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Archive through January 16, 2000

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Is that all you can say? Come on you can do better. I wouldn't be surprised, if you are a little guy/boy, huffing and puffing feeling safe from a distance. But it doesn't matter, as long as you continue to entertain us.

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Don’t forget your mom too, she likes when we have fun too. Yeah.... 🙂

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What is Russia anyway??

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svoloch: bla bla bla bla bla
all you can say is: "yeah, we are russians, we can kick anybody's ass. we are the greatest, we are so dumb, that we take money from west and then return even bigger money to them. our holly great russian army is so ••••••• good, that it is not able to wage war against muslim sheppards. bla bla bla, the same •••• over and over and over. i'll tell you it again: you are nothing. nothing. the whole world feels sorry for you. but it does not show it. everybody feels sorry for you.

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Yes, I must admit I'm feeling sory for Slovoch, but feeling kind of selfish at the moment, and since he is entertaining me, I wan't him to continue to be stupid.

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my plan is this: china must attack eastern russia: siberia, kamchatka and so on so on. only then would it be able to attack moscow along the whole eastern front. and let's be realistic: taking over eastern russia would be easy in today's situation. then, after moscow is done, st. petesburg, volgograd. it would move along caukaz. that would gave it chance to create another huge front with muslim countries going from india to chechnya. and then attack iran, iraq pakistan and so on so on.

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haha...Better start feel sorry for your mom 🙂 she can’t suck it anymore

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Ok, back to the topic.

Q.If Chechnya was able to establish their independence, would they as an autonomous nation be able to survive in the current economic world?

A. Why not. To economically survive, even prosper, a country doesn't need to be part of a huge empire. There are a lot of -even smaller- countries in UN. Unfortunately with Chechnya, it is neighbour to the evil empire, which will continue to destabilise it. However in the longer run, as democratic forces (and I don't mean the family) finally establishes itself in Russia, Chechnya will do just fine.

Q.What is your opinion of the situation in Chechnya? What should the international community's role be?

A. Russia is committing war crimes in Chechnia, and their behavior is shameful. There is no place in Chechnya for the invading Russian Army. Chechnya is not part of Russia, and never will be. International community should recognise this fact and assist Chechnya.

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svoloch: what germans didn't complete, china will do that for them.

SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well what can I say, you just repeated your self and really never answered my question. Because you motherfucker know that your ••••••• nation will fall to anyone who ever pays more, so ••••••• prostitute shut your mouth because really your nation is nothing, and never be anything.
“china must attack eastern russia: siberia, kamchatka and so on so on.”
Hahahaha you are good, just forgetting something, we will use nukes.
That was retarded plan, but then again you are just a Slovak.

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“svoloch: what germans didn't complete, china will do that for them.

SIEG HEIL !!!!!!!!!!!!”

Yeah right, they will first come and •••• your nation, actually they don’t have to come, your country will fall by itself.

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"On Saturday, acting Russian President, Vladimir Putin admitted that senior Russian military commanders had made mistakes in Chechnya, but insisted the campaign was going smoothly.

Mr Putin told Russian television that time and patience would be required to win the war."

Evil empire needs to be on war footing all the time so that a few emperors live in disgusting wealth, while people suffer. No wonder Russians are drinking themselves to death, it is a place too miserable to face with clear mind. Lucky few sheltering in Western countries, and do they say "thank you"? No, on the contrary, most of them continue to lick their previous masters' feet. What a sory story!!!

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“Chechnya is not part of Russia, and never will be. International community should recognise this fact and assist Chechnya.”

Not going to happen, west could care less about Chechnya.

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svoloch: about that ••••••• prostite: you said that about 5 times already. come up with something esle. it's boring.

"Hahahaha you are good, just forgetting something, we will use nukes. "

No, you won't. you just want to believe that. but you wont. you are just russians, remember.

and about your question: i must admit, that we didn't do much. that's true. why would i lie?
now you tell me what russia did.

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svaloch: they may come to •••• on our nation. but first, they have to come through russia. so naturally, russia will be their first place, where they will ••••.

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