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Archive through January 13, 2000

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To prove what Faiz KHan? to prove that we are gonna kick your ••••••• ass! And you chechens will
all burn from incenerator bombs, only hoes are here are the ones in chechnya, Russian soldiers pimping muslim militants and getting fabulously wealthy. Afghans won there Phyrric War that they wanted so much. Chechens will get same indescriminate bombing as afghans, only in this scenario, no Chechen will emerge victorious. Perhaps victorious because he surrenedered and joined Russians side to combat Terrorism!

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so... anti-Internation War crimes tribunal/organizations accuse Russia of war crimes? You should see the freaking video i saw yesterday that Igor showed me. Where Chechen is slicing and dicing a Russians head! What do you call that? Dont ignore it, and accuse us of that bull shitt. Otherwise we will go at you with full force and a gun barrel up your ass.

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Hehe, i just saw news that 68,000 prostitutes were arrested in Moscow alone, my city, last year. 56% Russian, 29% Ukranian, and others such as Moldovian etc. Im glad i will go to Moscow in summer for visit and find myself some nice ladies. Im not denouncing us, i just find it funny that its a haven for so many prostitutes. A lot of sex, healthy, i think.

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In another move to weaken the rebels, Russia this week declared that all males in Chechnya between ages 10 and 60 would be investigated for possible involvement with the rebels, and be barred from entering or leaving Chechnya.

``The Russians are barbarians,'' said Lyoma Gibishev, a Grozny resident who was refused entry to Chechnya at a crossing point in Ingushetia. ``They're demonstrating their helplessness, vulnerability and also their inhumanity.''

New York-based Human Rights Watch protested the Russian measure and the U.S. State Department asked Russia for clarification of the new regulation.

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I can categorically say that I don't hate slavic people. Where did you get this idea? But this doesn't mean that I shouldn't be critical when I see war crimes are being committed by slavic countries, such as Serbia in Bosnia, and Russia in Chechnya.

"Yes, you, Turk should learn too, how to deal with Kurds."

Well, If Russia dealt with Chechnya as Turkey was dealing with PKK, then there would not be much complaint, would it? After all, Turkish Army is not indiscriminately bombing civilian population centres, or detaining whole Kurdish male population. Try another example.

""Vital interests", if this phrase excuses every USA's action, then consider Chechnya as a region of VITAL INTERESTS of Russian Federation."

I am not American, so can't speak for USA, however I observed that USA was able to handover Panama canal, despite it being vital to its interest. I yet to see Russia do the same while it is in a strong position. Don't give me examples of Baltic States. There Russia left only after loosing cold war.

For centuries Chechnya is fighting against Russia, never accepting being a part of Russian Empire. Russia should accept this fact and let Chechnya be free.

In my University years, I read a book written by Lenin. Main point of the book was as a nation enslaves another nation, that nation condemns itself being a prisoner of this enslavement. So Russia should let Chechens free to free itself.

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Dear brothers,

This board is going nasty. Mind your words please when you refer Alah, God etc. It is for your own good. What you gain in using foul words?.

Pls use this board in a reasonable way. Discuss the issue. Mohammed, you better repent for what you wrote on Allah & Mohammed. You are just spiting upwards laying flat on the ground causing it to fall on your face.

Brothers, be decent and gentle and understanding.

"We belong to God and to Him is our return". I request no body use foul words on the Creator.
Every body has to answer to his Creator after death. Judgement day/Resurrection day is true.

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Pol pot, Putin, Clintone, you, me... all have to answer for each and every deed he did in this life. This is a fleeting life. i.e. temporary. Life after death is eternal.

We are all created to test who is right in deed. All creations worship the Creator. There is only one God and the Judgement day is true.

Hence; believe in the Oneness of God and in the Hereafter. That is the basic. No one will bear the burden of other.
"There are more things in the heaven and earth than are dreampt in your philosophy".

Thank you.

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Faiz Khan

Tell me: Why are you living in america now? You don't feel the contradition?

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Faiz Khan

Tell me: Why are you living in america now? You don't feel the contradition?

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Faiz Khan

Tell me: Why are you living in america now? You don't feel the contradition?

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"In the 1994-96 war, which ended with Russian forces withdrawing from Chechnya, security police used notorious "filtration" centers, a euphemism for concentration camps, to detain, interrogate, and it has been alleged, eliminate suspected rebels.

There have been no documented reports of such camps being used in the current war - so far. But as the Russians apparently target the entire male population of Chechnya as potential enemies, their reappearance may be a matter of time."

for the whole article.

"The president of Ingushetia on Thursday blasted Russian policy in Chechnya, saying the separation of Chechen males aged 10-60 from their womenfolk equalled the worst excesses of the Stalinist era."

""Even during the Stalin era, when the Chechens were deported, nobody took it into their heads to do what the Russian military are doing right now," Aushev told AFP."

It seems that for Russia to win this war, they need to eliminate whole Chechen Male poulation. A proposal even Russia can not achieve in the 21st century.

The only solution is for Russia to negotiate an end to the war, and let Chechnya be free. This will bring credit to Russia not humiliation as some might think.

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If the Russians truly believe that Chechnya is a part of Russia,they should send in 50.000 infantry and storm Grozny regardless of casualties.I don't care how good those Chechens are as urban gerillas - nobody can withstand a 20:1 superiority in numbers!!!
On the other hand if they(the Russians)think it possible to capture the city by bombing and shelling - they've got another thing coming.

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If a russian army is sooo good, how come they are still fighting and did not win yet?
Why were 2 russian generals disbanded?
because russian military is as weak as it can possibly be. and another thing, explosions in Moscow were not done by the chechen terrorists, but by the russian government. russians can't win this war. they're too weak. if they can't defeat an army of less than 2000 in Grozny, while they have more than 50,000 plus tanks, airforce and artillery, something is wrong. they can't fight or maybe they are afraid to fight. you tell me.
i'm not islamic and no terrorist. but when I heard that russian government is responsible for bombings in Moscow, i changed my mind and that's why i don't want russians to win. russian started war against chechnya. remember that.

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To Armenian:
The Russians don't have 50.000 soldiers in Grozny
they have them outside Grozny - there is a huge differrence.
It means that there is no political will in Moscow
to take responsibility for large losses in case of
an infantry assault on the city.

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and i forgot one more thing. i was reading a message by someone. he wrote: if not ignoring civilian losses, the whole campaign would be over in 2 weeks.
WRONG! russians are killing civilians with machine guns. they are killing them while they are on their way to refugee camps. so where is that big care about chechnya population?
to russians, only one thing matters: doesn't matter if we loose one million troops or few thousands. we just have to win no matter what.
stalin and germans were good at least for something: germans killed millions of russian soldiers, and stalin, as all russian dictators, killed millions of his own people. too bad germany loosed the war.

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slovak,'re soooooooofacking weak..just like your tiny piece of sh1te country(that is of course if someone can call it a country)..RUSSIA IS BIG(in all aspects - good and bad..I am proud..yea..)

And you're from Slovakia? Just that word makes me laugh..who da'fuckkk came from there? What can you be possibly proud of? Of being chickens during WWII? Nothing else comes to mind..

Conclusion: BOY, don't let you personal hatred to fill you like a samovar(I know - you know what it means)..blow some steam..or use some other forms of relief of frustration...up'n'down, up'n'down..

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