well you might want to reconsider your position on this one. Even the Russians want to stop "smuggling". Don't you agree? I wonder what the Iraqi Naval Officer was doing on board? Training??? LOL

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Jan 23, 2000

Chechen refuse to bow to tyranny


From the burning ruins of Grozny came what may be a final,
heartbreaking message from its Chechen defenders: "At a time
when the world has left us entirely, we ask Muslims around the
world not to forget the ordeal of their brothers in Chechnya
fighting the jihad (holy war) against Russian oppression."

Look at Grozny and you see a second Warsaw Ghetto. Like the
valiant Jewish defenders who held off the might of the Nazi SS,
Chechens, another forgotten people facing extermination, are
fighting to the death against impossible odds.

I've been a combat soldier and have covered 12 high-intensity
wars from the front, but I have never seen anything that equals
the heroism and boundless courage of the Chechen mujahedin.

For the past four months, 5,000 lightly-armed Chechen warriors
fighting on flat, open terrain that favours air, armour and
artillery, have held off 160,000 Russian troops, backed by
regiments of heavy guns and rockets, helicopter gunships,
ground attack aircraft, and thousands of tanks and armoured

Chechen mujahedin, most without any formal military training,
have no heavy weapons and are chronically short of radios,
anti-tank rockets and even small-arms ammunition. There is
almost no medicine or morphine for their wounded, and no
shelter from massive Russian bombardment that includes banned
fuel-air explosives, toxic gas and napalm.

Grozny -- which Russian generals vowed to storm by early
December, and President Vladimir Putin promised to take by New
Year's -- still holds out at this writing.

Mujahedin are defending every ruined building and mined street
while some 40,000 civilians cower in cellars under non-stop
Russian shelling.

Still, overwhelming Russian numbers and firepower must
eventually prevail. Losses are high on both sides -- about one
Chechen for every four Russians.

Renowned Chechen field commanders, sheiks Shamil Basayev and
Ibn al-Khattab, admit Grozny has no strategic value, but
insist: "We want to prove to the world and the Russians that
despite the size, power or technology of any enemy, there is no
way they could defeat the people of belief, principal and
land." Brave words from the world's bravest people.

In the first Chechen war, 1994-96, Russia killed 100,000
Chechen civilians, razed much of the small country, and, in an
act of monumental terrorism, scattered 17 million
anti-personnel land mines across the tiny nation.

Russia was driven from Chechnya in 1996, but its hardliners
vowed to "exterminate the Chechen bandits."

Their man Putin's first act as president was to declare a
crusade -- blessed by the Russian Orthodox Church -- against
Chechnya. Moscow demanded revenge for 1996 and for defeat at
the hands of Muslim mujahedin in Afghanistan.

While Russian troops fought their way into Grozny, elite
Russian forces were pushing into the southern mountains.

Chechen units are battling ferociously, under intense shelling
and bombing, to defend the strategic Shatoi and Vedeno gorges.
Outnumbered 20-1, the Chechens' defence of mountain passes
vividly recalls the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae.

At least the mountainous terrain gives the mujahedin some
cover; in the flat, barren north, they can only move at night.

The Clinton administration, which is largely financing Russia's
genocide in Chechnya, supplied Russian attack helicopters with
advanced U.S. night-vision devices -- "to combat terrorism,"
says the White House.

If the West's response to Russia's Mongol-like behaviour in
Chechnya has been shameful and hypocritical, the Islamic
world's reaction is even more disgraceful.

Important Muslim nations -- like Egypt, Malaysia, and Iran --
are negotiating arms and aircraft deals with Russia. No Muslim
state has dared challenge Russian brutality or anti-Muslim

The only nations to recognize Chechnya's declaration of
independence from Russia are brave little Estonia and
Afghanistan, both of which know full well the terror of Russian

Those who observe a monstrous crime and do nothing share guilt
for it. We begin the 21st century watching silently as a
brutish Russia, which knows neither shame nor mercy, crushes
the life out of a tiny but heroic people who refuse to bend
their knees to Moscow's tyranny.


