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Archive through January 11, 2000

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Your point being?

As I remember it, the South Vietnamese asked for and received military advisors. This is also during the "cold war" era so the stopping of communist expansion was also on everybodies minds, especially in the military. It was also rumored that Kennedy was about to pull the advisors out when he was shot and killed. I think the rest is history. O, I WAS young during the war but I have done extensive reading on the subject except maybe on the political end.

Are you referring to the burn and rebuild statement I made? Well my friend, that was 25 years ago. Times have changed and so has the military. Was that your point?

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Hells website---

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Who was comparing? And I have been in Canada and I have walked on the streets in the USA unmolested. Now who's generalizing?

I was referring to Igor's remarks. Are you saying that Canada doesn't have "HELLS ANGELS,OUTLAWS,gangbangers, crackheads mafia"?

Shall I take time and look up Canadas' crime stats? Naw, I and YOU my friend already know the answer, eh? Remember, keep yer stick on the ice. 😉

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Already seen the path of the new pipeline. I was referring to this.

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If you compare now and 25 years ago ( or 100 years ago), times have changed..but things have not changed. It is always the same old story with human being..american, french or russian. Great contries are fighting first for there interests and when they talk about morality or humanity or legality is usualy because it serve their interest. It look better that way...

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Regarding Cuban boy Elian Gonzales. He should be returned to his father despite the fact that his father resides in Communist country. Instead, they won't return him to his father, they choose to "keep him from harm." That is unfair and proclaiming that USA is number one.

Regarding Chinese illegal immigrants caught in Seattle ports this morning and others trying to sneek in through other cities via cargo containers. You won't keep those innocent peoples because they are from China Communist country. Yet you are asking people from all over the world softly and symbolically that they should come to US, its number one, oh yea. Well i think that all these people ie. Muslims, Chinese, africans, Russians, Irish, Italians, Germans and what ever else you can imagine will come to US. Result, in 10 years America will ban all immigration to states, no more room, no more food, too much crime, families can only have one child law, America destroys itself from within. And it also wants to oversee that Tibet breaks away from China, Taiwan not reunited with her motherland China, Chechnya seceded from Russia, Kosovo from Yugoslavia, including all the other ones that broke away or have autonomy ie. Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia, Croatia the works.... America is trying to achieve global instability, it is trying to break other countries that can compete with it, in the sense that it will be number one, so that politicians pockets can get fatter. It wants to be number one, the source of dependability of the world, the market place of the world where everyone can come and dump there money into. Materialistic swine! NO CULTURE! what is it to be an American? No such thing as American. Real american is native american. Everyone immigrated to America! And Look at this pig America giving examples on how to mass kill unwanted groups. It basically put native americans on reservations and mass moved them across america to desired "piece" of land. Germany got its methods in WW2 in terms of Camps from US when US did same thing to Indians.

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Your statement "Bikers will not be tolerated", now does that mean the 1%er or in general. You DO know the difference, don't you? And will that be a Canadian Law or your law? I just wanna know in case I wanna ride my XLH up there. It's my Harley don'tcha know. 😉

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The C-95 Defence Fund was started in August 1997 to be able to respond to Bill C-95 (Anti Gang Legislation). Incredibly, this amendment to law was drafted, received first, second and third readings in the House of Commons, passed the Senate and received Royal assent, all in less than one week. At first glance, it appears to be a "Mom and apple pie issue". The problem is that no-one gave it a second glance. No Members of Parliament or the Senate questioned it or voted against it.

C-95 gives police extra power regarding wire taps, search and seizure and detention of those it is used against, including extra time in prison for those convicted under it. C-95 was a Bill, hastily conceived and as such it is vague, draconian and if applied equally, could be used against any organization not in favor of the local authorities. It gives the crown the ability to charge the targeted organization for the acts of only some of the individuals belonging to it. As such, Bill C-95 is a dangerous piece of legislation, ripe for abuse.

Do not think that police would never abuse the extra power given them in such
legislation. History tells us that before there were Charter rights in both Canada and United States to control the police actions against accused persons, the police would regularly search without warrant, arrest without cause and beat and coerce confessions from suspects. The Charter of Rights that citizens in both countries currently possess have come about because of the police tendency to take advantage of a convenient and easier way to get results. Police, as it turns out, are no exception to that rule.

If anyone breaks the law they can, if convicted, be punished. There are laws to cover almost everything you can imagine. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms decrees that we have the right to freedom of association. It should never be against the law to socialize with people you choose. We do not need vague and all encompassing laws like C-95. If they can use it against us, they might some day, use it against someone you care about. Perhaps it might even be used against you.

Legislation is for us all. It must be carefully and thoughtfully considered.
~~~ Whosoever makes the laws decides who will become the criminals ~~~

Canadian legislation anti- biker

link ----

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does that answer your question

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Bones are making me laugh. I know U.S.A better than you know Canada. Like everywhere in the world, we have criminal organisations like the HELL'S ANGELS who came from the U.S.A. or MAFIA. But the problem here in Canada is less wide...and we have no ethnic problems.

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Well said ULTRA NATIONALIST. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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x ( - on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 - 10:34 pm

Agreed, and the rich get richer!

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Nice guys eh BOSNA

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"... and the rich get richer!"

Isn't that truly amazing.

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