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Archive through January 15, 2000

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Yes, you ••••••• think so little boy. But you are ideal to be sent there right not, young and ripe. They need fresh meat like you Slovakian ass. And if i was to be sent there right now, i would bring back with me a full casualty list of chechens remaining in Grozny. There would be no reason to come back to this post. I say send me there.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist
"Igor, dont listen to this French wimp that tries to insult you;"
If it's about me you are talking about I feel verry disapointed.
First i never intended to insult anybody. I want to say what i beleive is the truth.
"Napolean tried to invade Russia, result, army marches straight to Paris and builds a monument there to remind french what stupid mistake they made." You might be talking about the Lion of Waterloo!
You couldn't find better example it's 5km from my parent's home!... So if I'm french and have pride in Napoleon, so you are Chechen and you are proud of ABDullah!!
Now to proof I'm not trying to insult russia I will add that russia should erect this time a monument to IMF in moscow, NOT to ask more money but on the contrary to show them the big mistake they made in trying to invade monetarily this country.
You should know after all that I'm largely pro russian on the question of Chechenya this board is about.
Thanks for reading me.

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Largely pro Russian maya Jopa!! (My ass)
You are the muslim muhammed on here. Monument from your home?> Go and visit that •••• and remind yourself of old days how you suffer.

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ultra: I'm sure you would become the greatest russian hero. i know, that rebels would have no chance against you. i believe you would make better bombs that MAGYVER does. probably from your •••• in your pants and some toilet paper.

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Ultra Russian nationalist
Russia not a nation look at:
By Stanislav ( - on Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 01:28 am:
see at Adder21,+-10th §

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>>>> i believe you would make better bombs that MAGYVER does. probably from your •••• in your pants and some toilet paper.

forget about toilet paper in russia. they often prefer newspapers instead.

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Yes, ive seen that macgyver on video from a friend a few years ago. Why cant you be smart like him? and only •••• you will see from me is the one you will be munching on, and dont bother to use that toilet paper next to you as your napkin to wipe face, hands and mouth. And no talkng while you chewing.

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balalaika: HEHE, you are right. but i don't think they even newspaper. it would be too much luxury. i would suggest leafs from trees.

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FredDeLingue, you know you make yourself more and more stupid when you misquote someone dont you? He says that being Russian is not a nationality but a multi-nationality. I agree with it to some extent, but i would say that there is a nationality/Ethnicity as Russian. So just think before you speak Napolean.

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Slovak, Balalaika, i suggest you dont waste toilet paper to wipe my ass, just eat that ••••, and conserve on it by wiping mouth, because your mouth does not cover as big of area as your asses! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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>>> He says that being Russian is not a nationality but a multi-nationality. I agree with it to some extent, but i would say that there is a nationality/Ethnicity as Russian.

FredDeLingue, ultra is not honest with you. as his filthy language suggests, being russian is a diagnosis, not just a nationality.

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ultra: YES, only •••• i will see from you after chechens attack. that's what you will turn into.

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A diagnosis? Who are you? A doctor? Balalaika, you speak Russian, where the hell are you? Or you are just defector to the states, you hate who you are, your background. What a pathetic life you lead. Not a leader but a follower. You have no nationality, you just dont belong. Sorry to break it to you.

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Slovak, well naturally when i eat i must take ••••, thats why i have you, my portable toilet.

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Ultra Russian Nationalist
Tvoja jopa tebie!
Anybody khows how I hate islamists. But you don't like me because I'm anticommunist!
By the way when Igor is going nuke on chechenya I can't aprove him but just hope he is not thinking seriousely about that and understand his russian caracter.
Are you Igor?

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