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Archive through January 10, 2000

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Very interesting. Since when bosna signs British and Russian Muslim? Oh yeah bosna you never did spell Tatarstan correctly.

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This is a good one, "Jake Berstein". One more Chechen lover pretending to be a Jew. 30% of Israel came from the USSR. Aren't you one of them? I guess not. Jews don't think this way, you dummy. Your Allah does not exist, never was, never will.

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hey, bosna.
When Muslims are praying why do they point their round asses to the place where they think allah lives? Do you need a financial aid to buy doormats? I worry for your foreheads getting smashed.
I could not find your pathetic little country on the globe. Is it to the left or right of Serbia? Or it is just down below?

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It appears that you miss the message. Of course President Putin will not disregard Russian interests in Russia our any other part of the world. But least we not lose sight of the fact that the average Russian citizen has always been and will continue to be disregarded for the betterment of the chosen as determined by state doctrine. Putin has and will remain true to that logic. He will not change his stripes for he, his cronies, associates, lackies and burocratic criminals will continue to skim all the cream off the top and come back for the bottle. How much might they be making off the crisis in Chechnia at the expense of the Chechnian population as well as those young Russian military conscripts who are starving, freezing and dying FOR NOTHING? Furthermore when this crisis comes to a conclussion can you offer any suggestions as to who will pay for the cleanup and re-building of Chechnia. Putin will go to the World Montery Fund ask for a handout and like those who came before him, give the money to his cronies to launder overseas.

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Rick Stayton,
thank you for being here.
Your brother in Chist.

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Don't speak for all of us for "WE" were not brought up to hate the Russians in the 60's 70's etc. But rather "WE" were brought up to savor our freedom and to know the difference between good and evil and to have freedom of speech, religion and I trust you know the rest. You seem to hide behind goodness and Christ. Do you think for one minute you could voice your religious beliefs in the 60's and 70's in Russia? Be realistic and not such a dam self-inspiring bleeding heart wimp.

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>>Shas Party has decreed that..
Derceed or Ruled? Do you understand the difference between a statement and decree.
Why are you connecting from UK? You sound as "Russian Muslim" to me. Scroll up the messages and you will find yourself under a bunch of other names.
Bye-bye stupidio.
PS death to allah.

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It looks like its all over for the immoral and unmotivated Ruskie commies. 200,000 with superior armor can't fight 2000 lightly-armed rebels. This is a big joke. Another humiliation awaiting.

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"It looks like its all over for the immoral and unmotivated Ruskie commies. 200,000 with superior
armor can't fight 2000 lightly-armed rebels. This is a big joke. Another humiliation awaiting."

How it can look that way? If 200,000 (whatever you say) superior Russians can not fight 2,000 light Chechens then they can't, if they can then can. Either way it's not up to 2000 to decide when or if it's over for 200,000. That's how it looks to me.

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Walex the statements you refer to are made by lunatics

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Poor Igor,

Did the truth hurt to read? I'm glad you won't respond to my posts. Intelligent answers don't come easy from ya, do they?

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No bones I see how you insult everyone who does not agree with you .You are too smart and know everything. lol

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armenian, you little bastart:
read & weep:

it seems the whole plan is messed up with the generals, paratroopers and the monkey infantry????

armenian: i am sure they can use your help and especially the dumb IGOR's.


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What gives? With you being so knowledgeable I was anxiously awaiting your response to my last msg regarding Putin maintaining the best interest of Russia. However, maybe I struck a nerve with you and you knew or now realize that what I said is true. The only other explaination is that you have become sexually aroused by the postings between brain surgeons Bernstein and Mohamed

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