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Archive through February 8, 2000

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You know the really funny thing here. Its those Pro-Russian supporters. I mean they are taking this "wholy-greater than God attitude" LMAO at you guys. When all you have really complished is beating back a rag-tag militia, composed of light arms. I would expect that the Russian supporters would be hiding beneath rocks for their ineptness and shortcomings on the battlefield.

Congratulations, you have finally driven back 2,000 lightly armed men. At What cost: 4 - 1. That's four Russian servicemen to one Rebel. Good odds I would say! LOL.

So the question is - Why the gloating?

Maybe the U.S. should cut off some aid to you clowns so you can beg us again for food as your people starve! Who knows maybe WE can subsidize your Vodka - So Russians can wallow in denial as Russia continues their decent to Somalia like Starvation.

As for the always entertaining discussion of Russia Vs. USA - one thing to say:
You should always know what cards your holding…right now the Russians are holding two pair against my Aces high Full…And HE'S BLUFFING. LOL.

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To : Kissie

"Islam is a system that can download per second hundreds of Shamil Basayevs..."..... Yes, In-fact better than Shamil Basayevs with the will of Allah. What belongs to Allah can neither be contained nor confined. It always spreads, though gradually sometimes.Islam without exception gaurantees "Immense Psycological prosperity" and "other proverbial goodies" that money cannot buy. Hence, the global acceptance.

"Infidels are pathetic morons and are thus always sworn enemies of truth and reality..." .... Yes, not only Morons but devoid of Islamic teachings are like "Living Corpses" in terms of "Emotional bankruptcy". Moslems in-fact do not hate but sympathesize over the Non-Moslems "Spiritual and Psycological Misfortunes".

The benevolent Saudis will rebuild even better all what has been destroyed. Don't worry.

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Yugoslav Defense Minister Is Shot Dead

By Julijana Mojsilovic

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslav Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic was shot dead by an unknown attacker in a Belgrade restaurant Monday evening, the government said.

The minister, who had held his portfolio since 1993, was seen as close to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

Immediately after the shooting, the government went into emergency session and then issued a statement saying Bulatovic was the victim of a terrorist act.

``The Federal government states with deepest sorrow and sadness that Pavle Bulatovic, federal minister of defense, was killed this evening in Belgrade,'' the statement, read out on state television, said.

``Minister Bulatovic is a victim of a classical terrorist act,'' it said. ``The Federal government gives full support to the relevant state organs in their uncompromising struggle against terrorism.''

Killer Fired From Direction Of Soccer Pitch Police said the killer struck at 18:55 p.m., firing through the window of the Rad restaurant, which is situated in a soccer stadium.

``The unknown attacker shot from an automatic weapon through a restaurant window,'' a police statement, carried by the official Tanjug news agency, said. It added that the shooting came from the direction of the pitch.

Bulatovic, 51, was a senior member of the Socialist People's Party, a Montenegrin party loyal to Milosevic.

A friend close to Bulatovic's family earlier told Reuters: ''He is dead and we are all in shock.''

The friend, who declined to be identified, did not say whether Bulatovic died immediately or later in hospital.

Bulatovic frequently visited the Rad restaurant, the friend said, adding: ``He felt at home there.''

The minister died less than a month after Serb warlord Arkan, real name Zeljko Raznatovic, was murdered in the lobby of Belgrade's Intercontinental Hotel. He was gunned down Jan.15.

Independent Studio B television said two other men sitting at the same table were wounded and were taken to a military hospital nearby. One of them was a bank director.

A Reuters cameraman at the scene said police had sealed off the street outside the restaurant. Military police were also at the scene.

Bulatovic was born in the Montenegrin village of Gornji Rovci in the northern part of the coastal republic, which together with dominant Serbia forms Yugoslavia.

His party is in opposition in Montenegro, but is in government at the federal level. He was married and had three children.

