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Archive through February 8, 2000

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Noble Member
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I know, huh!
clean sheets anyone?

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Madmoiselle M.

Golf you say? Na, I am too Russkie for that, mo'like shootin'a friendly(for money) game of pool and clubbin'till dawn on Saturday is still da'Fever dis dayz..

I would really like you to update me on a current issue of Camel Nut Gaz...I heard he(Ladden) wasn't supporting his boyfriend any longer. Is it so?

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It's amuzing to see how many people would relish the demise of America. Actually, quite a few of you sound similar to Darth Vader. I understand that our polity is contradictory at times. However, many of you must really be insecure to wish the the total decimation of a particular country. I must ask if there are elements in your life that fuel this fire of hatred. Do you really know what would happen to the world if America was to meet an untimely demise? After the destruction of the world's evil imperialist, who's going to take control? Russia? China? I'm sure Russia needs to sort out its own problems before entering the race of world domination. China seems to keep a low profile in matters outside their sphere of influence. For Christ's sake, some of you sound like Hitler!!!

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"By Bones ( - on Tuesday, February 8, 2000 - 03:20 pm:
Come on now, where's all the betting folk around here? Dead or Alive? URN, since you're the pres around these parts, ya giving any odds?

My bet....thumbs down, dead."

First off, i think that anyone who is going to defect or turn on their country should be treated with accordingly. What babitskiy did was wrong and he got what he deserved. He should have known the consequences. He should have known that going into chechnya that either Russian soldiers or caucis blacks would get a hold of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he is dead. And thats not the treatment we give to our citizens. An average citizen doesnt go out and start helping those caucic blacks.

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"China seems to keep a low profile in matters outside their sphere of influence."
Suleyman, are you crazy?! Chinese are crazy, they want to take over there world. They are not quite, they speak out against nato etc. Im sure you would like for them to go crush taiwan so you can see some action? Im sure i would too, if it cant be resolved easily that taiwan must rejoin China.

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Hello all, First off the seizure of one tanker did not cause the price of gas to go up world wide. 2nd "lighthoue story" dam funny. Probably did happen.

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I recognize China's stoic attitude with certain global matters. However, Taiwan is within their sphere of interest. What I meant by my last passage was that you seldomly see China in our (America's) half of the world. They speak out against NATO. But yet did they do anything to the bombs that fell on their embassy? By international law, that property belongs to the Chinese government and they could have treated it as a violation of their entire nation. They didn't do this. They only spoke strongly against of NATO and the United States. I still have yet to see them flex their muscles directly at the United States. The Taiwan issue is something that is totally different. Historically, Taiwan has links to China. This is totally different than what America did in Kosovo. Everybody seemed to disagree, yet didn't provide any action to these notions. Now people on this board call the US wimps for not opposing Russia with force in Chechnya. I'm afraid the same holds true in the Kosovo matter. Nations objected, but didn't do anything. I don't think that any powerful nation (United States, Russia, and China) want to see a full-scale war develop anytime soon. Especially in such relatively minor political areas of interest.

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Dimitri Darling:

For the answer to your question, backup to 3:09 pm this date for the entire article on bin Laden.

Before you do darling, this past saturday I went to the market to buy a lamb. NO, no this is not a Mary had a little lamb thing. I was having a dinner party, (WISH YOU WERE THERE.) Anyways, I could only buy it a a Halal butcher shop. While there do you know what the butcher said to me?

He said "Mary, if you could slit a shi'ite like I can slit a shi'ite than your a good shi'ite slitter.

That evening I thought to myself, I bet Dimitri is a good shi'ite slitter to, Muslim Fundmentalist as well.

Dimitri Darling,I am becoming most annoyed and angry with those mindless wonders like armenian and the other camel herders who have continued to attempt to verbally abuse you. But I am so proud the wit and charm you have displayed in putting them down.

If it continues, we shall join forces with the likes of URN, Billj. the Mighty Igor King of Welfare and together we shall make the entire Muslim world shutter. We will bring them all to their knees and we shall emerge victorious as the gallant Russian soliders in Chechnya is doing.

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Suleyman, I find it funny that some people on this board think that Russia, China or US goal is to take over the world it is such ballony. I do question wether the US would get in a millitary fight with China over Taiwan.

