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Archive through January 14, 2000

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Dear Mr. Ichthyosaurus & other Russians

Ref. Mr. Ichthyosaurus answer to ASALAM on 27/12.

Try to understand Islam from Quran. Islam is in Quran and in the minds of millions of Muslims. Don't judge it seeing all the Muslims around the world.

Quran is the only scripture in human history that has been preserved in its complete and original version. Traditions of prophet Mophammed are the second source of Islam and should be comletely in harmony with the Ist source - Quran.

Islam is the only religion known by an Ideal - The Ideal of Total submission to the will of God. All others are know by their founders, places of origin or castes or communities which they were preached.

Quran is the word of God; Sayings of prophet are the practical interpretation of the Quran.

Man is born in a natural state of purity. The idea of 'original sin' has no room in Islamic teachings.

Life is a trust from God and man should handle this trust with mindfulness of God and consciousness of responsibility to God.

The purpose of life is to worship God. Death and Life are provided to test you who is right in deed.
Death doesn't end up into ultimate silence. Death opens a door to an eternal life. Mankind will be resurrected on the day of judgement. right and worng will be sorted out.

From your writing I understand that you have got pure misunderstandings on Islam. just an example: what you wrote on Badr. Total number of people participated in that battle was 1313 ( 313 muslims and about 1000 non-muslims). What you wrote is 50,000 slaughtered by Mohammed. How huge is your misunderstanding!? Please try to read from the original soures.
To learn Quran visit the following site:
As you are broought up under communism,i.e. under Salins policy "Terrorise the people to implement any law", you all have lost the capacity to react to the wrong doings of the authorities. Masonry has cheated the whole Soviet Union and Eastern Europe thru the establishment of communism. 20million were slaughtered to establish it. Read Andre Sakhrovs Memoirs to get a better idea on how it was implemented. Lenin had to create an artificial famine even by seting fire to the agricultural fields. 750 member writers club was reduced to 50 members during Stalin period. All by killing, killing... Still you are living under that sort of fear. So you can't react and stand up against wrong or for your rights. Ofcourse it will take time. But now Putin is trying to become the 2nd Staline. I doubt, you won't get time for free thinking. Think only the way the state allow you to think.
Freedom of expression, religion etc. etc. are the fundamental rights of man. You lost it. Think before your children too loose.
The bombs exploded in Russia must probaly be a KGB work fabrication to find a reason to take back Chechnia. Muslims will not do it. Islam means peace too.

See the difference on the faces of the Russian and Chechnian fighters when they appear on the TV. Russians look totally worried and afraid of everything while Chechians look noble faced and afraid of nothing but Allah and do find hope in the life afater death.

True belief in the Oneness of God and in the resurrection day is the basis.

I request you all to understand what Islam is. Not to continue to rely on your misunderstandings.

"O! mankind! we created you from a single (pair) of male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know eah other. Verily the best honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous". (Quran: 49:13)


Thank you

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cosakovi: no co je ty amik vyjebany. ako dlho zijes v amerike. paci sa ti tu ze?? sa ides posrat ze si tu co??
takych ako si ty poznam. je ich tu strasne vela. iste tu uz zijes vela rokov, lebo mas presne take iste nazory ako vyjebani americania. a nerob tu zo seba velkeho cecha ani slovana, lebo nie si ani jedno ani druhe. ja viem lepsie cesky aj slovensky ako ty. ked vies tak dobre po cesky, tak pis v cestine alebo drz hubu. jebo z lesa.
s pozdravom

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Are you one of those who offer his ass to Allah for examination everyday? Why do you place your ass above your head when praying?
1. Because you have more brains in your ass
2. The communication antenna located in the ass
3. Allah issues a pass to heaven based on the ass dirtiness.
4. All of the above.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 6

very nice,
please read and tell me again how proud those "muslim" figthers are.

The problem with religion as with any other ideas is that you always will have some people who would use it to serve their own needs. As you said:"islam is a religion of peace", and I agree with you (I have number of muslim friends), but I would not call terrorists - muslims, because they are not. They just use this religion to achieve their goals.

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