January 09, 2000


PARIS - A month ago, this column predicted that Russian
hardliners were on the verge of seizing total power in a
`stealthy coup.' Twenty-six days later, President Boris
Yeltsin stunned the world by resigning and handing over power
to a junta of KGB `Chekists' and senior generals led by
former spy and now Acting President, Vladimir Putin.

Yeltsin agreed to resign in return for immunity for himself
and his family from prosecution for massive corruption. The
era of Weimar Russia was ended, and the west's $100
billion plus investment in Yeltsin's `democratic Russia' a
total loss. The Clinton Administration and its media backers
tried to cover up the magnitude of this catastrophe by echoing
Russian propaganda claims that Putin and his cronies were
`clean;' `youthful reformers;' `covert democrats,'
and crusaders against terrorism.

Far from reform, what we are seeing in Moscow is the seizure
of political and, increasingly, economic power by younger
generation of KGB officers, like Putin, from the
old First Chief Directorate(Foreign Intelligence). Forget
the beetle-browed KGB thugs of the 1950's. These 80's
and 90's vintage agents, particularly those from KGB
Lines PR and X, are hard-edged, sophisticated, worldly

Putin and his junta gained power by whipping up
traditional Russian racial and religious hatred for Muslim
Chechen, then launching a merciless campaign to
exterminate the Caucasian rebels. Moscow, in the usual
style of international malefactors, used the Christmas/New
Year holidays to mask its attempted storming of the
Chechen capital, Grozny, and laying waste to the rest of the
tiny republic of 1.5 million people.

The valiant Chechen mujihadin, however, refused to surrender.
Some 1,500 Chechen fighters dug into the ruins of Grozny have
managed to defend the city against ferocious
assaults of some 60,000-80,000 Russian troops for the past
month. Russian generals claimed the would conquer Grozny two
weeks ago. Russian forces are mercilessly pounding the city to
rubble with massed batteries of heavy artillery and heavy
rocket launchers, as well as carpet bombing and strikes
by ground-attack aircraft and helicopter gunships. Forty
thousand Chechen civilians are trapped in the city,
cowering in shelters with little food or water.

Russia is violating all norms of warfare and
numerous international conventions by making extensive use
of fuel air explosive delivered by aircraft and rockets. These
weapons release a fine mist of explosive fuel over a target,
then detonate. The resulting massive explosions are of
enormous destructive power second only to tactical nuclear
weapons. All of the oxygen under the blast zone's
football-filed sized footprint is burned up, sucking the
air out of the lungs of victims. Devastating
overpressure ruptures internal organs and kill anyone
sheltering in basements or bunkers.

Grozny and most other Chechen towns have been blasted to ruins
by fuel air and conventional explosives. The Russians have
showered tens of thousands of anti-personnel mines in the
mountainous south in an effort to seal the border with
Georgia. Foreign journalists are being kept out of the war
zone lest they report details of Russia's latest slaughter
of the rebellious Chechen. Even this writer has received a
steady stream of organized threatening email from Russia.
Almost all news on the conflict comes from Moscow's propaganda
organs who keep repeating the mantra that Chechen are
`Islamic terrorists' – where have we heard this before -
who must be `cleansed.'

Ironically, while the US wrung its hands over the possible
threat of terrorism during millenium celebrations, Russia was
committing one of the worst acts of international terrorism
of our era in Chechnya. Washington issued a few tut-tut's
over Russia's brutal actions, but continued to back Russia
with diplomatic support and billions of cash.

As Russian poured shells on the Chechen for daring to
seek independence from 300 year's of brutal colonial rule by
Moscow, President Bill Clinton actually described Russia's
siege of Grozny a `liberation.' The same Clinton who hailed
Yeltsin as `a Russian Abraham Lincoln' after Russian forces
massacred 100,000 Chechen in 1994-1996.