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Cossack you moran,

Eric Margolis is a famous Toronto Star journalist.
He has written dozens of articles on Chechnya and they can be found in

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Cossack you moran,

Eric Margolis is a famous Toronto Star journalist.
He has written dozens of articles on Chechnya and they can be found on

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Can anyone understand the mentality of a loser like Armenian, who wantonly degrades himself by licking the Russian arse??

When all the time Russians consider him JUST ANOTHER CAUCUS BLACK!

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Russia may be financially bankrupt, but Armenians are morally bankrupt. Most Armenians are just welfare fiddlers and petty crooks, they don't even have the brains to commit an impressive crime!

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To Armenian,

Armenian+ ( - on Tuesday, February 8, 2000 - 12:51 am:
>>By Antonio to Bones

"What are you trying to prove to each other? Oh, ma-ma!"

I'm not trying to prove anything, I just forgot to watch where I was stepping. I hate having to clean my shoes off!

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"Islam is a system that can download per second hundreds of Shamil Basayevs..."..... Yes, In-fact better than Shamil Basayevs with the will of Allah.
* What I "like" in here is with the will of Allah. And if not? What? You continue to enforce this so-called "will" regardless of the quality (using your own language) given to a human being from above - the right of choice. The choice of ways of life, the choice of religion at its most. I'm not affiliated to any religion, for instance, - does it constitute that, I'm an infidel to be murdered next in Chop-Chop Square?
What belongs to Allah can neither be contained nor confined
* Any follower of any religion can say the same. What should mankind take out this? - Tolerance and respect to other religions. Any action otherwise will result in war. If you think, that religion of other peoples is, say, "obsolete" - wait till said peoples will recognize it themselves and will adopt "new ways". But you enforce it ... in the name of your Allah. Did he say, that belief in him should be enforced by cutting heads?
Islam without exception gaurantees "Immense Psycological prosperity" and "other proverbial goodies" that money cannot buy.
* Any religion boasts that. Islam's no exception.
Hence, the global acceptance.
* Because of the bunch of "Islam enforcement" troops that build a herd-like movement of followers, when a neighbour is an informer. In case of Europe its not a "global acceptance" - it's demographic changes, in vew of which emergence and election of Heider can be viewed as a predictable consequence.
"Infidels are pathetic morons and are thus always sworn enemies of truth and reality..."
Moslems in-fact do not hate but sympathesize over the Non-Moslems "Spiritual and Psycological Misfortunes
* Those two assertions directly contradict each other.
The benevolent Saudis will rebuild even better all what has been destroyed. Don't worry.
* Don't worry, heh.

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hello boys and gals..
just finished reading a very interesting article by Andrey Kozyrev, the Russian Minister of Foreign Offairs between 1990-96.
The article is published in Moscow News for 2/8/00.
Unfortunately I got the Russian version, so my appologies to English far the Russian speaking public here...well, enjoy the following:

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1. VAKHA ARSANOV, so-called vice president is dead.

2. According to Pakistani newspaper "NEWS", Chechen bandits hijacked Afghani airplane in order to avacuate their wounded. Somewhat a long stretch but who knows...

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Please put up a disclaimer next time stating "religious zealot ahead". Had I known that in the beginning I'd have paid you no mind.

As you see, I'm an Agnostic and your ramblings are meaningless to me, just as you are.

"The U.S. regime has done everything it could to wipe us out, but we continue to hang on and persevere."

* Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out ta get ya.

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y CanadianBacon ( - on Tuesday, February 8, 2000 - 01:11 pm:

>>Russia may be financially bankrupt, but Armenians are morally bankrupt.

Very good. You are Rogy Mathersson, aren't you? Welcome aboard under a new name, idiot. I missed you much.

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hats off to you for your recent American/Canadian lighthous story..LOL


did you read it? That was funny as hell!!!..I can totally see that hapenning before my eyes!...coulda been Russia and Sweden for instance

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2 CB (aka Rogie),
It is just great to watch how idiots like you spit dirt towards an entire Armenia. Is it just because I am Armenian+ or you had independently formed opinoin? VOT KOZYEL!

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