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Archive through January 14, 2000

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I never mentioned that I did wear uniform while living in Prague.
And about girls...Some Polish girls look O.K. to me. I say that all western slavic girls are fine.
Have to go to bed...

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To slovak
"3 million of them entered, but killed about between 20-30 million."
Actualy German losses in ww2 was 14.000.000
plus italy and romanian army ( 2 only under stalingrad)

we can argue about what won the WWII for thousand years. nobody knows the trutrh." --actualy we do, winner raise flag over reigstax in 1945.

"west as the whole, was supplying russians with tens of thousands of tanks, and military equipment" ----Americans "Cherman" tank was useles against german Panzer 2 and Panzer 3

"I read that one panzer destroyed 34 tanks in one day. that happened in kursks. tiger and t-34" -
it is not true. German start to produse Tiger in 1944, and number was limited. Kursk happen in 1943. Also Tiger is Heavy tanks, and can't be compered to T34, but To IS2 and IS3 (best heavy tank of ww2)

""that russians could build thousands of them in month, while germans few hundred. and that was why they also lost the war. " -germans anderestimate russian in 1940 (like napoleon and other before) thats why they lost.
If they can produce only few hundred 🙂 In US we say "it's their problem.

With regard

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"But I do not need any research to proof that idea to get to the heaven by killing “infidels”,
cutting people heads off and jumping with bear hands on tanks is wrong, intolerant,
criminal and foolish."

Let us be logical.
How much of the above is subjective language and
how much is objective?

There is altruism in every genuine religion that
God has sent to man. If a man is defending his
land - and he is using means that God accepts -
then he will get the reward that God has promised
if he is doing it in God's name and not for show
or for some false god (such as national pride).

So the real criterion, is, what is the REAL
situation under which a person is acting, and how
honest he is being to his God. Now, from all the
propaganda out there, how can you possibly judge
such a situation - as to the reality on the ground
the man's beliefs, his true intent, his ultimate


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to administrator:
wake up. you are probably american and that's all right. you know probably •••• about how many people died in WWII. all sources are different. i read that 7.5 million germans died. and about that, what won the war, i didn't mean who, but WHAT. i ment military equipment. if you can't read, then don't reply. you're reply is full of ••••.
with regards

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one more thing: first read about stalingrad, then say how many germans died. 2 million :)))))
if they would loose that many, the war would be over in few months.

go check this web site. all you need to know about stalingrad.

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Kazhetsa, my allusii poniali.

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Another thing you should note. When I refer
to God, I do not mean some old man with a long
white beard "upstairs" in heaven.

No. I mean the True Originator of all life.
Think of a program that paints on the screen in
realtime, dynamically, and what is painted on the
screen is what we call "reality" or life.

Now think of THE CREATOR as the one who has
written this program called life, and By His leave
the program maintains the reality of that life
FROM MOMENT TO MOMENT (just as a screen is always refreshed to keep the image). Now think of the
Creator as only having to say "BE" and it is. That
is who Muslims think of as The Creator - of all
the KNOWN and UNKNOWN universes that He creates
and sustains without any effort.

So you can think of miracles as subroutines that
are only called once!!!

Such a Creator, nobody plays games with. He is
maintaining your reality from moment to moment
and He is the Creator of those moments, so does
not belong inside time, but exists before thru and
after time. Obviously, He knows everybody's every
thought, and He is Absolutely Just, and does not
allow ANYBODY to pretend that he is God, or to get
away with any injustice, except for a few short
moments as He wills before He sorts them out.

Yes He is the same Creator that all monotheistic
religions, Judaism, Original Christ teaching, and
Islam teach about. So we had all better get ready
for the FINAL HOUR.

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Sorry, but I have to recognize that our “Slovak” understands Czech language and speaks good Slovak.
To my defense I would like to add that I have never seen any Czech or Slovak with such promuslim set of mind in many years. Also he is very anticzech... I guess it is a new breed and I have to recognize that it is something special. It might be a reverse reaction of new sense of self-esteem of their young nation(I mean young country).

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But this doesn't mean that I shouldn't be critical when I see war crimes are being committed by slavic countries, such as Serbia in Bosnia, and Russia in Chechnya.

So why are you not critical about that albanians are killing serbians now? Or it is ok to you?

"Yes, you, Turk should learn too, how to deal with Kurds."
Well, If Russia dealt with Chechnya as Turkey was dealing with PKK, then there would not be much complaint, would it?

I don't know much about Turkey and Kurds, so I won't say I'm sure.

Try another example.

Great Britain and Irish.

however I observed that USA was able to handover Panama canal, despite it being vital to its interest. I yet to see Russia do the same while it is in a strong position.

When USSR was splitted, Russia gave a part of its fleet and army to the new sovereign countries. Not long time ago Russia made a very not smart gift(imho) to Ukraine - it is Sevastopol, the main base for Chernomor's Fleet. Although, this city is directly vital interests of Russia.

Don't give me examples of Baltic States. There Russia left only after loosing cold war.

Why do you think Russia loose cold war?

For centuries Chechnya is fighting against Russia, never accepting being a part of Russian Empire. Russia should accept this fact and let Chechnya be free.

Ooooh, boy.... Can't you understand what happened after first chechen campaign? Russia gave to Chechnya its damned freedom. You know how did they thanked us.

In my University years, I read a book written by Lenin. Main point of the book was as a nation enslaves another nation, that nation condemns itself being a prisoner of this enslavement.

Lenin is not an authority for Russian people anymore. Just like Stalin, Khruchev, Brezhnev and so on.

So Russia should let Chechens free to free itself.

See above.