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It's an interesting issue and I don't think it is one which deserves the "world domination" label attached to it. This situation has many implications. The United States has denounced China's human rights record in the past and annexing Taiwan would leave them under Chinese control. Business interests are also at stake, but China could operate similar to the way it has in modern times. This would lead to prosperity, but like I said earlier, the human rights question imposes itself once more. And although the United States cannot change the Chinese government, it can prevent it from engulfing Taiwan and imposing its rules against this nation. The key point in this issue is transition. Will it be towards Chinese or Western orientation? China seems unyielding and may resort to its military. I'm not exactly sure if the United States will put troops in the area of conflict. Especially considering even the positive outcomes. I cannot forsee the public getting too emotional about Taiwan and the Chinese presence. What are your thoughts?

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Well I've read some of the postings and the first part definitely caught my attention. I guess Russia feels good about it's progress, but why continue this USA vs. Russia rhetoric. US Girly-men really is a shot on the chin, lol.

The fact is the US doesn't have neighboring countries that despise us or want their Independence. Cuba is the only exception, but once Castro dies so will the regime.

We have no interest in invading Russia and the "real warriors are in Russia, come here and see" comment doesn't spark any type of animosity. It's like saying try and come here to the US and we'll see.

The facts are there is mutual respect due to the fact that we can both destroy and end life on this Earth.

Can anyone here blame the Chechens for trying to defend their way of life. Russia has labeled them bandits and terrorists and the Russian public has swallowed this propaganda only to despise all Chechens. I guess when the Nazi's tried to exterminate the Jews and conquer Russia that lesson was forgotten, because here you are doing the same thing to the Chechens.

What bugs me is that the underlying truth is Russia wants to maintain the Republic's current size and control of the valleys oil pipelines. Has these issues even been mentioned?

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I don't think anyone wants to test those waters, meaning China/Taiwan. If they had, it would've taken place by now, Taiwan announcing Independence, but since they haven't let lying dogs alone. IMO, of course.

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1st proposition:
Soon we will know how much the rebels want for his release.
If he is working for the US and a non muslim he is the perfect target for a ransom.
Russians know that's what will happend if they hand him over to the chechens and then this will teach the west while teaching him who the rebels are.
Otherwise i don't see why they didn't release him far from Chechenya, in Moscow for instance.
I don't see neither why russians would kill him just to shut him up. They could fabricate a reason to keep him in custody or destroy his credibilty.

2d proposition:

Or maybe he is playing the death just to bother russians.

Russia Vs US:
The relations are better than we think.
US siezes a russian tanker. No uproar... Even cooperation in the unload of the tanker. Ah! oil in Russia is mafia, the locals used to say...

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What can I say to your suggestion? Nothing but...AMEN. Just be sure to consult with URN, Billj and Igor, since we already formed an ONline coalition, where URN is an acting President, Igor is a Minister of Defence, and I am zi Director of FSB (aka Russian Super-agent 007 - Dimitri Jamesovich Bondov)..Billj could serve our Organization the same way Goebbels served Third Reich..and you? I gotta propsition - You could be our own Mata Hari. Noble and heroic role. Yes mam.
Let me know if my proposal is accepted and CC URN, Igor and Billj.

P.S. Armenian can also be a part of our "mishpuha" - as a Director of FSB I took a liberty to check his records and he came up clean..besides he's been nothing but nice to me.

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Bones, The one thing I always find funny about the taiwan situation when some say "its part of China". It is not part of china. It has its own army, government. It is just lip service to the old guys in Bejing. As far as the US getting into a fight to defend Taiwan the most I see the US doing is having the US navy slug it out with Chinas navy. I don't see that as much of a fight because on paper Chinas navy is no match. Plus lets say we do get in a fight with China over Taiwas. What do we do after we throw the Chinese army off taiwan, invade China? Maybe the best way to handle a China invasion of Taiwan is not by using a millatary reaction but an economic one. I would think a complete embargo by the US and its western and eastern allies would devisate Chinas economy plus throw in the freezing of China assets abroad would also hurt them. Then try to find China some face saving way to get out of Taiwan.

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