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Archive through January 11, 2000

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"...there was a fat chance that Russia would became ..."

There's such a thing as cause and effect and therefore what happened had to happen. Even though Vladimir thought he had a choice :o)

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Sorry, I don't have that information.

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I also struggle to see how the hypothetical chance of islamization of Russia (what a nightmare!) defeats what I said about North Caucasus...

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In a year-end article narrating the acts of hate that permeated the 20th century, the Washington Post included a section on the Armenian Genocide entitled "The Forgotten Slaughter." The article quoted a letter sent to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson by a German eyewitness, who said, "And so they drove the whole people, men, women, hoary elders, children, and expectant mothers into the Arabian Desert with no other object than to let them starve to death." Also in Washington, the Armenian National Institute announced that a two-volume Encyclopedia of Genocide has been published that recounts the many acts of genocide perpetrated during the 20th century. The editor-in-chief of the encyclopedia is Dr. Israel Charny, Director of the Jerusalem-based Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide. Commenting on the significance of the publication, Dr. Rouben Adalian who heads the Armenian National Institute, and who is Associate Editor of the publication, said, "This publication will go far in placing the Armenian Genocide in proper context and explain it in relation to the many other terrible events of the 20th century."
[Sources: Washington Post 12-31-99, ANI press release 1-4]

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You misunderstood me. That is not my site. It is one of the other sites on the subject in the net.

I really don't want continue to argue with you/ or others on this subject about who was right or wrong. Neither I, nor you have all the facts. However we can all learn from that and similar incidents.

Let's look at more recent events. Milosevic of Serbia unleashed war on Bosnia, Crotia, and Kosova. He lost all three. Serbia is today an internationally isolated pariah state. But he is still in power. According to Western Sources, he used Serbian Nationalism to stay in power.

So what Nationalism has brought to Serbia. Nothing, but destruction. All those poor people chanting nationalistic slogans, are dead, or homeless. But Milosevic still living in his palace.

You guys, when you will learn. Nationalism is the most stupid thing ever. Give me one single example of success story where nationalism brought happiness and wealth. Most of you are living in Western multi-cultural countries. If you are so nationalistic, what are you doing there? Is it because nationalism is not filling your stomach?

Best way forward is the brotherhood of people regardless of origin, based on freedom, and human rights. Pity historical animosities need to be banished to rubbish bins.

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"...Chechen forces are using a Grozny Baptist church as a military
facility. Islamic militants took over the church in Oktyabrsky
last year and reportedly are keeping prisoners in the basement,
Compass Direct News said.
...A girl who was kidnapped from the church by Chechen soldiers
has been found, Compass said. Church members were caring for
Anja, 13, and her mother, and letting them live at the church.
When the soldiers came, they took Anja and left the mother at the
...Russian troops found the girl last week in an abandoned
building. She had been sexually assaulted, beaten, and "almost
starved to death," a source told Compass. She has been placed
with a Christian family in neighboring North Ossetia.
..."These ladies are loving and caring for Anja now," the source
said. "It's a miracle that she's still alive. Now Anja needs the
prayers of God's people around the world, to be truly healed in
her soul and spirit."

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".... Nationalism is the most stupid thing ever. Give me one single example of success story where nationalism brought happiness and wealth. Most of you are living in Western multi-cultural countries. If you are so nationalistic, what are you doing there? Is it because nationalism is not filling your stomach?..."

You're reading my mind man. That's exactly it! That's exactly why Chechens are taking this cruel punishment right now. And I am not there for example because i don't have a tiny bit of nationalism in me. BUT! I am worried about my Christian brothers and sisters in Serbia, Sudan, Armenia, Egypt, East Timor, Caucasus... And this is just last decade's tragic list.

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An interesting bit of information -- Civilians of Shali declared "Jihad", the holy war, on the bandits that attacked their town two days ago. Though curiously enough they did it after the terrorists were annihilated.

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The commander of Russian forces in Chechnya, Colonel-General Viktor Kazantsev, acknowledged that the attacks might prompt a change in Russian tactics. ''We had a serious discussion today and the necessary conclusions have been drawn,'' he told NTV television. ``I think that in future no such mistakes will be made. In accordance with the situation, tactics will be changed as appropriate.'' Kazantsev said that despite the setback, the Chechnya operation would be completed within two months, as planned." here we go again" within two months,as planned..." hahahah. what a joke. we though it would take two weeks, three weeks, the new year... now 2 months..
man, this is so funny

* Silly Bosna forgot to add (I've got that newsreel) that Kazantzew's words included establishing of an all-round country-wide curfew hours, (since recent attacks proved to be the work of those posing as refugees) tough politics towards "refugees", for which only kids, females and males over 60 will qualify.
Now, that born liar-wishful-thinker Mssr. Udugov will "complain" about refugees.
His knees were SHAKING,,,, and what: IGHTLY!!!
* I've got that newsreel too - any person would be scared after being hit thrice. That tank commander now came to really appreciate the strength of the Russian armour. Bosna, that's poison to You to mention.
don't worry, be happy.

