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Archive through January 14, 2000

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"In Chechnya, the Russians are taking a page out of Hitler's book and learning a lesson from the NATO spin doctors: Paint the enemy black, then destroy him.

You name it, and that is what the Kremlin spin doctors call the Chechens: drug dealers, arms merchants, kidnappers, rapists, counterfeiters, and terrorists."

"True, three apartment buildings in Moscow were blown up: The Kremlin blames the Chechens. But so far no one has claimed responsibility.

Before the bombings, Russian public opinion polls showed the population resigned to an independent Chechnya in the future sometime. After the explosions, public opinion fell into line behind the hard-liners who wanted revenge on Chechnya for the humiliation of the last war.

Of course, we will never know the truth. How can we? However, it wouldn't be the first time that a nation has resorted to some violent act to turn public opinion.

Remember the Reichstag fire?"

This is a good article. See for the rest.

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Why are russian dead routinely understated and
chechen rebel dead routinely overstated in russian

Answer: The russian troops are such chicken, it
takes three or more to register as having the
guts of one human being.

Likewise, the chechens weigh out at three or four
times the sheer guts of average humans 🙂


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Turk>>> Welcome to ever expending club of article posters. Please, post only URL next time.

grin>>> Your extra-oridinary humor escapes me. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else too.

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...And Bear It...

What do you think will happen to innocent Chechens
between 10 and 60 years old that are brutalized by russian troops?

Why - they will realize that they might as well
be taken for a mujahid as for a civilian and they
will radicalize! That's what!

What a wonderful recruitment campaign for the

"Become a mujahid and give it back to them!..."

Estimable Member
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TURK_____check out this site and date written. Very good reasons to liquidate bandits

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 Another bit of interesting reading

Noble Member
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BONES The last one is for you too.And I am the stupid one? Sounds a little simular don't you think?

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To all my Muslim “pals”,
Just a little note:
All quiet on Chechen front, and Russian bullets still penetrate shaved heads with great regularity.
You can talk as much as you want about “proud”, “victorious” or even “impregnable” Chechen warriors. I know that it makes you very comfortable to believe that pray can protect you from Mi24 gunship, that 122mm shell will not kill you just because it was fired by “infidel” or sniper will miss you just because he had ham sandwich for breakfast. It is a nice, warm and cozy feeling and you are fully entitled to it. It is your right...
Also 2.000.000 brainwashed a-holes died in Afghanistan with the same feeling. Stupid, but happy... Guys, where do you get so many “virgins” to greet this morons in your heaven? Do you recycle them or do you use sheep substitute such succesfully used in your previous life?
What a bunch of usless FUC*S...
P.S. “British”, what is wrong with your real mama? Be a man and tell your real nationality.

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Can you prove that what the muslims know
about life and death are false? Come on
- use all your greatest research and the
works of all your philosophers. Bad words
do not count for argument. Be Logical.

Your Muslim "pal"

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Ok, to answer your filthy questions once more.
Q: How can Russia wage a war with no money?
A: It's doing that right now in Chechnya, it was doing that same thing in first Chechen war also, and in Great Patriotic War, where money is not an issue, if you need a gun, or a tank, your comrades in the factory will make it for free, they dont need to get paid, they just need the victory. So we will kick your asses with money or without, we dont f u c k around.

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Russia is 20 years behind Slovakia in all aspects. And that's the truth, whether you like it or not. Russia is just piece of ••••, which is begging money from all over the world. i don't care if you are proud of your great russia. you just have big mouth. too much talking, but little acts. that's what you are all about.
and about WWII, russians did not stop germans, winter did. but that't only my opinion.

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to drake: no i'm not british or truthseeker.
i just found this site 2 days ago.

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Winter did eh? What do you call the ••••••• turning point of the second world war? Stalingrad you ••••••• moron! Did besieged Leningrad ever fall? •••• no! Did Moscow ever Fall, •••• no! 3 key places! Leningrad for its military purposes, Moscow for its morale and Stalingrad for Stalins city, morale, and turning point of war! Never taken, what a ••••••• failed attempt that was! Ha!
Slovakia, first overrun by germans then by soviets, always bowing down like a hoe to some master! HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, we are proud of our Great Russia, and money aint a thing cock juice!

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To Grin or whatever,
Why Grin(Green??), like aliens from Mars?
So, now we got British, Slovak, Russian Muslim and little man from Mars - all against Russians.
O.K., man from Mars,
You want to know why Chechen loses are overstated?
It is so speculative question, that only hashishhead could ask it!
It will take whole UN personel, GreenPeace and half of US State Department 5 YEARS to collect all Chechen and Arab guts, balls, heads from all Caucasus.
Ignorant MORON from Mars! Can you imagine what happens to Chechen squad when it gets hit by battery of “Grad” MRL’s. You can go yourself and try to separate Chechen balls from sheep brains and then give me exact number.
Chechen losses are not overstated, but ESTIMATED.

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To Slovak:
Hey, Slovaku,
Tak mne neco napish po slovenski, jak se mas ty kurvo posrana...

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