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Recent evidence to all proponenents of "great russia" (see

Ïî äàííûì ÞÍÅÑÊÎ è Âñåìèðíîé îðãàíèçàöèè çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ, Ðîññèÿ âõîäèò íûí÷å â ãðóïïó ñòðàí, èìåþùèõ êîýôôèöèåíò æèçíåñïîñîáíîñòè íàöèè â èíòåðâàëå 1,4 – 1,1 áàëëà (îòñ÷åò âåäåòñÿ ïî ïÿòèáàëëüíîé ñèñòåìå).  ýòó ãðóïïó âõîäÿò: ×àä, Ýôèîïèÿ, Þæíûé Ñóäàí, Êîììîðñêèå îñòðîâà, à òàêæå Ðåñïóáëèêà Áóðêèíà-Ôàñî), áûâøàÿ Âåðõíÿÿ Âîëüòà), ïî÷òè 80 ïðîöåíòîâ íàñåëåíèÿ êîòîðîé ÿâëÿþòñÿ íîñèòåëÿìè ÑÏÈÄà. Äàæå Ñîìàëè è Ãàèòè, Áèðìà è Ïàïóà, Ñàõàðà è Àôãàíèñòàí â ñâîåé ãðàäàöèè âûøå Ðîññèè. Ñòðàíû æå ñ îöåíêîé 1,4-1,1 áàëëà è íèæå õàðàêòåðèçóþòñÿ êàê áåçíàäåæíûå. Íàñåëåíèå îáðå÷åíî ëèáî íà ïîñòåïåííîå âûìèðàíèå, ëèáî íà äåãðàäàöèþ. Áóäóùèå ïîêîëåíèÿ ýòèõ íàöèé íå ñìîãóò àíàëèòè÷åñêè ìûñëèòü, ëèáî ó íèõ íå áóäåò ñïîñîáíîñòè ê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîìó ìûøëåíèþ. ÂÎÇ è ÞÍÅÑÊÎ íàçûâàþò ýòîò ïðîöåññ «îáåçëè÷èâàíèåì è äåáèëèçàöèåé».

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To my Russian friends:

I am amazed by the Chechnians. I can't imagine an ex-super power country like Russia, that is still a military power getting beat up by the Chechnians. Call the Chechnians "bandits" or what ever you want to call them, but still those Chechnians have the courage to fight with a army that is 20 times bigger than their own.

Russia might take over Chechnia but still it will never end Chechnian courage to fight for independence. Their is no guarantee that Russians will stay in Chechnia for too long.

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Russia is 20 years behind Slovakia in all aspects.

What can I say... except :-)))))))))))))))))

Russia is just piece of ••••, which is begging money from all over the world.

So what? If they give money to us, then they are interested in it, not Russian people.

i don't care if you are proud of your great russia.

I doubt you don't proud of your "great" slovakia.

you just have big mouth. too much talking, but little acts. that's what you are all about.

If what is happening in Chechnya now, and WW1,WW2,Vietnam before is little acts, so what is big acts?

and about WWII, russians did not stop germans, winter did. but that't only my opinion.

You know what? If you wish that Germany would win, then who the hell are you? Nazi? Nazi are even worser, then muslim extremists. Even Germany refused from idea of nationalism, and it is criminal to propagand a Nazi ideas. But some baltic countries are still wishing that their people would be killed by Nazis. It is some kind of masochism, don't you think?


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2 British,

IMHO, there is nothing surprising in the current russian war. Russians are again screwed up the same way as in chechnya in 1994-1996, afganistan in 1979-1986, when they also had the superiority in head count, but still failed miserably. Time and again russians want to get too much for nothing - and eventually get screwed up for their insatiable appetite.

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I am amazed by the Chechnians.

Yes. Such a heroic nation, they are organizing themselves in a militia squads and helping federal forces to eliminate criminal bands from their own land. I am proud of such Russian citizens.

I can't imagine an ex-super power country like Russia, that is still a military power getting beat up by the Chechnians.

Oh, you don't have to imagine anything. You can just remember North Korea and Vietnam. The most powerful country in the world lost two this wars. Come on, call Koreans and vietnamians superheroes and supersoldiers.

Call the Chechnians "bandits" or what ever you want to call them, but still those Chechnians have the courage to fight with a army that is 20 times bigger than their own.

If you call murders of innocent people a courage, then in this case, please call me a coward. Because I care about the blood they spoiled. You seem to not.

Russia might take over Chechnia but still it will never end Chechnian courage to fight for independence. Their is no guarantee that Russians will stay in Chechnia for too long.

Russia WILL take over Chechnia, sooner or later. And Russia won't repeat its mistakes, it won't retreat its forces after the victory (as it was in the first campaign). Step by step, we'll return Chechnya to the normal civilized life, no matter what do you want. West wants a conflict in Caucas, because it still considers Russia as its enemy. West wants Russia wouldn't exist ever. Dream on.


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I don't know who are you. You seem to know Russian language (but you are not Russian), so where are you from? Ukraine, Latvia, Litva, Estonia, Georgia or Azeirbadzhan?

Second. The article that you've posted here is nothing but nothing. If you think that Russians are or will be stupid, then it is your opinion, and I don't care it.

Russians are again screwed up the same way as in chechnya in 1994-1996, Afganistan in 1979-1986, when they also had the superiority in head count, but still failed miserably.

What do YOU have against Russia? Are you afganian? Or chechenian? Just admit, it is your brain-washed hatred for Russia, and the point is not in Chechnya or Afghan, you will always hate Russia, not regarding of what it does.

Time and again russians want to get too much for nothing - and eventually get screwed up for their insatiable appetite.

Russia is such country, which can be a great empire or dead. Third option doesn't exist. Since recent times, I think we've started to come to the first way.


P.S. I've already tired of remembering to you all about USA's failures.

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