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Archive through January 10, 2000

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"In the 15th century the term Cossack referred to self-governing warrior communities in the Dnieper and Don river regions. Also, it could be applied to the peasants who fled from Muscovia (Russia), Poland and Lithuania preferring dangers and constant war of the frontier to life in serfdom. Anybody could join the Cossacks, if the Cossacks considered him a worthy warrior (there are parallels in other warrior cultures for example, the Iroquois and some other Indians would accept strangers, even whites, as members of the tribe, if they could prove in quite challenging tests that they were "real men"). There is evidence that Cossacks accepted in their communities Tartars, Germans, Greeks, Turks. There was only one condition – believing in Christ. Looking at the last names of Cossacks one can tell the origin of their ancestors. For example: Grekov from Greeks, Gruzinov from Georgians, Millerov from Germans (for example, among Cossacks during the siege of the fortress Azov was a German called Johann. He engineered a tunnel up to the fortress to plant explosives, thereby blowing up the wall allowing the Cossack fighters to engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and take the city), Serbinov from Serbs, Turchaninov from Turks,Tatarinov from Tartars, Polyakov from Poles... All these became Cossacks and only the names tell where their ancestors came from to the Don or Dnieper. Although there is no doubt that the majority of the Cossacks were of Slavic origin."

I did not know the origins of the Cossacks, so I looked up. It is very interesting.

I think you took Ultra Russian Nationalist out of context. I think he was just pointing to the obvious, ie. if war goes bad for Russia, then Putin's chances would be reduced, and Zyuganov's chances would be enhanced. In fairness, it is a bit too harsh to call him "traitor".

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oh and Lenin was probably drinking beer and sitting by a fire place, because no country in its right mind sends their leader to the frontline! Um, Mr. Clinton, you have been drafted sir. Such, Bullshit, come on, you can do better than that.

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Tarastan = Tatarastan

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Turk, you are indeed should recieve a medal or a standing ovation. You are one of the few intellects on this post. I agree with you 100%

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Russian Muslim

Then you are easily swayed. Study the facts. My personal experiences with Somalis have directed my views on the subject.

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Turk is there a post to look at for infomation on Cossacks Thanks

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To Russian Muslim,
You just don't want to go away, ah? 20 milion are not Russian muslims they are Tatars, Abhazians, etc.
>> I am in Britain now.
Being there does not make you British.

P'SHYOL VON DURAK. and never come back, savage.

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I had sympathy before for the muslims :because of those fanatics like you who like war and violence...I hate islam now.

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oo those poor Russian soldiers


This Russian soldier got lucky, he is not headless like this Russian soldier


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I had sympathy before for the muslims :because of those fanatics like you who like war and violence...I hate islam now....( do you believe it..?)

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There are many more, but try this:

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X I agree also. I sympathized with the P.L.O.

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Thanks Turk.

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"This Russian soldier got lucky, he is not headless like this Russian soldier".

British, where is your luck?

Estimable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 108 are the false prophet Mahamed who was a killer ,a raper...a real bastard who is burning in HELL with SATAN.

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