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Archive through January 14, 2000

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Xyili ti baklan opet' vilez? Pshel na xyi zjivotnoe.

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Suleyman, yes you do that, prove your point and refer to your tactics. Do as you will. Balalaika, tbl blya ne kak mne ne dal otvet na moi vapros:
Iz kakoi derevnye tbl viles? Pidaras ebaniy, tebye nado za synyt xuey vrot shtob tbl prikratil xueynu vsakuyu pizdet.

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Very interesting today's Putin's decree authorizing a use of nukes in Chechnya. To nuke or not to nuke?

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By bosna ( - on Friday, January 14, 2000 - 02:21 pm:

can ANYONE tell me how can an army of 100,000 men and equipped with all kind of weapons is not capable of defeating 3,000 chechens???

Hmm, obviously bosna has very little knowledge
of how military campains are conducted and what's in stake.

Firstly, the number of guarillas (not fighters - a significant difference- in WW2 terms, partisans ain't no army) is of course much higher than 3000, somewhat close to 7000, although former Chechen president Maskhadov claims the number as high AS 40,000:

Secondly, as Russian army hold their positions on 2/3 of Chechnia, all 100000 people should be spread out somewhat uniformly to protect already liberated territory from hit and run terrorists' tactics. Terrorists/mercenaries, on the other hand hand, don't have to be everywhere at once to employ their guarilla-like warfare, instead they pop-up from the crack of the woodwork one lpcation at once.

Thirdly, To ensure success, the offending side should always have more manpower ( by a factor of 3) as it is much easier to defend/ambush than to attack (proof: Dagestan)

Last one - the human shield factor - I won't dwell into as it was discussed intensly before.


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Chechens are the gallant fighters of Islam who can defeat much larger force just like the earlier followers of Islam who smashed the known super power of those times- Persia and Rome. A small group of desert Arabs burst forth from the deserts of Arabia and within a short span of 100 yeras conquered much of the so called civilized world of those times until they were halted at the battle of Tours in the pyrenees mountains of France.

Chechens have the ingredients of those early followers of islam and will soon cross the borders of Chechnya to liberate the other regions of Russia still under colonial occupation. It should be remembered that Soviet Union and its inheritor Russia are known to be a vast prison of nationalities. The chains of slavery will now be smashed by the Mujahideen once for all. Russia wil face a disastrous defeat in the Caucausus even ifit brinngs one million army and gets help from NATO.

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Armenian+ ( - on Friday, January 14, 2000 - 04:49 pm

Very interesting today's Putin's decree authorizing a use of nukes in Chechnya. To nuke or not to nuke?

I ain't no Gamlet; so I won't even ask myself a question 🙂


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Very interesting today's Putin's decree authorizing a use of nukes in Chechnya. To nuke or not to nuke?
I thought that they just changed the policy of using nukes. I do not think it means, that they would use it in Chechnya, but who knows...

man, are you high on something? Your posting are going down in terms of reality. Your first posting were interesting and worth arguing about, but now....What a heck do you know about Russian Federation? What do you have against russians as nationality/people (please do not use one person to talk about whole nation)What do you know about Chechnya and people who live there?

Once I asked you to change your login name, it is insult to anyone who believe in freedom and equality of races. Please change it.


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He misspelled Anti-Russian. An honest mistake, happens quite often. After all, both words start with "R" and have "i" in it.

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to all(especially anti-racist, bosna)
please read this article


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"Mohammed saw the young boys ass and he lusted for it" Surah V

"Allah sucked cock as if cock were his lifeblood" Surah XXV

"And Allah the almighty faggot told Mohammed that true Muslims must rape boys and eat cum" and so it was done. Surah IV

"So Allah told Mohammed to write a book about Muslims" he said "Speak of the Muslims who are QUeers, whORes, and altogether morONs" and Mohammed said instantly "I'll call the book a quoron" Surah VII
The next day Allah said to Mohammed "Bitch are you done?" Mohammed replied "Yes my anal master" Surah VII

"So the two fags bought all the vaseline the town offered" "And for nine days, their asses bled and they could not walk" nevertheless they were in bliss. Surah IX

