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Archive through January 1, 2000

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Paris really won with their Tower. It was great.

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No. I already said in a previous post that a F-117 and a F-16 were downed. You can't tell me though that every other plane downed landed outside the territories. And I don't buy the claim that when they went down "there was nothing left" to photograph. I spent 10 yrs in the USAF and seen a few crash sites to believe that. Plus, they can still find crash sites in Vietnam 25 yrs after the fact and still identify the remains if there are any.

Well must go, Happy New Years!

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I appologize for my previous stupid message to you. Happy New Year man.

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News from the front lines:

Wednesday 29 December 1999 The Russian Forces Tried to Advance From the North...

The Russian Forces tried to advance from the north of the capital, Grozny, as it pushed by power of surveillance accompanied by some vehicles and infantry, headed by a group from amongst the Chechen hypocrites, who were resisted by the daring Mujahideen. A fierce battle took place in the district of Art-Tesi in which the enemies of Allah suffered losses in lives and vehicles. The number of destroyed vehicles reached 9 and whoever was in them, and the Mujahideen captured 19 pieces, from it were 2 launchers and 2 medium PK machine guns.

Air raids became severe upon the mountainous cities, with all types of missiles, and with brutality the like of which never preceded before. A number of civilians were killed in the village of Ghan-Hawj, and in Vedeno a hospital was destroyed and some of the surrounding buildings. In Shatoi, a group from amongst the civilians was hit due to the barbaric bombardment aimed at their residences.

In the city of Shali, the Mujahideen planned and carried out an attack on a Russian Headquarter. They destroyed it and killed whoever was in it, and captured some of the weapons. Two from amongst the Mujahideen were martyred in this operation, we ask Allah to unite us with them in the gardens of bliss.

The head of the Russian Ministers pledged that he would raise the Russian flag, on the first day of the year 2000 over the capital, Grozny and the city of Vedeno, and carry out his decree on Shamil and Khattab and those with them. What is worth mentioning is that this pledge is not the first of its type, in fact before, he made a statement that he will enter the capital on the 20th of December and carry out his decree upon the Mujahideen but he never did, and he never will – by the permission of Allah.

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And a Happy one to you too! *Tipping a glass*

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I hear Russia threw some Scud missles Chechnya's way. This could be interesting!

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Friday December 31 5:12 PM ET
Scuds Said Launched at Chechnya

WASHINGTON (AP) - Russia launched three short-range scud missiles into Chechnya on Friday, the Pentagon said.

The short-range missiles were monitored as part of the U.S.-Russia joint surveillance of any activity that might be related to the year 2000 computer glitch.

Thomas Pickering, undersecretary of state, said the launches were not related to any Y2K problems, however.

``We have confirmed with the Defense Department that this incident was not Y2K related, that the missiles were not strategic but short-range - that is, under the 500-kilometer-range definition for strategic,'' Pickering told reporters at Washington's Y2K command center.

Under a binational agreement setting up the joint monitoring, any launchings of 500 kilometers or more would be considered a ``reportable event,'' with all details to be made public.

Now, who are the real terrorists ?

Arabian and Muslims leaders, Fahed, Mubark, Sadam, Qadavi and Hafaz El-Asad, you are nothing but garbage, you are nothing but a toy in the hands of USA and Jews. Your only target in life is to stay in power as long as possible, but one day you will die. I just want to know your answer when you will be asked in the day of judgement about your filthy history and deeds in Islamic countries.

The night of the disbelievers and tyrants is so long, but the dawn MUST come.

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News from the front lines:
Wednesday 29 December 1999 The Russian Forces Tried to Advance From the North...

Voice Of The Basement Radio:
[insert a hypocritical prayer]
Today we mourn the loss of our poppy field sustaining a direct hit of a Scud-type missile and of a Voice Of The Basement radio Editor-in-Chief Abu Zbale Abnel Zbale Bin Hashish, posthumously martyred, of course, [insert something of a prayer], that ignored our editorial staff repetitive warnings and teased the Ru artillery with his bare butt, idiot. May at least his boots reach heaven!. We appeal to our brother Bosna to send us half a ton of weapons-grade Made In Albania hashish to sustain our news production and writing skills.

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mooning the scuds...
'weapons-grade hashish'...

i love it!

happy 2K, dearest cantankerous k-san.

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Thursday 30 December 1999 Attacks From Three Cores and Very Fierce Battles From Before Salatul-Fajr Until Asr

Fierce battles occurred in Serzhen-Yurt, from before Salatul-Fajr until after Dhuhr. The Russian attacks were from 3 cores, advancing with vehicles supported by heavy artillery. The Mujahideen were able to repel the attack and to chase the defeated Russians, after they ran away leaving behind tens of bodies. The Mujahideen were not able to accurately count the bodies due to a continuous and a heavy air raid on the battlefield. A brother from the foreign Mujahideen, Abu Hafs, was killed in this battle after being hit during the Russian bombardment. Three others from the foreign Mujahideen were hit causing them small injuries.

As the Russian leadership claims its control over the capital, the Mujahideen prove these claims to be wrong practically in the battlefield. In the north west of the capital, Grozny, the Mujahideen under the leadership of commander Umar Dok, were able to kill more than 65 Russian soldiers and capture a Russian commander ranked as a colonel. They destroyed 9 vehicles and captured 17 Kalakov rifles, 1 Desheka and 1 RPG.

A Mig-27 plane was shot down. It had been used to bombard Shatoi. (The mountains of Khonti)

The Russians tried to advance towards Vedeno with a huge number, and were repelled by the Mujahideen who sent them back to where they came from, as losers. In the village of Diboret, the Mujahideen attacked a group from the Russians, killing 12 Russian soldiers and capturing one. Russia used a new sophisticated weapon of destruction, which was never known to the Mujahideen before, except that Allah protected them from it.

Russia launched their attack on the Mujahideen in order to destroy their reserves, but – praise be to Allah – the booty that the Mujahideen attain due to these attacks are a lot more than what they use whilst repelling them.

The Russian Army are suffering from a clear collapse in morale, as they are suffering from cold and hunger and embarking on killing without any known aim. Whereas their Russian brothers are enjoying themselves with drums and celebrating the Christian millennium. The Russian prisoners of war have already shown their complaints about their situation in Chechnya.

Allahu Akbar!

A Muslim

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