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Archive through January 16, 2000

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“Those Muslim countries also have nukes, Pakistan a Muslim country openly has nukes, Iran might have nukes. There are alot of Muslim countries that might have nukes that we don't know about.”

You ••••••• idiot we sold them those nukes, so we know everything we need to know about them.

“That country Pakistan •••••• Russia indirectly from Afganistan.”

Look at the ratio of dead from Russia side and Afghanistan and then tell me who •••••• whom.

“They are a Nuclear power , and they are also producing long range missiles that could deliver nukes to Moscow. That country is also producing MBT tanks called MTB 2000. So they are not weak.”

So are we and we produce nuclear weapons, your point is? And what the •••• do the tanks have to do with anything? What are you going to nuke the place and then roll the tanks in there? We produce T-90 and Black Eagle tanks what is your point?

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By Serb ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 08:52 am:
Turk > I regret for puting Turks in this group, of course Turks as a nation are not responsible and aggressive. I personaly know Turkish people very friendly and respectable. I rather wanted to point at terrorists like Basaev, Hatab and Laden and their followers. I'm sorry friend, but Muslim population all over the world is more and more ruled and led by such people. In Bosnia we have an extreme example of Alija Izetbegovic, who is personaly responsible for death of many thousands of civilians. The same is for Kosovo and Hasim Taci. What's happening with Muslims? ...........

Terrorists do you even know what that word means?
terrorists = the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
hmmm... interesting isnt it.. so by this defenition.. russian u.s.. isreal..turkey.. china india . are all terrorists.. hell were all terorists!!!

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The Chechen fighters complain that the Russians are too cowardly to fight, that they only kill the civilians from a distance. They say the real terrorists are the Russians because they have instilled a terror in the population that will never be erased.

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There is lots of food on the market you stupid ••••, it's just a matter who can afford it and who can't.

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Elisabeth Ross El-Shariff:

Damn, your hubby brainwashed you very nice. Do tell us where you live.

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By Svoloch ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 01:04 pm:There is lots of food on the market you stupid ••••, it's just a matter who can afford it and who can't. .Russia's Economic Crisis leads to Rise in Abortions

After years of decline, Russia's still high abortion rate is rising again due to the country's economic crisis. Increases in the price of contraceptives such as the Pill and falling living standards are encouraging more women to risk becoming pregnant and use abortion as a last resort contraception. Even before last summer's economic crash, the abortion figures were high. Almost 2.5 million abortions were performed on Russian women in 1997, twice the number of children born in the same period. Figures for 1998 are expected to continue the trend. (24 January 1999, The Sunday Telegraph/Lexis-Nexis

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what does food on the market have to do with abortion? I just stated that there is food on the market and if you have monei you can buy it, wha does that have to do with what you said?

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By Svoloch ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 01:04 pm:There is lots of food on the market you stupid ••••, it's just a matter who can afford it and who can't.

Such are the appalling conditions facing homeless Russian children that six-year-old Ivan Mishukov preferred to live with stray dogs. The child told social workers, "I was better off with dogs. They loved me and protected me." Ivan Mishukov is just one of 2 million homeless children in Russia that are left to fend for themselves Last year 17,000 children were the victims of attempted murder and 200were actually killed by their parents.

Today the Russian economy has all but collapsed, with millions of workers receiving no wages for months on end.What has befallen Ivan Mishukov shows that the once-vaunted rebirth of capitalism in the former USSR has produced the greatest social, economic and indeed moral collapse that has occurred in any country during peacetime.

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TO Elizabeth el-shariff

Enjoy you wine from the ROTHSCHILD vineyards. ibna sharmuta

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Soldiers who would have been confidently discussing the imminent fall of Grozny a few weeks ago now ponder survival in the treacherous Chechen night

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Manipulating someone's thoughts, emotions, impressions, or beliefs through intimidation, blackmail, disinformation, or rumor involves a craft known as psychological operations. Its techniques are universal yet cheap if put into the hands of skilled and competent operators. Its principles are applicable to many civil wars all over the globe.

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Psychological Operations is also a dangerous weapon in that its tools can mobilize world opinion for or against an event through "perception management", that is transmiting an event for the world to see through your own chosen filters if possible or, in a worse case, through someone elses.

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And on the lighter side of the news.

Say it isn't so!

O, I see nothings changed since I was last here.

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Actually you are very funny, reminding me some cartoon characters, spitting all around as they talk hysterically. Please stay around. And continue to be stupid. It's fun to see people loosing their control, and making themselves look like an idiot.

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Ok, your mom asked me to do the same thing, so i guess I'm staying.

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