Why this nauseating sycophancy? Because Clinton agreed to
give Moscow a free hand in Chechnya in exchange for Moscow
allowing the US to keep bashing away at Iraq. Clinton's key
financial backers want Iraq destroyed. Chechen will pay
the price for the ex-president's political and financial

Meanwhile, bands of fierce Chechen fighters continue one of
our era's most heroic struggles. The courage of these mountain
men is almost beyond comprehension. They are lightly armed,
surrounded, low on munitions and supplies, hopelessly
outnumbered 100 to one, under constant bombardment, and
forgotten. Their voice goes unheard beneath a barrage
of Russian disinformation and propaganda, echoed by
so-called `counter-terrorism' experts in the western media,
who assure us Chechen are nothing more than dangerous
Islamic terrorists and kidnappers.

A handful of fighters from Ukraine, Jordan, and the Baltic
have come to help; otherwise, the world has left the
Chechen to be ground into bloody pulp by Russia's killing
machine – a crime largely financed by US and western

Clinton has hailed the Putin regime as `new, democratic
Russian leaders.' In fact, the Chekists and generals now
running the Kremlin look very much like the old, brutal
Soviet Russia, only this time less ideological and more
efficiently ruthless.

Copyright Eric Margolis 2000

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This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation of a U.S. naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in Oct., 1995. (Radio conversation released by Chief of Naval Ops 10/10/95.)

Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.

Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

Americans: This is the Captain of a U.S. Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.


Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

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Posts: 67

I read your garbage and have to tell you that I really can not understand your mentality. I can not believe that you do not , that the rest of the world is not so stupid and backward like your friends or your habitat.
You are trying to convince us that this two articles were written by Jewish author (Eric MARGOLIS)!!!!
Also you could use names such as Levy, or Kohan, or Dershowitz...but you do not get that they would never call Basayev or Khattab as “sheiks Shamil Basayev and Ibn al-Khattab”,they would never criticize Clinton’s Administration, they never call MUSLIM Chechens as ” world's bravest people”.
Your stuff is plain camelshit, so get back under your camel and suck his balls with “brave little Estonianwhore”


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By Bones ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 08:33 pm:

>Yo Antonio,

>Welcome to the 21st Century where garbage
>like this still occurs. Are ya proud of these boys?
>Real tuff highly trained soldiers you defend. I
>just hope this isn't the norm.

No proof whatsoever has been presented to substantiate Chechen terrorists' and Western propaganda organs' allegations of atrocities committed by Russian troops. All that has been presented so far is the claims of the Chechens, but no investigation has been made to see if the injuries and deaths sustained by residents of Chechnya were in fact committed by Chechen Mohammedan terrorists. It is a well-known pattern of Mohammedans to kill their own people and blame the murders on their opponents. The Bosnian Mohammedans and the Azerbaijanis come to mind.

It is also a well-known quality of Americans to rush to judgement. Hypocrisy is another quality of Americans that comes to mind.

I recall the days when Saddam Husein was gassing Kurds in the late eighties. Back then the Americans didn't care about the Kurds. But during the U.S./Iraq undeclared war the Americans pretended to be such bleeding hearts for the Iraqi Kurds and Shiites. And America claims to be such bleeding hearts for the Palestinians, yet turned a blind eye when the Kuwaitis were persecuting them after the war.
Americans claim to be such humanitarians, but then turn a blind eye to the East Timorese being butchered by America's ally Indonesia. America and the UN set up the East Timorese to be murdered by holding a phony independence referendum that the Americans knew would be approved overwhelmingly by the East Timorese people and thus that the people would be subsequently attacked by the genocidal Mohammedan Indonesian army and state-supported paramilitary groups. It was the American plan all along to wipe out the Christians of East Timor and in all of Indonesia, as everywhere else in the world. Where are the B-2s and the B-52s to bomb Jakarta? Where are the Hague war-crime tribunals to indict Indonesian government officials? Where is the UN economic sanctions and arms blockades against Indonesia? Where are the U.S. newspaper cartoons depicting the Indonesian president as Adolf Hitler? How about the savage Chinese persecution of Catholics? How about the Armenian Genocide at the hands of America's allies the Turks? Why doesn't the U.S. at least complain to the Turks when they destroy ancient Armenian or Byzantine churches? We know why!

It seems that the only time the U.S. regime or American people get upset is when Jews or Muslims are getting what they rightfully deserve, but when Christians are unjustly attacked by Jews and Muslims, America is silent.

