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Archive through January 13, 2000

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Walex I gave Bones basically the same example and he called me a fool,now some one else gave pretty well same example so I guess I wasn't the fool. He said that he U.S. wouldn't do the same thing as Russia and I mentioned WACO. Your damn right U.S. would have same response if this happened in States.

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U.S. globalization.

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Dear Tovarish Ultra Russian Nationalst

Thanks for your pictures. I will not exactly say they are not relevant but an attached comentary would be apreciated. I like them anyway.
Stalin souvenir, militsia (this one look a little bit webcam) ...

This board is not only a masquerade, someone also said it's the best zoo on line!
It's highly biodegradable but autorecovering as well.

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>>>----U.S. globalization.
it a link to American Socialist (or workers) party. I saw some of them at the demonstration in San Francisco. Those are strange bunch of aged hippies :-). You don't want to use their sites for reference. I would expect Ultra to do it.

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FredDeLingue, i will make a note to myself to write stuff along side with pictures in future.
That is, if they ever let us use images on here again. I think administrator saw that we post too many pics and talk too few so he removed format image option. Someone can prove me otherwise by posting a picture right now...

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Wow, we really have a family here, a really somewhat close knitted group of opinionists, ideologists and commoners. Igor, Armenian, myself, FredDeLingue etc. We work in harmony like an orchestra

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I tried to understand, but I can't, really can't. How can american fanatics call Russia evil empire when they were bombing Serbia, breaking UN rules?

The Moral of Double Standards (I, NATO can do this, and you, evil Russia, can not) is the thing that is unacceptable to me.

Russia is doing right, even your beloved president Clinton admitted this. If you do not agree with Russia's actions in Chechnya, then how can you agree with NATO's actions in Yugoslavia? And also, Europe is forgetting about Yugoslavia is not a part of NATO, and Chechnya is a part of Russian Federation.

P.S. Someone told here that a number of nuclear weapons and soldiers is not making Russia a great superpower. 🙂 Well, well... Do not forget also, that USA is the ONLY country in the world, that USED NUCLEAR WEAPONS. So who is the evil empire? :))

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Dear Stanislav V. Devyatovskiy,

The answer to your question is quite simple in my opinion. The evil one is U.S. I can agree on all your points. Keep sharing the same opinions and viewpoints as me. I have been here, oh i dont know, one month, its quite fun, "everyone" listens to what you have to say.

Oh and by the way, dont forget to visit

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Igor, so how did you find that website?
Just randomly experimenting? You just type in Anyways, i think all those videos are proof to Bill Clinton, not that he is or anything, not to step into Russia's affair.
I still think the one where the guy gets his neck
STABBED and it starts to SQUIRT a little bit, the most UNCOMFORTABLE to watch.

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I hope that no russian soldier will return from chechenya. but as always, russia will never say the true numbers of russian soldiers killed. just as in WWII. but everybody knows, that russians already lost thousands of soldiers, while rebels
lost maybe few hundred.

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I want to bring my apologizes to all participants of this forum, except 'British' and 'Turk' (if I've insulted them). I agree with those things, that Igor and Cossack are saying. And also, I admit, that there exist such facts as Russian nationalism, but it is a very minor quantity of Russia's society.

2British, you were saying:
"Poor Commie Russians can't even deal with the Chechnian fighters and they are dreaming to fight with the Americans. "

First thing is: RUSSIANS are not COMMIE already, stupid! Wake up, it's 2000 now, you were sleeping ten last years!

Second, why do you think that American soldiers are more offensive capable than Chechenian fighters? I know about Vietnam and North Korea. So you can don't remind me about Afghanistan and first Chechnya's campaign. Cause the point is not that Vietnam's or Korea's or Afghan's or Chechnya's partisans are brave, good, strong and smart. The point is that they used partisan tactics. This tactics is extremely effective against police operations (when soldiers care about civilian population). You try to understand that if Russian army would receive an order to eliminate any criminal fighter at the Chechnya's territory, IGNORING civilian's losses, this operation would be finished in two weeks. So you've got the reason of failures in Chechnya.

I don't know about any successful USA soldiers' operation. USA wanted to invade Serbia with land troops, but they didn't it. I'm not saying that American army is nothing, I'm saying, that its power is mostly based on air and sea forces(and nukes, of course). Land forces of NATO army are ... hmm much weaker... and are not capable of dealing with Russia.

Third, we do not actually seek the war with the West. Russia is just protecting its "vital interests" (as USA likes to say) in Chechnya. So, my dear Turk, you are wrong, wrong, wrong.

You should not forget the photos of four heads of british men.

P.S. My email:

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" I hope that no russian soldier will return from chechenya. but as always, russia will never say the true numbers of russian soldiers killed. just as in WWII. "

(not chechenya, but Chechnya)

You, before making such wishes, you think twice! Because if you are wishing death to our soldiers, you are with murderers islamists, that are killing children and women without any doubts! And you should be killed too, as a murderer. So, come, come in Chechnya, make your Jihad against Russia and you will be dead like thousands of guerillas and arabic mercenaries. And chechen people will curse you, like they are cursing extremists already, and they will help Federal army to kill those like you, because they want civilized life, and they are tired of war.

P.S. by the way, Russia has nothing against islam. The religious leader of islam in Russia agreed with Russia's actions in Chechnya. Because those bastards are shaming the Islam as religion.

"but everybody knows, that russians already lost thousands of soldiers, while rebels lost maybe few hundred."

Oh, yeah, sure. Chechens are invincible, they are god-like, they are angels.. You are insane, indeed.

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>>I hope that no russian soldier will..

You are absolutely right, especially about Chechen losses. According to some sources (Slovakian), Chechens lost less than a hundred heroes. Which makes heavy weapons, aircraft and missiles useless in a modern war. Industrialized countries should consider modernization of their armies; back to bows and arrows.

Also about your hope. Russian soldiers will not return back to Russia after this war before paying a visit to Slovakia. If you consider how good your army equiped compare to Russians, you should lose the entire male population in just a week. Dream on, military specialist!

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What the hell are you talking about?. When you say someone is wrong, you should be little bit more specific, so that they can reply if they want to.

On a second point, how can you lump me with "British". No offense to him, but I couldn't see any connection. Unless you are another idiot who hates someone just because of his ethic origin, or what happened 100 years ago, it is hard to understand where are you coming from.

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I know I am a bit late in bringing back this topic, but your example of ethnic conflict in Canada wasn't a good one (re. Igor vs. Somalian neighbours). Having a conflict requires both sides, but I am sure Somalians are ignoring Igor, or Igor wasn't game enough to let the Somalians know how he was feeling about them.

This is not ethnic conflict. It is a bigotry on Igor's part.

Grow up Igor. Most likely your grandparents were treated like you want to treat Somalians when they first arrived in Canada.

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