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Archive through January 10, 2000

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Dude, been awhile. Well truth in this case refers to the one in Websters, "facts corresponding with actual events or happenings". I posted a response to an idiot with such "truths" and Igor had a hissy fit. Now he's pouting. I better stop because that could be taken as "insulting" and I sure don't wanna do that. Oops, sarcasm...damn will it never end? 😉

Well on to other things. Peace

Ps: The weather's about the same here in the East too but windy.

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To understand the luntic you must first think like the luntic, to do this you must first become insane, being oh so careful not to forget what sane is.
If you ever new.
If you are able to acomplish this feat you will be able to grasp the thought process of not only many of the major leaders of the world, but also self professed truth-seekers of our day.
The way of our world today, is think like me or be punished one way or another.
What happened to individulism.
A penquin went to the store for an ice cream.
On the way home his car started acting up.
He stopped at a auto garage to get it looked at.
The man and the penquin peered into the engine.
As the penquin bent over some ice cream dropped on the engine.
As the man looked it over, he said to the penquin, Looks like you've blowen a seal. To Which the penquin replyed, Oh no it's only ice cream.

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80 here in Texas, sun shining. Life is Good.

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i say tha becasue:
1) if the serbs tried to get into kosava, they will be met with an organized kosovar army, well prepaired and well trained. And let me tell u and tell others that serbs are even more coward than the pussycat russians. most of the dead in bosnia and kosova were innocent civilians, women, elderly and children. Back in the summer of 95, the bosnian army took back 20% of the land from the serbs in a matter of three months. If it were not for the NATO, the bosnina serbs would be living on the street in Belgrade.
2) The USA is building the second largest military airport in Europe, in kosova. And the USA, for sure, will not let the serbs near it.

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Cowardly Americans and Russians are good at waging long distance warfare while the brave Afghans and the Chechens in terms of raw courage and human bravery can aptly qualify to be labbeled " The Real SuperPower of the World". Let us all salute them for their human bravery.

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Cowardly Americans and Russians are good at waging long distance warfare while the brave Afghans and the Chechens in terms of raw courage and human bravery can aptly qualify to be labbeled " The Real SuperPower of the World". Let us all salute them for their human bravery.

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Back in the summer of 95, the bosnian army took back 20% of the land from the serbs in a matter of three months. If it were not for the NATO, the bosnina serbs would be living on the street in Belgrade.
* Well, one more renowned BSnik.
The USA is building the second largest military airport in Europe, in kosova. And the USA, for sure, will not let the serbs near it.

* Bosna's right - it's a key to "development & prosperity" - if not that, - then this way - Kosovo will prosper - that mil airbase facility is sure to create a booming prostitution "business". Sure, all the profits have to go into the K.-Alb. hands.

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The Meat Grinder is back in action in Chechnya. All supporters of Russia better go elsewhere to another message board. There is nothing to see on this message board except the humiliation of the Russian Army and its stupid generals.

Beleive it or not. The slopes of the Caucasus mountains still shine white with the BONES of the remnant of Russian Army from the days of Imam Shamil who waged a relentless war of independence from Czarist Russia. The mountains of Caucasus are once again reverberating with the battle cry of God is Great. This time Russian Army will retreat from Chechnya in body bags and will NEVER AGAIN SET its feet on the land of the brave Chechens and other mountaineers. Chechnya, Dagestan and whole North Caucasus will be independant.

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"Cowardly Americans and Russians are good at waging long distance warfare..."

I certainly hope so. The "short-distance warfare" usually suggests an execution. Definitely not war.

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Read and weep:

"Rebel spokesman Movladi Udugov said the weekend attacks heralded a change of strategy for the Chechens, who would now focus on partisan warfare and avoid frontal clashes with Russian troops enjoying overwhelming firepower.

``We will strike without respite at their outposts throughout Chechnya, one by one, leaving them no time to come to their senses,'' he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

He said the rebels were firmly holding on to the positions they had captured in the weekend raids.

The commander of Russian forces in Chechnya, Colonel-General Viktor Kazantsev, acknowledged that the attacks might prompt a change in Russian tactics. ''We had a serious discussion today and the necessary conclusions have been drawn,'' he told NTV television. ``I think that in future no such mistakes will be made. In accordance with the situation, tactics will be changed as appropriate.''

Kazantsev said that despite the setback, the Chechnya operation would be completed within two months, as planned."

here we go again" within two months,as planned..." hahahah. what a joke. we though it would take two weeks, three weeks, the new year... now 2 months..
man, this is so funny.

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More scuds for Chechnia are on the way. It is just came on the wire. Per Putin's last decree, Russia can shift more serious weapons in the area. It means, more vacuum and fuel bombs, scuds, strategic bombers, etc. Now Russia is considering terrorism as problem one. Keep your tails between your legs, my brave wolfs.

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How the hell a single article can change my mind. It formed by hudreds.
bosnia will submit as it always did. It is out of the question, dear.

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I understand that Russia has been mobilized for war repeatedly throughout history, but there is one facet of this that I must question. Why is it that the army experiences such huge losses? I don't mean to imply that the army is ineffective or cowardly. Historically, Russia has proven her military might. I mean, is it a tradition to sacrifice so MANY? Is the human life less valuable even when classified under the status of "soldier"?

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To muslim fans, allah does not exist. Otherwise, how would it tolerate your praying asses?

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