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Archive through January 10, 2000

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Wednesday 5th January 2000 Russian Forces do Not Cease to Undertake Losses (Main points)

- A battle erupted today in the village of Karwali on the road of Khankala and Urus-Martan.

- The Mujahideen caused heavy losses in both lives and equipment upon the Russian Forces.

- 20 Russian soldiers killed. Two Tanks, 2 Canons (1 of them SPG-9) and no injuries amongst the ranks of the Mujahideen and All Praises are to Allah, Mighty and Majestic.

- Russian Forces bombarded the village of Maakhaakati in the district of Vedeno, killing 12 from the residing inhabitants and refugees. In the same day, a rocket fell in a market and killed 3 civilians.

- Continuous bombardment does not cease to continue upon the majority of villages.

- The Russian Forces entered the outskirts of Shamil-Kotar in the district of Vedeno.

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uesday 4th January 20000 Indeed Allah Defends Those who Believe (Main points)

- A failure of an operation was observed by the Mujahideen, where Allah turned back the deception of the enemy to their own directions.

- This operation was for combing the trenches of the Mujahideen on the Serzhen-Yurt front.

- The Russian Forces advanced behind three armoured vehicles and two Tanks. These armoured vehicles carried heavily explosive missiles, which could wipe out trenches by causing an explosion of 300 metres in length.

- When the Russians began to use this weapon against the trenches, an event occurred which healed our hearts: When one of the armoured vehicles was about to launch the missile, the missile wouldn't eject and instead exploded in the core of the vehicle, which was full of explosives and ammunition. It exploded, with whoever was inside it and the magnitude of the explosion resulted in the destruction of the other armoured vehicles and the two Tanks! The whole group of soldiers were killed from those who were present in that locality and the number of killed was no less than 35 soldiers.

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Here we go again. Slogans! If I had a right to vote for Russian president I would not use it this time. Putin looks like candidate number one for dictatorship, Zyuganov is a simple commy.
Just an opinion, Ultra.
Following KPRF policy on Chechnya, all commies should go and fight on Chechen side. This will help the elections alright. 🙂

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Allah sucks! Stop referring to this bastard. It does not even exist when does not suck!

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As to your Sunday, January 9, 2000 - 01:30 am post.

First off, what does Somalia have to do with Chechnya? Did you think you would score some points for the home team? Do you really think I give a rats ass?

Second, get your facts straight before you open that hole that's under your nose. The forces used were Delta force and were US Rangers, NOT US Marines. Two Black Hawk Helicopters were shot down NOT one. BTW, any idiot knows, this includes you, that if you fire enough RPGs at low flying birds you're bound to hit some. You say that they were "badly beaten" well if you call 18 dead and 38 wounded out of roughly 150 elite troops versus 500 dead with estimates of another 1000 wounded Somalis badly beaten than your a bigger idiot than I thought.

Third, their mission was to capture two top Lieutenants from Aidids' clan. Mission accomplished!

Fourth, a mission that was slated to last 3 or 4 hrs ran close to 18 without reinforcements or resupply. I consider this remarkable.

Fifth, as to your assertion to them running with their "tails between their legs", a soldier is told where to go by his Commanders. In this case, Clinton recalled them.

So now that I've responded to your idiotic post, refer any additional ones concerning Somalia to the White House. They direct policy, not me.

NOW, shall we discuss the FIRST Chechen war, you arrogant Fuk? Estimates of 6,000 dead, unknown wounded, 600 missing, numerous "armoured" vehicles disabled, destroyed or even captured. The Russian army humiliated and sent packing and the Chechen province granted de factor independence. Hell, the Somali warloads didn't want to help feed their people so fuk'em in my book. You, on the other hand, are back for round two.

BTW, the last time I looked I was neutural in this conflict and agree that it IS a Russian matter and YES, the terrorist need to be eliminated.

Now....get lost!

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if ever existed, your god would be a scumbag!

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whats wrong with these ex-commie russian army ?

where is the might of the russian army ?

The Russians army with 100,000 or more soldier active in chechnia can't even over come 10,000 Chechnians.

I guess these Russian soldiers who are in chechnia just came out of high schools and are drunk after drinking some vodka.

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dd4.jpg (9 k)

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Loot at these Chechnians

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C:My Documents C:My Documentsdd1.ipgdd1.ipg

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Some Pictures of destroyed Russian APCs.



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A headless Russian soldier

The chechnians are fighting pretty good


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armenian -:
any more intelligent posts you wish to add??
why do you get upset reading the above news?? your eagles are turning to be chickens and rabbits.... what the heck is going on??? the two top generals are fired??? the russian cacualties are three times the announced one... it is year 2000 and i see no freaking russian flag in grozny, on the contrary i see chechens taking back cities like shali,,,, any intelligent answer,, i am so wooried about the mother russia and its EAGLES..

armenian: why dont you go there, you might help out??

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look at this:

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Bosna, I am not upset. All I am saying Allah does not exist and never did. The war in Chechnia does bother me at all. It's over for Chechens. But each time you mention your god here, you'll get this:
••••••• allah never existed!

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