The U.S. denies the Armenian Genocide and then fabricates the Jewish Hoaxacaust. The U.S. fabricates tales of ethnic cleansing by Serbs against Bosnian and Kosovo Mohammedans and then inflicts real ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Serbs, simply because they are Orthodox Christians.

America has no moral high ground from which to preach about human rights to anybody. Especially since America condones, promotes, and profits from the murder of 1.5 million preborn babies in U.S.-occupied territory alone, to say nothing of all the poor third world countries where the U.S. and U.N. are ramming their contraception devices and abortion chambers down the peoples' throats.

May the Lord Jesus Christ smash and destroy American power and influence, utterly wiping it out - not leaving one stone upon another!

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: "Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!" Amen.

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“By Onlooker ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 06:04 pm:
Basayev is alive and that is all what matters to me. The loss of a foot doesn't mean much since he doesn't partake in the battle. All the Chechens need from him is some strategies and intelligence.”

Here is somthing from Basayev’s notebook, found on the glorious battelfield of Chechen stratigic manevr near Grozny:

-Muslim head is not tougher than Russian steel
-You can not step on two mines with the same foot
-5 Chechens can destroy 40 Russian tanks only at
-Recognition by Estonia is not worth loosing half of arse
-Whole damned Estonia is not worth half of my arse
-Shaved head does not make a man smarter
-I would rather be robbing trains or selling hostages....

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“By Onlooker ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 06:04 pm:
Basayev is alive and that is all what matters to me. The loss of a foot doesn't mean much since he doesn't partake in the battle. All the Chechens need from him is some strategies and intelligence.”

Here is something from Basayev’s notebook, found on the glorious battlefield of Chechen strategic maneuver near Grozny:

-Muslim head is not tougher than Russian steel
-You can not step on two mines with the same foot
-5 Chechens can destroy 40 Russian tanks only at
-Recognition by Estonia is not worth loosing half of arse
-Whole damned Estonia is not worth half of my arse
-Shaved head does not make a man smarter
-I would rather be robbing trains or selling hostages....

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By Bones ( - on Monday, February 7, 2000 - 02:24 pm:


>Your responses were a riot and well received. I
>never laughed so hard in my life. Thanks.

>I'll respond to one of your retorts tho.

>>* First off, US forces will do. And Second, are
>>you admitting that the RF conventional forces
>>can't withstand the US or NATO?

>"That is a ridiculous question. Nobody denies
>that given the disparity in size and technological
>superiority on the U.S. side that U.S.
>conventional forces would take the Russians
>apart. If you are so confident, then why do you
>not directly attack the Russians now?"

>* You just proved my point on 2 fronts. First, you
>just admitted the RF are weaker than the US
>forces so it's a good thing you're willing to die
>for your cause because you'd be the first to go.

My cause is not to defend the Russian federation. The Russians certianly do not need me to defend them. But the Russian Federation is a good instrument of chastisement for the world which has rejected the truth of the Catholic Faith. And so says Our Lady of Fatima.


>And Second, the reason we don't roll over
>Russian is because we aren't the "aggressors"
>you protray us to be.

Go tell that to the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Go tell that to the Spaniards and Mexicans whom you attacked and drove out of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California and Oregon. Go tell that to the Lakota and the Cherokee and the Apache etc. etc. Go tell that to the Palestinians, Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis, Somalis, Libyans, Nicaraguense, Panamanians, Guatamaltecas, Filipinos and Filipinays. Go tell that to the Serbs, and the East Timorese. Go tell that to the Congolese. Go tell it to the Marines.

> And also we haven't changed our doctrine on
>the use of our nuclear forces, unlike the

You will just wait until you can implement Star Wars and then you will unilaterally without provocation open fire on Russia.

>And I feel sorry for you too. Having to live in a
>country you hate so much, it must be hard.

No different than it was for the Holy Roman Martyrs, who were fed to the lions by cruel pagans who were not much different from Americans, except that the pagan Romans weren't as perverted and murderous and puffed up with pride as Americans.

>AND, for someone to hide behind the 1st
>Amendment but is not willing to die for it I
>consider an outright coward.

