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Archive through January 13, 2000

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ohaya, k-san
did you hear from louisiana lately? (grin)
as for ultra-russian etc.
for one, i'd be glad if you didnt take up so much space w/your pix. if someone else complained, they beat me to it.
i dont feel like going back to check, but i defy anyone to prove that native american "internment/concentration/?" camps were any "inspiration to the nazis for their death camps". were there even such camps for native americans? they were treated shamefully enough w/o that fiction. so PROVE IT! come correct or dont come at all. -_-
berstein, you're still pathetic.
matthesson, see above.

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If Russians are not commies , what are they? Democrats? All Russian and CIS leaders are former communist apparatchiks. The revolution that supposedly toppled communism was fake and one of the biggest joke of the century. The former communist bosses should have been shot by firing squad. Failure to do so will lead to untold misery for Russians for years to come. A 'real' revolution has already started in Chechnya and this will eventually bring justice to all Russians and put the final nail in the coffin of communism. With war criminal and mafia thug like Putin in command , no Russian is safe. Read this in yesterdays's ABC news.
A rocket hit a market stall, killing a young man and injuring two young girls. When I was taken into the nearby apartment block to try to help the victims, I couldn’t understand how the people could navigate through the pitch-black interior.
When I came to the open window where a sobbing girl lay, I turned around to thank the crowd of elderly Russian men and women pressing around me. I could not understand why they stared at the ceiling. Then someone told me. They were all blind. I was in an apartment for the infirm and elderly.
They didn’t complain, they only asked me one question: “Why does the world not care? We are Russians being killed by Russians.”
This is the slaughterhouse that is Grozny. A war we endorse by silence and pay for with billion-dollar loans to Russia.
In Shali, as Russian tanks encircled the city, I was invited to tea. The Chechen family wanted to make sure I had enough homemade jam and fresh bread to eat. “Would I like more tea?” they asked. “No, thank you,” I said. I had to leave before the Russians came. Tank fire was exploding down the street. I asked them what they would do. “What can we do?” they answered

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The whole "you used a nuclear bomb, thus you're evil" argument is exhaustive. The United States has been chastized countinuously for using the bomb twice. I must object to the use of the second bomb. However, the use of the first is legitimized. And before everybody begins to believe I am some sort of demon, I must offer an explanation.
A nation is left to its own devices during times of war. Especially in a war which consumed the entire world. A war which showed the face of destruction to millions of people across the world. The collective consciousness of America revolved around minimizing losses to its own soldiers (this is something that Russia never considered). When the cumulative evil of war has gripped a nation, the self-interests of the nation are put to the forefront of all agendas. This interest was to disregard Japanese lives and focus on the American soldiers. I find it remarkable that nobody makes note of the German reaction to the Russian occupation of Berlin. The Red Army was not greeted with open arms, nor did they enter the city to spread their goodwill.
Another fact that remains important to discuss is the availability of the bomb to the US. If other countries had this technology, would they use it? Especially when it came to saving the lives of soliders within the particular country? That is, except Russia, where it was quite acceptable to throw an entire platoon directly into the line of machine-gun fire.

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"What the hell are you talking about?. When you say someone is wrong, you should be little bit more specific, so that they can reply if they want to."

I meant British is wrong,of course, not you. (sorry, my mistake).

"Unless you are another idiot who hates someone just because of his ethic origin, or what happened 100 years ago, it is hard to understand where are you coming from."
----And not long time ago, Turk said---
"You slavic people who is living in Western countries, observe and learn."

So, you're saying you're another idiot who hates someone just because of his slavian origin? Or I understood you incorrectly?

"If you can not control your hysteria, what hope those who live in Russia, Serbia, etc. could have in taking a civilised stance in the Chechnian war."

Yes, you, Turk should learn too, how to deal with Kurds. I don't see any protests against Turkey's behaviour, why should that be? Maybe because you are a member of NATO, and Russia is not?

"USA is handing over an area vital to its interests..."

This is what I meant in that letter. "Vital interests", if this phrase excuses every USA's action, then consider Chechnya as a region of VITAL INTERESTS of Russian Federation. Not good enough to you, why?


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TO amtullah,
Could you please post more curses of yours? Loved it! Very entertaining! Hah!

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"...I'm saying, that ... Land forces of NATO army ... are not capable of dealing with Russia."

Look... How do you propose to verify that?!

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Anti Racist wrote:

If Russians are not commies , what are they? Democrats?"

Well, not exactly. But we are trying to go in the way of democracy.

All Russian and CIS leaders are former communist apparatchiks. The former communist bosses should have been shot by firing squad.

We all lived in socialistic block. So, we all should
have been shot? 🙂 Don't you accept the idea of changing ideology?

