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Archive through January 1, 2000

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caucasian, k-san, & co.

likewise, i'm sure.

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Russia is in trouble again, They were able to continue fighting with -2 helicopters, but can they do it with -20 armoured vehicles?

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F-177 is invisible only to an average american taxpayer. As to the Apaches - a nice show of "strength" in the midst of extreme fear to go into a ground battle, and using them in particular. Consider them to be just a military exercise to check deployment contingencies and a worthless (in this respect even laughable to knowledgeable people) scarecrow.

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Hello my Slavic brothers and sisters and all other non-Moslems.

Let's kick a*se of all these Moslem motherfu*kers, whose illiterate prophet Mahomet was a r*pist of 9 year old girls and boys (dark secret of the Hadish, i.e. the satyr Mahomet's life).

Chechnya was always a Slavic region and the Chechens basta*ds are the illegal occupants.


Did Mahomet just get his a*se laid by Jesus?

The Semitic religions are all false religions. SLAVS of the World, leave the Semitic faiths by the wayside, if you ever want to beat the Moslems
to pulp!

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All Moslems are gays and have one time been either
screw*d up their a*ses by their dads or elder brothers.

These Moslems pansies are just following the noble footsteps of their r*pist "prophet" Mahomet.

Chechenya will fall to the brave Russians soon. This new MIllenium will be the last that Moslems and Islam will ever witness.

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What about the atrocities committed by the Chechens against their fellow Moslems in
Dagestan? Where do all the Abdullahs and other
MOSLEM SWINE like him go then? Disappear in the woodwork?

F*ck you, Islam and Moslems!!

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I think the Russians should Nuke the Chechens , if they are unable to flush these SWINE out in the next two weeks or so! How many more Russians will have to die, before Vladimir Putin's conscience starts affecting him?

Two or three battlefield nuclear weapons are enough to finish off these sub-human Chechens.


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Chechnya will be destroyed by the Russians unless the Roman Pope does the Consecration to Russia per the instructions of Our Lady of Fatima (The Virgin Mary, who appeared in the town of Fatima, Portugal).

The Pope, in union with all the Catholic bishops in the world at the same hour in the same day must publically Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

If this is not done, then Russia will not only destroy Chechnya, but will destroy many other nations as well. This has been spoken of
by the Virgin Mary to the three children of Fatima, Portugal in 1917, one of whom, Sister Lucia, is still alive and living in a convent in Fatima.

The Virgin Mary has said in Fatima that unless the Consecration of Russia is done by the Pope and all the Catholic bishops of the world, then Russia shall be God's instrument of chastisement
of all humanity and will destroy many nations. But if Russia is consecrated per Our Lady's instructions, then all of Russia will convert to Catholicism and be the instrument of salvation
to the whole world.

For more information, you may go to

You may also contact Father Nicholas Grunner for more explanation, at

The choice is clear - either Russia will be a punishment to the world, or Russia will be a blessing to the world. To prevent the destruction of humanity, the Pope must be urged by Catholics and Orthodox believers to perform the Act of Consecration of Russia per the Virgin Mary's instructions to the children of Fatima.

And furthermore, if the Chechens and other Muslims don't like the idea of Chechnya being wiped out by Russian forces, then let the Chechens and all other Muslims as well call on John Paul II to stop delaying and perform the Consecration of Russia now.

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Fanatics are fanatics. Muslims or Christians, they are all the same.

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Anyone wants to start their own fanatic religion? Any religion, religion of toilet paper harding for example.

Noble Member
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Religion is Opium for the People.
(what a smart guy - in one frase to reveal the simple TRUTH)

P.S. Do not mix religion with faith in higher power(God, Creator,etc., etc., etc.).

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Happy New Year to my Russian,Armenian,and Serb brothers and sisters.Wish you all the best in the coming year:health,happiness,and wealth to you and your families.And most of all,now that Yeltsin is gone Russia can become strong again.

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Posts: 384

Happy New Year, L'-san, Dimitry, Svoloch, R., Igor, Drake, Seuleyman, let's leave the "ravers" till tomorrow (or today?;o)))))) - it's PARTY TIME.
And let wisdom prevail.

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To all the dirty and BS idiots here - iCHTHYOSAURUS and Dimitri- try to talk as human beings not as Russians or Jews !!!!!!!!

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To all idiots here-ICHTHYOSAURUS and DIMITRI and KK-try to talk as human beings

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