If you think you are refering to me, you are mistaken. I do not give a hang about the U.S. constitution, which was a social contract between the governor and the governed, which the U.S. regime had breached even before the ink was dry. In fact, the U.S. regime being the snake that it is, never had any intention of keeping its end of the contract. And the amazing thing is that the American sheeple are such mentally retarded suckers that they see nothing wrong with one party of the contract - the governer - making himself (the U.S. supreme kangaroo) the sole interpreter of the contract. Where is it written in the U.S. constitution that the "Supreme Court" is the sole legitimate interpreter of the constitution?

In fact, there is no such thing as a "Constitutional Right." All the Rights that man has, are received from God. The U.S. constitution does not confer rights to the people, but confers powers to the government and limits and restrains the governent from infringing on the rights that the people already possess independent of any constitution or government. But in believing that the constitution confers rights, the American sheeple have consented to surrendering their God-given rights and accepting Masonic-regime-bestowed privileges instead - privileges which the Masonic regime can take away at will, just as the Communist regimes are more widely recognized to do.

Therefore Bones, or is it Skull and Bones, it is actually you, not me, who hides behind the 1st amendment. I merely mentioned it in the first place in order to expose American hypocrisy. As for my freedom to speak the truth, that comes from God, but nobody has any right to speak lies, and as the 1st Amendment is used to protect pornography and blashemous "art", it is the wicked who seek its protection, but the just know that they need to protect themselves from the U.S. regime, which is the number one criminal in the world. Even the ayatolla Khomeini had enough brains to recognize the U.S. regime as the Great Satan. Yet most Americans don't even possess half the intelligence of Mohammedan infidels!

> Just remember, no one is keeping you here.

The U.S. regime has done everything it could to wipe us out, but we continue to hang on and persevere.

>Now I understand the mentality I was dealing

I don't think you have yet even understood your own mentality.

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>>By Antonio to Bones

What are you trying to prove to each other? Oh, ma-ma!

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To my muslim brothers,
How one-legged Basaev will storm next hospital in a wheelchair? Anyone?
Guys, if I were in your shoes I'd go to Chechnya to stop those Russians. He-he-he. Allah did not help. wakh-wakh, kvakh-kvakh, blah-blah-blah.

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BWAHAHAHA too funny!

*This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation of a U.S. naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in Oct., 1995. (Radio conversation released by Chief of Naval Ops 10/10/95.)

Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.

Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

Americans: This is the Captain of a U.S. Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.


Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

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I am writing this in response to many things that have happened to me recently and to my family. I saw the post below this message that stated Gemstone is lackluster and saw the 'child' that wrote it. This has been a concern of mine for a long time now.

