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Archive through January 14, 2000

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kossackovi kokotvi: no jo ty wole, aj by som nieco napisal, ale co ja budem takemu kokotovi ako ty pisat. naco? aj tak nepochopis. bud ticho a zalez do budy. vobec sa neozivaj. nikto tu nie je zvedavy na tvoje jebnute reci.

to balalaika: you are absolutely right. •••• em all.

to russian ultranacionalist: the real ••••••• turning point was the battle of KURSK. germans there assembled more than 3 times as many troops as in stalingrad. that means that stalingrad was not the turning point, but it was still major blow for germans. and they did not loose kursk because of heave looses, but because they had to send their forces to italy, because of american landings. so you should thank americans and british for being on a right spot the right time. if it wouldn't be for landings, kursk would be lost and so would be some 1.3 million russian troop. so don't try to be ••••••• smart.

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By ® ( - on Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 11:19 pm:
adder21>>> The only thing better in Afghanistan with Taliban in control is less crime and corruption. Simply because all offenders immediately hung/shot. There's still fighting in the north with opposition. Now there are sanctions on Afghanistan, that can't be good. No support of US (during Afghan War we supplied them with weapons and food) and other countries. People are not allowed to watch TV, listen radio, shave their beards, etc, etc. Women lost all their rights, they can't go to school, work, go outside by themselves, etc, etc. You draw the conclusion if it's better or worse in Afghanistan.

P.S. By posting all those articles you only show that you are not capable of forming your own opinion and express it in your own words.

oh! so your opinion is based on what have you visited afghanistan? studied afghan politics in university? doesnt sound like it you sound like an echo of wht you read in the news... i read tht all the time. as far as SOME CRIME+ CORRUPTION.
I GUESS YOUR WRONG THERE TO. funny the russains claim they are going in to restore order to get rid of bandits.whats he difference in afghan taliban did the same thing. as far as human rights abuses. how bout russian human right abuses in chechnya.......the reality is none of us are experts were all SPECULATING on what could and is happining. do we really know the TRUTH?

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Dear Ch,
Do not get smart with me, please. I lived 5 years in Prague and know the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia.I actually asked "Slovak" in Czech language...

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adder21>>> I'm sorry, you reply didn't make any sense. Please try again.

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By Ultra Russian Nationalist ( - on Friday, January 14, 2000 - 01:18 am:
Ok, to answer your filthy questions once more.
Q: How can Russia wage a war with no money?
A: It's doing that right now in Chechnya, it was doing that same thing in first Chechen war also, and in Great Patriotic War, where money is not an issue, if you need a gun, or a tank, your comrades in the factory will make it for free, they dont need to get paid, they just need the victory. So we will kick your asses with money or without, we dont f u c k around.
UHH! i think you went to beg for money didnt you.
common man! wheres mighty russia. begging for money cant pay its workers or the army. we all know where you got the monet from. russia is like a 3rd world country now and the imf with its crushing %rates will insure that it wont rise again

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2 cossack

>>> I lived 5 years in Prague....

It looks like you came there in 1968 under the protection of russian tanks.

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To Slovak
“If it wouldn't be for landings, Kursk would be lost and so would be some 1.3 million Russian troop. So don't try to be ••••••• smart.”

Not Stalingrad, Not Kursk.
The real winner unknown.
It was the lieutenant in 1 T-34 German meet near Moscow.
It was their first engagement with Russian new tanks.
T-34 ménage to destroy 17 panzer, and was even have a damage.
That was turning point.
If you really interested, read more history information.
This episode was written by General Gutarian (German army)

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Slovak,Battle of kursk, biggest tank battle in history, battle of stalingrad, defeated remains of german army. Once you entered Russian territory, it was turning point of war, yea, and you american landed after the war was already over, in ••••••• 44', Stalingrad turning point was in 42' when Germans were beginning to be beaten back. Another interesting thing, only 300,000 americans died compared to 20-30 million Russians. Americans once said that they were going to wait for this: If Germany is winning, we help Russians, if Russians are winning, we help Germans. ••••••• backstabbers. Patton even wanted to go onto Russia after liberating Germany from Nazis, what a ••••••• egoistic scum, too bad he would have been crushed too. So how about you dont act like you are smart Slovakian wench!

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To Slovak:
Co myslis, ty vole, ze te to sezeru? Slovenstinu mozna trochu umis, ale nejsi zadny slovan. Nekecej a plav. Nemame na starosti jenom tebe...

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To Balalaika,
Go and screw yourself.

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people: we can argue about what won the WWII for thousand years. nobody knows the trutrh. russian ultra..: i agree with you when you said that germans lost when they attacked russia. but you still have to consider, that only about 3 million of them entered, but killed about between 20-30 million. that something to think about. they were, whether you like or not, the best army in world at that time. and about americans: i agree with you about what you said. but there's one thing you're missing: west as the whole, was supplying russians with tens of thousands of tanks, and military equipment, not to mention food supplies. and it all went through volga, stalingrad. well, most of it. so russians were deeply dependent of west.

for administrator: you maybe right, that one t-34 destroyed 17 panzers. but that doesn't mean anything. I read that one panzer destroyed 34 tanks in one day. that happened in kursks. tiger and t-34 were almost the same. except, that russians could build thousands of them in month, while germans few hundred. and that was why they also lost the war.

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cossack: ja ta mam totalne v . mozes tu o mne pisat co len chces. a tak sa mi zda, ze si prekvapeny ze viem slovensky. to si asi necakal co. ale sak pepika by to asi nenapadlo, ze jo ty wole.

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To Slovak:
"Co bolo, to bolo terazky som majorom!
Preco jste, sudruh vojin, namaloval sudruha Zizku s takymto klaciakom.? Dajte mu do tej ruky lahky gulomet...."
So, Slovak, who is "kokot" now? Or you are even better military expert than Major Haluska?

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I did not mean any offence. I am just borried and surfing internet. If you do not mind, I believe the expression "d... pos...." is common for all three western Slavic languages. Please, correct me if I am wrong.
By the way I really think the prettest girls in Europe are in Slovakia - at least in my and my friends judgement. We went there just for fun. I am inclined to believe that you were stationed in Praha, as gringos say, by "company".

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cossack: nechapem co si tym chcel povedat. asi poriadnu kokotinu lebo to nedava ziadny zmysel. ciernych baronov som videl. po film. a keby nieco, vo vacsine pripadov velili cesi, takze on urcite nebol sam, co tak rozpraval. iste to pochytil od pepikov, ze jo wole.
pS. jeb na to. sam si kazdemu ukazal aky si velky kokot. nemam chut sa tu s tebou hadat cez net.

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