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Archive through January 11, 2000

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yeah watch Springer your family might be on ther .An American phenomena. lolololololol Iwas right you are an idiot

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gotta watch Leafs kick Boston's arse

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Thanks for the link. It made an interesting reading.

I think "Bones" has a point. I still believe it is counter-productive for Russia to keep bombing population centres, plus all those stories about undisciplined troops ransacking houses, demanding bribes, etc. Russian Army certainly not acting in a manner to gain support among the local population.

There is no question on Russias potential in becoming once again an economically strong country, but it won't happen until Russia understands that there are now well established international norms in how a civilised state should behave.

It is worrying to see that Russia is once again adopting a threatening posture echoing the cold-war days.

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A religious cult that set thier own fires and commited suicide! And it's a damn site SMALLER than California!

Get your facts straight IDIOT!

And the bigger the font doesn't make ya look any smarter either!

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Yo, eyesore...

"igor ( - on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 - 08:59 pm:
Law order?? HELLS ANGELS,OUTLAWS,gangbangers, crackheads mafia"

I believe Canada has all the above. Gee wiz!

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Bones>>> Igor gave a somewhat bad example. Think of Mexican-American war.

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You must be a very young boy..because you don't remember Vietnam with his 3 millions victims..It is not so far away...You don't really remember...B52 bombers ,special gaz, napalm ...ETC...

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You've got that right! I don't believe the Mexican-American war was fought over the same reasons as the Chechen war is. Statehood versus terrorist. Chechnya already "enjoyed" de facto independence until those islamic idiots showed up and started their misdeeds. Had they not who knows where Chechnya would be. Do you think Russia would have reclaimed the territory because of the pipelines? That is, if the pipelines WEREN'T tampered with. It does shine a whole different light on the subject, don't you agree? We are after all talking about a lot of oil $. The terrorist/Islamic at that were the catalyst, in the wrong place at the right time? Hmmm....where's Sherlock? 😉

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Never compare Canada and have never been in Canada. Our country is quiet, you can walk at any time of the day in the streets of Montreal and Toronto without being attacked. I have been in all principal cities of U.S.A. and you cannot do the same as in Canada.

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"...once again an economically strong country, but it won't happen until Russia understands that there are now well established international norms in how a civilised state should behave..."

Don't really see a connection between the two. In fact they are not related at all. And certainly Russia will never listen to anybody's trying to teach it what's right and what's not. I am not saying it's good or bad. It's just the way it is..

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"Law order?? HELLS ANGELS,OUTLAWS,gangbangers, crackheads mafia"

Hell Angels are bikers, a group probably long forgotten. In 1969 Stones hired them to guard against ~300K fans during concert in CA. Angels killed one of the fans. That's about all they are famous for.

Outlaw is a synonym for a criminal. Gangbangers and crackheads are slang terms for the crimes that hardly any society can avoid.

Existence of any of this doesn't suggest a lack of rule of law. Without the rule of law those actions would not be even considered as crimes - nothing to violate :-).

Don't you think that the crime by itself doesn't set a red flag. It all depends on a scale. US stand pretty good; unless, of course, you want to ignore details and consider a single digits crime rate and crime rate around the roof to be equally dangerous... This way anyone can make any society lawless - just go there and whack someone.

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Ditto I believe I was debating that before. In Manitoba it is against the law for two bikers to associate and they are arrested. The same laws will be applied in other Provinces real soon.Bikers will not be tolerated.

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I can say the same for Australia, (Melbourne & Sydney). Canada and Australia must be pretty similar. We have here more than 100 different ethnic groups living and working in peace and harmony. 60% of the population is ethnically mixed due to inter-ethnic marriages.

There is a lesson to be learned from Canada and Australia.

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Bones>>> I hate to be the one to tell you, but "oil pipelines" (or even worse - almost nonexistent oil), is an irrelevant argument because Russia building (already did?) another pipeline that goes around Chechnya.

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Outlaws are a bike club that is fighting the Angels for control. The same problem exists in Canada,however their activities are curtailed by police. As a matter of fact on New Years The Rock Machine from Quebec came to St Catherines and partied with the Outlaws. You woudn't believe how many cops were out there and they set up road blocks and checked everyone. Rock Machine is trying to keep Angels out of Ontario so they are allied with Outlaws. Basically the cops said that there is no way they are going into Ontario.

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