I am a father of 2 children. Both of my children are my step-kids (9 and 13 years old respectively). I love them and believe inside my heart they are my own children and have raised them for so long now. My oldest son Kyle, is extremely mature for his age. He grasps the concepts of language well and can use imagery and description in his writing as if he were a creative writer of 23 years old. Sometimes, I myself, would forget how old he truly is.
Anyways, my son enjoyed watching me play gemstone and grasped the fundamentals of hunting/combat/role-playing and is a very good kid at heart. I would allow him to help me in stretches of hunting if I were too tired and after awhile, I began to trust him with playing gemstone. I allowed him very minimal use to a character that I kept constant logs of and would 'test' his responsibility every now and then over time. He did well. He gave to the realms and didn't take the perspective out of it just being a game. My wife and I decided it was safe for him because he handled the issues we put in front of him and he knew things he could not do. He could not verbally abuse someone, harrass someone, kill someone, go to a private inn, or consistently bother someone by hindering them with tiresome questions that I could answer for him. He followed this to the tee, or so it seemed.
I first found out that he had a friend that was an empath that he often spoke fond of. She had healed him on many occassions and I knew her as well. I also knew she was over 40 years of age in real life and that she also kept a good perspective of what was real and not real in the world of gemstone. I turned out to be very wrong. I found a deleted log in the recycle bin a month or so later after my son would talk about her. He didn't overly sound lovestruck and kept most of his opinions to the 'we are good friends now' aspect. The log I found showed that he had gone to the silvergate inn with this empath and performed many explicit sexual maneuvers with her as well as had used so much profanity that every other line was filled with multiple vulgar uses in extreme detail. No warnings were posted on him because it is a private room. However, the empath that I knew, was doing most of the text writing in the log and was leading him where I felt he might not know what was going on or what he should do because he was inexperienced in the matter entirely. My wife and I were aghast. We spoke with the empath later on and told her about our son's age and she cried for a long time. The empath left the realms and to this day, has not returned. I lost a good friend because of the incident, and the worst is still to come. My son it seems was having trouble in school because he felt that the 'kids' there were very immature compared to his GS friends. We communicate very well with him and he just decided to keep us out of the light of his problems. My son tells me every bad thing he does, from when he first tried a drink, to smoking..etc. We have a great bond he and I. Kyle decided to not have friends at school but would make believe he did have friends, girls mostly. He enjoyed the power of being a sorcerer and how he could be someone he was not. He showed no signs of anything harshly wrong, yet he seemed to become more distant to me and then I started to worry.
When I found the log concerning the empath, I banned him from GS permanately. I was upset at myself more than him, but explained to him why I had to do so. I changed my passwords and hid them. He found out where I hid them a month later and I caught him online at 3 a.m in the morning. On this particular log, he had killed someone he did not like and had said some cruel things. He was extremely angry and so I erased all passwords, quit playing for more than two weeks to sit down with my son and find out what was going on with him. He became sad ..extremely depressed.
Five months ago my son Kyle, attempted suicide. I stopped him before he could do any great harm to himself and took him to the hospital. He is now in a permanant residential hospital and has been there now for 5 months. My wife and I blame ourselves each day and I managed to stay in the realms to help other children that I find wandering about. I didn't want to see them go through what my son went through. My son was diagnosed with having schizoid-effective bi-polar disorder with bouts of psychotic depression associated with delusions of grandieur. He wants to be something he is not. He enjoys the power he got from the game and the love he could not have in real life with a girl/woman. He built himself up high and when I took that away from him, he saw no reason to live. I am to blame. Even though gemstone has their fault and responsibility in the matter, I consider it slight compared to what I as a parent am responsible for. I have been writing feedback for weeks now with no reply on taking the game to an over-18 area.
During my 5 year stint with gemstone, I have seen families, marriages, and now children suffer from addiction and delusions. Recently, a good friend (whom I will not name)that is 16 years old attempted suicide as well. Luckily, everything is going okay with him although he still plays the game.
If any parents read this, please don't allow yourselves to make the same mistake I did. Our children are very important, and while they seem mature to handle some situations, this one is not an easy one for many folks to handle. My son is expected to come home in October sometime, and I'll make up the time as I can. I hope he can forgive me for what I did, and I hope that we pick up on a positive start.
If Simutronics is reading this, you can help by not allowing children under the age of 18 to play this mature game. Post a warning for parents to see in the application form, and even send an email or official letter explaining that this is a mature setting. It is not fantasia and it is not the never ending story. It is a vivid imagery and can become a real environment with the closed rooms scenario. The letter from Eric Slick should be taken out and in my opinion destroyed. Anyone who believes that their grammar is getting better in a world filled with okies, massies, spellies, juggies, etc. and ye and kuld, and kuild and every other distortion of english is absurd. My son's report card showed a dramatic decrease in his language arts area and I have now combed through his old letters to his friends and found numerous usages of ye and thy and thou..etc. I have gone out on a limb expressing this personal matter and I hope that you (the reader) understand that this is a painful area to me and that I want to help other children out of what I have seen to be a harsh environment.
Sincerely yours,. . . a father that made a mistake.

Lord Luttiano

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I just got back from with a wonderful news:
In Alkhan-Kala the Russians digged up the graves of the Mujahideen... {DUE TO THE RUSSIAN CURIOSITY, PERHAPS}
According to inhabitants of Alkhan-Yurt, Alkhan-Kala and Kulary the Russians shot about 30 civilians of these places an threw their corpses into the Sunzha River...{BY THE REQUEST OF THE GREEN PEACE. FISH GETS HUNGRY TOO}


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