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Archive through January 13, 2000

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L.A.>>> What can you expect from people who take pride in this sort of thing.

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Hi “British”,
You want to see Chechen jackal-flag over Moscow? So did Hitler, and he had a little bit more soldiers than you.
Every day more and more fanatics got shot, burned or run over by tanks. And, little bastards, wait until you will get taste of vacuum bombs. Brave, victorious BBQ’ed ducks..
It will come so fast... Hungry and wet little bastards are sitting in the cave, angry at whole world, without electricity or water, filthy and cold. Scared, they listening to the sound of the plane, then light impact and before they start barking “Fuckkkbarrr-fuckkkbarr” all air around them will explode.
Rabid jackals will not bite any more.
P.S. “British”, “British”...When your mother was impregnated, only one British thing was around - defective British condom. Is your real nationality so offensive? Or you even do not know it, you, hairy excuse for late-term abortion?

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BONES You called me an idiot for saying this----WASHINGTON

magine if a self-proclaimed Comanche Republic arose in south Texas, began kidnapping people and holding them for ransom, televised the beheadings of its captives and sent terrorists into our biggest cities to blow up apartment buildings.

How should we respond?

Negotiate, says Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican seeking the GOP's 2000 presidential nomination. At least, that's his demand upon the new acting president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, as Putin tries to suppress an uprising in Chechnya.

If the newly installed Putin does not ease up on the Chechens, McCain says, the U.S. should withhold the aid that might help Russia, at long last, embark on real democratic and economic reform.

Talk about a counterproductive policy! America has a far greater stake in a friendly, stable though democratically imperfect Russia than it does in a quasi-independent, inevitably hostile, gunrunning, drug-smuggling, historically terrorist Chechnya.

And now, my apologies to the Comanches. Russia's Chechen terrorists are far crueler, and far more dangerous to the world's safety, than the Comanches ever were. In their murderous depredations against their neighbors in Russia's northern Caucasus, they make Slobodan Milosevic's Serb goons of Kosovo look like a Red Cross team.

Yes, the Chechens have suffered over the centuries at the hands of the Russians. They were conquered in the 18th and 19th centuries, subjugated, communized and then deported en masse during World War II — after they collaborated, en masse, with the invading Nazi army.

And, yes, innocent Chechen civilians are suffering now as the Russian Army tries to crush the insurrection. They should not be blamed, as a people, for crimes committed by terrorist bands.

But neither can Russia negotiate a political solution with the Chechen terrorists. The Chechens are not about to surrender their dream of independence. Even if defeated, they promise to wage guerrilla war from the hills until they drive the Russians out.

In the past three years of relative autonomy, no one in Chechnya has been able to restrain the murderers among them. Chechens have twice invaded Dagestan. They engaged in ethnic cleansing of Christian Georgians. They have kidnapped and beheaded journalists, communications workers and aid workers. They are blamed for blowing up apartment buildings in Moscow and Volograd, killing 300 people.

An independent or semiautonomous Chechnya would quickly join the ranks of the rogue states that McCain and other Republicans are so quick to condemn. On the basis of Chechen conduct so far, independent Chechnya would be a militant Islamic republic that has no compunction about attacking its neighbors, running guns, carrying out kidnappings and profiting from crime.

Russia's brutal war against the Chechens has brought out an ugly side of Russian society: a near-racist cheerleading, even among the most democratic Russians, for the cruelest actions by the Russian Army.

But Chechnya also is bringing about a disconcerting side of American politics: the instinct that anybody who fights against the Russians somehow deserves our sympathy.

For years, we told the Russian people we had no quarrel with them; we only opposed their repressive Communist system. Now it looks as if we cannot give up the Russians as our eternal enemy. Guess it makes you stupid

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BONES I will be waiting for your reply.