* I wish those 80 "militant" corpses strewn over the yard were able to comprehend Your words before.
man, this is so funny
* But less fun, I guess, than shooting a mortar shell at one's own "bros" and "sis's" in Markale.

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Shamil Basayev says that it is the intention of the Chechen Mujahedeen totally to destroy the Russian aggressors over the next two months

Shamil Basayev said in an interview with Chechen journalists that the Defense Ministry of the CRI has developed and passed a plan for the destruction of the Russian aggressor groupings over the next two months. He noted that the Mujahedeen have the necessary forces and means, and that the aggressors have been able to convince themselves of it in Argun, Alkha-Kala, Shali and not to mention Jokhar. According to Basayev, the Chechen Mujahedeen don't intend to let the aggressors slip away alive. Now the Russian gangs have two choices: either to die or to lay down their arms.

"Gorod Mertvykh" becomes a grave for the aggressors

The Chechen Mujahedeen continue the operation to block Russian terrorist groupings in the area of "Gorod Mertvykh". Blows are directed against the terrorists from mortars and heavy guns. Periodically Chechen Mujahedeen units make a close approach to the aggressor positions and engage in contact fighting with them. During the last three days, 4 more terrorists have surrendered to the Chechens. According to them there are many casualties among the aggressors. Many of them are suffering hard from cold and scabies. One of the Chechen commanders informed that his unit doesn't intend to storm the terrorist positions. According to his words, his present task is to block one of the directions for a possible retreat of the aggressors, and not to allow help to be moved in.

The Russian aggressors will be destroyed on the whole territory of Chechnya

This was said in an interview with Chechen television by CRI Vice President Vakha Arsanov. The Chechen vice president confirmed the liberation of the town of Argun and the village of Mesker-Yurt and the continuation of the military operation in Shali. According to his words, during the fighting for Argun, the aggressors lost about 150 armoured units and more than 400 soldiers. A large amount of ammunition and arms was seized. Vakha Arsanov informed that similar operations will be carried out in the future, too, in order to fully destroy the Russsian criminal gangs and marauders which have invaded Chechnya.

No active military operations in Jokhar City

For five days there haven't been any active military operations in Jokhar. Several Russian aggressor formations are, according to Chechen reconnaissance, in a hurry moving towards Argun and Gudermes. The Russian artillery has also considerably decreased the intensity of shelling. Instead, the airforce continues to bomb the city. The bombing happens especially at night. The aggressors are using vacuum bombs and napalm. Periodically, containers with poisonous military substances explode over the city. The Chechen government forces continue to control the whole city, with the exception of the 36th district of the Staropomyslovski area. Agglomerations of Russian gangs are concentrating in the outskirts of the settlement of Khankala, in Staraya Sunzha, in the 56th district, in the outskirts of the industrial area and the settlement of Chernorechye.

Chechen government forces started a special operation today to liberate the towns of Gudermes and Shali, as well as the village of Achkoi-Martan

On January 9, at 7 p.m. local time, Chechen government forces entered the towns of Gudermes and Shali, as well as the village of Achkoi-Martan. Achkoi-Martan was practically taken without fighting. Military action developed in the outskirts of the village at the road from Samashki. Fierce fighting is going on in Gudermes around the headquarters of the aggressors and in the outskirts of the city in the Tankodrome area. The Chechen Mujahedeen are successful in all directions. As a result of the recent military operation, the Chechen defense forces took under their control Gudermes, Argun, Shali, Achkoi-Martan and a number of other population centres. At this time the operation to destroy the Russian aggressors is still going on in Gudermes, Achkoi-Martan and Shali, as well as the clearing of these population centres of the occupants.

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"tough politics towards "refugees", for which only kids, females and males over 60 will qualify."

You are in fact contradicting earlier claims that Chechen Rebels were isolated from the population, and not supported by the Chechen people. You are in fact saying that Russian army knows that virtually every single Chechen is an enemy.

It is amazing how truth always becomes clear. So Russia is fighting against Chechen Nation.

On another point

"The Defense Ministry put a positive spin on the attacks: They signified Chechen desperation. "When a beast is driven into a corner, his agony starts," said Gen. Valery Manilov, deputy army chief of staff. "

I will say, Russian Army started to look more desperate now.

So USA is a winner once again. Letting two of its foes, Russia and Islamic Rebels, fight it over, while it is slowly, but surely taking over rich oil fields.

Perhaps it is time for Russia to change its tact. Remember the saying: If you can't beat them, join them.

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I am presently viewing your posting from ZYV!*#
which is the 3rd planet from your earth. What is most interesting is your statement that USA is a winner again. Well I must say that USA has always been and will continue to be #1 for it is made up of Russians, Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Irish, Italians, Poles, Asisans, Arabs of all flavors, etc, etc, etc,. What do they all have in common? A desire to bring forth and blend their cultures habits, beliefs and ideas together while maintaining a strong desire to work towards and contribute to a common cause and to maintain their freedom while enjoying a quality life without bigotry, suppression, and hate. This concept must spread throughout your world so that people can live in peace and harmony. This is the only option available for America is quickly filling up and the doors are now closing. Strive for this goal or you will be assimilated.

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