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Archive through January 10, 2000

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To muslim fans, allah does not exist. Otherwise, how would it tolerate your praying asses?

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"...So Putin allowed bandits to leave Grozny, ... "
I don't agree. I think the militants sized the ocasion of this Xmass-half-truce and the fog to move out and make surprise attacks. They would never leave Grozny under an agreement with Putin. It's not theyr style.


Hey Mattheson became "British" isn'it?

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armenian & co:

read this about your "chicken eagles", this is from the Washington Post:

"In Grozny, Russian soldiers described danger from ambushes and harassment from snipers. Andrei Kornev, an armored commander, said his tank has been hit three times by grenades.

"We have been fired on from two sides. It was scary, actually. I was in the driver's seat and basically pulled my crew out of there. My boys later thanked me, but at the time my knees were shaking mightily," he said on a television broadcast."

---> His knees were SHAKING,,,, and what: IGHTLY!!!

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Caucasian, armenian and what used to be "igor, the dumb":
read this about your chicken eagles; this is from an article appeared today in the Washington Post:

"In Grozny, Russian soldiers described danger from ambushes and harassment from snipers. Andrei Kornev, an armored commander, said his tank has been hit three times by grenades.

"We have been fired on from two sides. It was scary, actually. I was in the driver's seat and basically pulled my crew out of there. My boys later thanked me, but at the time my knees were shaking mightily," he said on a television broadcast."

---> The knees of the eagle were SHAKING... MIGHTLY.

don't you just LOVE that??? don't you just feel safe if those eagles are supposedly defending you???

don't worry, be happy.

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In the end when Russia kills these bastards they will burn all the dead corpses of the fighters ,actually they will burn under the vapour bombs.hahahahahahaha now what?

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To : Walex

Wars are between armies and civilians are spared but the hypocritical hero of human-rights the cowardly uncivilised Americans and the evil Russians shamelessly bombs in futility schools, hospitals, innocent civilians and even mental-asylums as means to win wars. Soldier to Soldier encounters determines victories as is the case of the classical Chechens. Salute them Man - Salute them for their endurance.

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By Armenian+

When Muslims are praying why do they point their round asses to the place where they think allah lives?

Good point!!!

By Anti Racist
The mountains of Caucasus are once again reverberating with the battle cry of God is Great.

This show the real nature of fondamentalist militant. Shout for war! Pray for war!
Allah will punish you for shouting such a sacrilege on his behalf.

Islamist fighters won't go to paradise were pletore of virgins will wellcome them, BUT TO HELL were there will be raped by pederasts demons for the eternity!!!!!!

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Russians I told you forgot your APC's.

Please come and pick up the dead bodies of Russian soldiers, we are out of space to put them. Please pick up your belongings.





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"We have been fired on from two sides. It was scary, actually. I was in the driver's seat and basically pulled my crew out of there. My boys later thanked me, but at the time my knees were shaking mightily,"

I think this man is a hero because he took care about his live and the lives of his crewmates.
Russia need to see him alive, not dead!
Only assassins would look at him as a coward.

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I'v seen this mesage a few times yet and I don't think it brings anything to this boad.

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A few days ago I thought this board degenerated beyond repair. Fortunately sound messages have been posted these last 24h. It was great to read them.
.....til such a stupid guy named BRITISH started dumping irrelevant pictures to illustrate his intellectual poverty and his mean sentences!

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A Chechian fighter walks near dead Russian soldiers.


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Those arent soldiers. Soldiers wear camoflage uniforms. Ive never seen a soldier dressed in red sweater or yellow or white tshirt British. Nice try, why dont you go drink your cup of tea and sit your hiney somewhere else you royalty ••••.

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Ichthyossaurus say ( December 27 ,1999, 08:15 p.m...." Their Mahomet raped the 9 years old Ayesha when he was 58 years old ...the old satyr died at 62; this girl young enough to be his granddaughter, was deflowerd by Mahomet and the bloody ...boast about it in the Hadish ...etc..."

If it is true, where is Mahomet HEAVEN or in HELL...Do you think Allah gave him the right to rape ?

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Hey Ultra, British is afraid to say what he really is. He is a Brit in his dreams.

Nobody can rape no one even allah because it never was such thing as allah.

British KOZYOL more pictures please!

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