"They went to Mecca looking for young men to bugger. And came upon many there" So he became king of the gays. And declared that all Muslims who are real fags must make a pilgrimage of homosexuality to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. He said "They will get on their knees and bend over and be buggered there in Mecca" Surah XXXIV

So Allah proclaimed "There is no use for women" and Mohammed said "Well, let's cover their heads and faces with veils, so we can fu*k then and think about men, so we may create more fags" Then he said "But let us not quit our adoration of the greatness of the male body" And Allah said "Yes bitch I agree" Mohammed replied "Thank you my delicious dicky darling" Surah XXVIII

The new moon arose and Allah told Mohammed his bitch, “let us go rape some boys in the guise of night”, and so the did. Surah VX

So Allah dwelled into a small town, after his breakup with his male companion. He wandered into an unknown territory. The men of the villagers asked him “who the •••• are you, ya filthy fag boy?” Where upon he replied I am Allah King of all Gays”. And the men asked “what do you do exactly?”, he said “I am a chicken farmer, as I tend to all the cocks available.” Surah VIIIX

On a very boring day Mohammed and Allah ran out of strange gay acts to perform. They wore out all their dildos, and exhausted the oils and lubes that were available. It was just the two of them and the QUORON. Then suddenly Mohammed told Allah to bend over, and Allah complied. Mohammed then shoved the Quoron up Allah’s ass-hole, and then dubbed it a HOLY book, and it became known as the Holy Quoron. Surah XIX

So it was written and preached “If no man is willing to become a man-fu*ker like a Muslim, he shall die.” He shall be he shall be captured, (hijack) upon which time “we will bugger him to death.” However, if that fails he shall be destroyed (bombed) in a fashion suitable. “We shall equip a brainwashed straight man into arming himself with explosives, and then he will commit a suicide by killing his worthless self and others like him.” And so it is practiced until today. Surah L

Allah consoled Mohammed as he wept about men dying and not women. He wept oh Allah shoulder, for he was a simple minded buffoon, who was illiterate and fu*ked that animals he tended, as was his nature. Surah LVIX

On one particular day Mohammed and Allah were fornicating in the bushes. They did not realize that other people were around. And as Mohammed was boning up Allah (at this time known as Imran) Allah began to moan. Mohammed heard it and urged him to get louder. He said “lemme hear you holler bitch, come on who’s your daddy bitch. Come on scream, I want you to holler, holler, holler.” And then busted a nut on his friend. However the people around the area heard this, and were curious. They came to the two men (already dressed again) and asked what all the noise was about. Mohammed denied any noise. The people said “we heard someone say holler, holler, holler as if being asaulted.” Upon which Mohammed spoke and said “ I was saying Allah, Allah, Allah, for that is the name of my friend here. I was calling him, for I was lost” And Imran’s name became known as Allah at that moment. Surah XL

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Russian Empire

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Russian empire

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By MOHAMMED ( - on Friday, January 14, 2000 - 07:08 pm:
At DMS, we encourage an atmosphere of understanding and thoughtful debate. We understand that discussions can become heated, but remember to respect other DMS Board Members. Do not engaging in personal attacks on others

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The Russian Defense Ministry dismissed a report by Interfax that 33 soldiers had died and 26 had been wounded on Thursday, saying instead that one Russian soldier had died and 13 had been wounded, while 40 rebels were killed.

LOL...........YEAH RIGHT....

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.Alia Izetbegovic .........
British Empire was one of the largest, and it was destroyed back in the old days. Ottoman Empire was superpower for 500 years but their reign finished as well. Now it is Russia’s turn to be partitioned and eventually the same will happen to USA. Do you think British and Ottomans willingly gave conquered people their sovereignty and independence? Nope, they had to fight for it. Now it is another matter that Britain is still influencing political life of their colonies through Commonwealth and other means. Why couldn’t Russia do the same? It is biggest Slavic country in the World. Why not unite all of the Slaves peacefully and through diplomacy rather than desire to rule over them with iron fist.

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