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Archive through January 15, 2000

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Lukashenko is a wise man to have merged with GRF (Great Russian Federation). Its an example to other exrepublics that they should reunify.

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2 FredLeDingue,

>>> Ecxept Lukashenko and even not the bielorussians he claims to represent, nobody would be crazy enough to join the RF!

If you look at russian history, there were very few instances of "joining" russia, and much more - of russia INVADING its neighboors, demonstrating how much tatar-mongol blood is left in russian veins.

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Igor, dont listen to this French wimp that tries to insult you. He is just like the French women in France, easy to lay and weak in the knees. I bet you really use your tongue dont you? Hahahaha.
Napolean tried to invade Russia, result, army marches straight to Paris and builds a monument there to remind french what stupid mistake they made. Germany marched on Russia, result: Russians march on Berlin and build a monument there reminding Germans at great mistake they made.

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2 great russian gnida,

> Lukashenko is a wise man to have merged with GRF (Great Russian Federation).

As the saying goes, tell me who is your friend, and i will tell you who you are. i wonder if there is a more outrageous clown among world leaders than mr. lukashenko.

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>>>> Napolean tried to invade Russia, result, army marches straight to Paris and builds a monument there to remind french what stupid mistake they made. Germany marched on Russia, result: Russians march on Berlin and build a monument there reminding Germans at great mistake they made.

Why don't russia erect this time a monument to IMF in mosCOW, so that imf will faster give you more money before russia collapses? after all, now russia needs to be kind with imf...

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to balalaika, i dont believe there is anyone on this post called Great Russian Gnida, but i am sure that your alias is Baba Ebaniya.Balalaika: "Mne vrot ebali i vglaza konchali." Balalaika: " Oi, ya tak lyublyu glatat malofyu, oi oi, ona takaya garachiya."

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ultranacionalist: for your information, i'm leaving us in couple of months. as a matter of fact, i don't like it here. life here is totally different. i didn't emigrate like you did. and that's a BIG difference!

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They dont need to be kind to IMF, they choose to be kind, so that they can pay the police from chechens, so that chechens in return wont kidnap americans and scum like you. Balalaika Gnidochka, milinkiy, xoroshiy, dobriy, PIDARAS!!

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Slovac said;
"PS. btw, you wouldn't speak english that good if you would be in russia. so naturaly, you have to live in US."
Ultra Russian Nationalist answered:
"where is it you are? ""Why is it that you are in U.S?"

Or slovac has no idea what good english means or Ultra spoke allegedly like this to show he is a true russian nationlist...

I acknowledged Slovac attack on Russian was stupid!

Hey Ultra! Good morning! Don't you think it great
not to have "British" or "Mattheson" poluting this board?
What about "Russia is not a nation"? (See above)

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Posts: 553

>>>> Napolean tried to invade Russia, result, army marches straight to Paris and builds a monument there to remind french what stupid mistake they made. Germany marched on Russia, result: Russians march on Berlin and build a monument there reminding Germans at great mistake they made.

what if french/germans send back to russia these stupid russian monuments in berlin/paris as a humanitarian help to russians...

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slovak, you are not going anywhere cum for brains. You like it in states too much. Second, lets see you trace my IP, where am i? I am all over, my IP changes so often and you know that. Doesnt even matter where im at. In Russia, happy with my culture, life and friends or in America, ••••••• the women you probably grew up with, gladly excepting money from your government and sending it back home. HAHAHAHA!

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"Or slovac has no idea what good english means or Ultra spoke allegedly like this to show he is a true russian nationlist..."

FredDeLingue, yes i just ••••••• admit i am expert in English langauge.

"Hey Ultra! Good morning! Don't you think it great
not to have "British" or "Mattheson" poluting this board?
What about "Russia is not a nation"? (See above)"

FredDelingue, see what? Russia is not a nation?> Where the hell did you hear that crap? Yes im glad British and American MAtteson scum not here.

"what if french/germans send back to russia these stupid russian monuments in berlin/paris as a humanitarian help to russians..."

Balalaika, if? Lol, you wish they would, its gonna sit there for eternity moron. And never forget this.

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ho ho ho!
Panzer Vorwärts! Aber mit Verstand!

ZIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!!

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esho odin fashist.

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ultra: i would like to see you fighting in chechnya right now against rebles. you would be pissing •••• all over your pants.

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