The revolution that supposedly toppled communism was
fake and one of the biggest joke of the century.

Not very funny joke. Because all could be much more harmless to economics.

revolution has already started in Chechnya and this will eventually bring justice to all Russians and put the final nail in the coffin of communism.

I don't see any connections between Chechnya's war and remains of communism.

With war criminal and mafia thug like Putin in command , no Russian is safe.

I agree that Yeltzin is criminal. But I can't agree with you when you are calling Putin a mafia. Putin is an ex-KGB kernel, and then FSB director. Well if he is a mafia, then I'm too! 🙂 Speaking seriously, I do not trust ABC and BBC channels (and many our press, too).

The reason of West's officials dislike of Putin is that Putin is strongly protecting Russian interests in the world politics. Yeltzin was old and drunk, but convenient to West. And West has that influence to Putin, so this dislike is understandable to me. But the most Russian people trust him and he didn't disappointed us yet.

Read this in yesterdays's ABC news.

I will, thanks for the link.

A rocket hit a market stall, killing a young man and injuring two young girls. When I was taken into the nearby apartment block to try to help the victims, I couldn’t understand how the people could navigate through the pitch-black interior...skip..

I'm sorry about the victims of the war. But we all also understand that the war without civilian victims is impossible (remember Kosovo). Federals are trying to minimize losses of both soldiers and civilian population, but it is not always possible. At last, we cannot accuse only federal army in this, the reason of this war is chechen rebels.

They didn’t complain, they only asked me one
question: “Why does the world not care? We are
Russians being killed by Russians.”
This is the slaughterhouse that is Grozny.

The war is never good. But it is necessary. I saw the cadres of camera shot, when terrorists shot off fingers to their hostages.. Their hostage was even 2-year boy, who was resqued in a special operation.

A war we endorse by silence and pay for with billion-dollar loans to Russia.

Those loans must be halted. Because we are growing more and more dependable through these loans. And refuse of loan's politics would help our economics to set us free.

I asked them what they would do. “What can we do?” they answered

They can enter Russian-Chechen militia and help federals to finish this operation as soon as possible. There is always something that they can do. And no one wishes death to innocent people. It is the bloody face of all wars in the world.


P.S. Where are you from?

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I agree with you about Russia's intersts. It is hypocritical of the US to denounce Russia's actions with such an enthusiasm. The double-standard in handling foreign affairs must be abolished in American politics. Russia must do what it can to re-assert herself. However, conflicts in the Duma must be received with the same attention as this war. Strangely, a sense of solidarity among the Russian people and the legislators seems evident in such a time of war. Perhaps the legislators can assemble a useful methodology once this conflict is over. Its remarkable how war can bring a nation together. Historically, Russia has fared well in terms of solidarity during times of war. However, it's during the times of peace that more progress must be made. After all, a country cannot become involved in war all the time.

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The whole "you used a nuclear bomb, thus you're evil" argument is exhaustive.

Yes, but I've said this not to prove USA is evil. I've said this to show that every one has a dead corpse in it's secret room, ok? And USA can't claim itself a world's moral etalon.

The collective consciousness of America revolved around minimizing losses to its own soldiers (this is something that Russia never considered).

You're right, losses of soldiers is not acceptable, and this is what we have to learn from USA tactics. You can see, this second campaign has much less losses than first one. We are learning the things, that is the best in USA.

I find it remarkable that nobody makes note of the German reaction to the Russian occupation of Berlin.

Well, you have to admit, that nuclear bombardments and usual troops occupation are a little different.

Another fact that remains important to discuss is the availability of the bomb to the US. If other countries had this technology, would they use it?

Maybe - yes. But other countries aren't claiming themselves as a saints.


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After all, a country cannot become involved in war all the time.

You're right, through all history, Russia was always in the war. Maybe it is our destiny, or our curse, but we do not seek the war. Russia wants peace.


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"...I'm saying, that ... Land forces of NATO army ... are not capable of dealing with Russia."

Look... How do you propose to verify that?!

Of course, it is my humble opinion, but it seems to be true. During the WW2 Soviet Army received giantic experience in the large-scaled land war. USA has not such an experience.


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No creature on earth licks Russian ass like an


Desperate to belong!!

poor miserable wretch!

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"Of course, it is my humble opinion, but it seems to be true. During the WW2 Soviet Army
received giantic experience in the large-scaled land war. USA has not such an experience."

With all respect, I wouldn't put that experience to work for my chances. First, practically everything has change since then, escpecially in terms of strategy and weaponry. And second, Soviet Army won no battle then without a huge advantage in the number of troops, so your argument would be more appropriate to cheer German military skills.

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