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Posts: 1518 good reading

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 151 Nato investigated for war crimes in Serbia

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Dear Igor,
McCain serves to the same group of people who will benefit from prolong fighting between Muslims and Russians.Same people put Clintons to Washington D.C., same people bombed Yugoslavia...
And McCain even does not know where Chechnya is.

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(R), Igor,
Thanks for your links, althouh I will not visit them - I've seen enough bloody corpses here. I only hope that Russia will be able to finish this nightmare off quickly.

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"Poor Commie Russians can't even deal with the Chechnian fighters and they are dreaming to fight with the Americans."

I don't think that Russians are experiencing such dreams. As well as Americans (it would be quite an "I have a dream" speech, wouldn't it?).

And what is that "even" emphasizing? Isn't that a bit derogatory, like Chechens are the weakest adversary possible.

This board is quite a masquerade - there are "Roger" who pretends to be a Christian Conservative, "Jake" posing as Jewish Orthodox and "British" pretending to represent British point of view. I have a few acquaintances among all 3 groups and based on my experience I'd say that the ideas published here in their names would be considered by them the most bizarre ones. And wording would be considered plain impossible.

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Cossack you got that right. Russia needs to get rid of I.M.F. funds because with that money they keep you down. You see how they keep all the rest of the former east blocks down(Romania, Ukraine,etc)It is in U.S. intrest to keep them that way, then they will ask for aid.Once they get aid they are on the hook. I hope Putin is a man of his word and builds up military because the way I see it Russia is still the enemy and should not get fooled about this "I am your friend) crap.

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This m0therf0cker of "British" blocked the board yesterday by posting ten times the same stupid pictures. Next time I will ask the administrator to block him!

The mountains of Caucasus are once again reverberating with the battle cry of God is Great.
This show the real nature of fondamentalist militant. Shout for war! Pray for war!
Allah will punish you for shouting such a sacrilege on his behalf. Islamists fighter won't go to paradise were pletore of virgins will wellcome them, BUT TO HELL were there will be raped by pederasts demons!!!!!!

Someone posted this: When Muslims are praying why do they point their round asses to the place where they think allah lives?

Please do not think I'm against islam but I'm fed up of extremists and Allah's terrorists

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Hey Cossack, i know we have our differences and all but that was some funny •••• that you told to British.

Igor, that is a ••••••• crazy sick •••• site, what the ••••??? That guy got ••••••• stabbed in goddamn neck, i first was surprised, then started to laugh, then realized it was serious.

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Igor, Cossack
I fully agree with you that Russia doesn't need IMF. They should build the economy from inside.
From new mentality, new way of doing business as Putin put it.

BUT, they pretty much f***ked up the IMF and the western capitalism in suking up all the money into a vacuum and with this monetary crisis!
It's russian way to defend itself.
No, I'm not kidding!
white colar mafia way but effective protection against west grips.
They set up a deadly trap in letting know the ruble is a currency while it isn't and while there is no native rusian to beleive it is. Isn't it?

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It shows the Chechens as freedom fighters lololololol Seriously I could not sleep after I saw it. It made me want to kill everyone of them .My dog had a fight with a bull mastif-rottweiller cross .He broke one of his nails on back foot. This was the 3rd time and I used an asp to crack the dog, the damn bar actually broke. I figured I might as well end it before it got to be a fight to the end. Now I have to go get a court order to have that dog be put on a leash.I was scared to let mine go because he hates blacks and the owner is black. Between the dogs they weigh 295 lbs,mine 140 and his 155. Plus if I let him go he would kill it.

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"... Guess it makes you stupid"

Personal views of Lars Nelson republished here from NY Daily Opinion page doesn't make anyone stupid. Unless making questionable statements about Chechen-Nazi collaboration qualifies for that.

Chechen drive for independence and Russian needs to preserve the territorial integrity and to control this strategic region are enough reasons for the war. The style of this war on both sides is most unfortunate, but it is "Big Guy" who is always under magnifying glass in such conflicts. And I don't think that this is unfair.

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