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Archive through January 12, 2000

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Putin the Strongman can easily become Vladimir the Vanquished, and his popularity could plummet if – or, rather, when – the war in Chechnya goes badly. Already, the Russian troops have been brought to a virtual standstill at the gate of Grozny; the poorly trained, ill-treated and underpaid Russian conscripts are unenthusiastic about the war, while the fanatic Chechens, who glory in war and violence as a way of life, are in their element. The conflict has all the hallmarks of a classic quagmire. It is clear, even early on, that this war can only end in another Russian humiliation, an occasion for the worldwide display of Moscow's decline. The Russian bear has walked headlong into a trap.

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The attempted conquest of Chechnya can never succeed for the simple reason that the Chechens are unassimilable. They are ethnically, Religiously, and temperamentally unsuited to live in a single state alongside Russians; their anarchic social structure is completely alien to the Russian mir or collective, and is best suited to the life of nomadic clans. The best solution, as Russian "isolationists" such as General Alexander Lebed have long argued, is separation: build up Russia’s border defenses, but let Chechnya go.

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Even during this age of super computers and electronic gadgets, human motivation and belief in the eternal life and the supreme Creator can play havoc with the so called modern armies who lack any morale and can wither away by the onslaught of the Army of Believers. Chechens have proved this time and again and will definitely triumph in face of insurmountable tasks and an army which is easily 40 times their size and supported by the evil Western powers whose silence and inaction speaks volumes about their complicity in the savagery underway in the Caucasus.

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Chechen mujahideen victories drives Yeltsin to Jerusalem and prompts Putin to become a devoted Christan. Communists rats seeking refuge in churches. Shameless jokers.

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What a horrific condition the Muslim countries are in! The Muslim world is now like a rape victim. Colonization was like the raping trauma, and the Muslim world has never been able to get up and go on with life. The defeat of the Muslim world in its entirety by European powers, who for centuries were seen as backward and barbaric, has had really devastating effects.

Now in the Muslim world, Muslims seem to dress in pale imitation of Western people. Some look like caricatures of Western people. This is indicative of the state of some Muslims who aren't very inspiring anymore.

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For some reason i cannot post anything under my ip or whatever the case may be. Does anyone know why?

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perhaps one of you prostitutes reported me to administrator for some reason? Getting tired of me? Well we'll see what i have to say and do about that.

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Even the worst of the Muslims state is better than the best of the Western states in terms of the psychological health of an individual is concerned. Comparatively the Muslims constitute the purest form of societies. Devoid of Islamic influence, The unfortunate Americans and Europeans are in a state of animalistic way of living or even worse as "Gays and Lesbians" do not exist in the animal kingdom.

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By adder21 ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - 11:43 am

They are ethnically, Religiously, and temperamentally unsuited to live in a single state alongside Russians; their anarchic social structure is completely alien to the Russian mir or collective

Hmm, actually 2/3 of chechens choose to live outside Chechnia, could it be because they want to avoid "nomadic clan" athmosphere?

The best solution, as Russian "isolationists" such as General Alexander Lebed have long argued, is separation: build up Russia’s border defenses, but let Chechnya go.

While I support the current campain idea (not the way it's conducted) I also agree that Chechnia should be amputated from RF, on a few conditions of course I posted previously (current campain tries to address them).


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By Faiz Khan ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - 12:52 pm:

Chechen mujahideen victories drives Yeltsin to Jerusalem and prompts Putin to become a devoted Christan. Communists rats seeking refuge in churches

Errrmm..... Hey look! I just saw a crocodile flying towards north pole; Hey listen! the shark in my aquarium made a farting noise:-)


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Ok, in retaliation to this counter attack by chechen rebels, we will drop incinerator bombs on districts of Grozny. Now, ini, mini, miny mo.

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By adder21 ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - 01:27 pm:

The defeat of the Muslim world in its entirety by European powers, who for centuries were seen as backward and barbaric, has had really devastating effects.

Yet, the colonisation of "barbaric" southern Europe by Ottoman Empire had very little effect (except Italians and Spanish became a little "darker ;-). It's very easy to blame someone else for your own troubles

Now in the Muslim world, Muslims seem to dress in pale imitation of Western people. Some look like caricatures of Western people. This is indicative of the state of some Muslims who aren't very inspiring anymore

Then again, I am sure Afganistan welcomes people with "correct" imitation under its wing. There one can practice the beliefs for the whole day plus their society is free from Western barbaric unmuslim-like garbage such as computers.


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This is just a question for everybody:
Media has been reporting that tens of thousands of Chechen refugees has come back to Chechnya while the same media keeps on telling us about the same 200,000 + of them still living in Ingushetia - the same amount as before! How can this be possible?
Would appreciate the answer.

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Faiz Khan

We all know the beautiful(???) society you have in you islamic country...Why are you living in America now? Go to Algeria or Soudan or Egypt ...No liberty ...nothing to eat..afraid of the ayatola assaholla ?

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