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Archive through January 16, 2000

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“svoloch: about that ••••••• prostite: you said that about 5 times already. come up with something esle. it's boring.”

What you don’t like the truth?

“No, you won't. you just want to believe that. but you wont. you are just russians, remember.”

Yes we will, you ••••••• think we will sit there and wait until Chinese solders come to Moscow? Think again.

Let me think, first helicopter was made by Russian, first man in the space was Russian, Periodic Table, some of the best writers on earth (don’t know any Slovakians), artificial earth satellite, space station (still working, was supposed to be shut down 15 years ago), killed couple of Slovaks that is achievement right there, say what you want but it was Russian flag in Germany after the victory. Did Slovaks achieve anything besides spreading the legs for everyone else?

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they don't have to come, you will come to them, that's just the nature of prostitutes.

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Filthy russians find their home in chechnya - in a cowshed...

Morale appears to be souring among some troops as fighting drags on into its fifth month and casualties mount.

Two squadrons in Gudermes have been ordered to extend their tour for two months -- even though servicemen say they haven't been paid for the last two.

"In our unit alone eight servicemen were killed in the last 10 days," said Vasily Krashin, a soldier in Gudermes. "We were sleeping in a cowshed in the open, and they're telling us to stay for a second tour."

Soldiers and observers say both the Russian military and the rebels aren't accurately reporting their losses and exaggerating those of the other side.

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prishla sterva, ti gde bleadskae morda shlealas'?

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Very strange way to ask questions and then answer
them yourself

Can I try to answer some of them. (although you
and "slovak" will probably will make fun of it)
Anyway, here we go

Q.If Chechnya was able to establish their
independence, would they as an autonomous nation
be able to survive in the current economic world?

My answer: After first chechen war 94-96, Chechnya
establish itself as independent country, which it
was. It had its own laws, goverment, military. The
only thing it did not have was international
recogintion. The fact that it was independed can
be seen in its actions: non taxes were paid to RF,
Presedent of Chechnya sign an official document
for oil production with western countires.
Although for practical purposes it was an
independent country, a little was done to improve
lifes of ordinary people, crime went extriamly
high (kiddnapping was extrimly high), minorities
were prosicuted, western workers were killed. (do
not have to trust me on this, check western news)

Now your answer was:

A. Why not. To economically survive, even prosper,
a country doesn't need to be part of a huge
empire. There are a lot of -even smaller-
countries in UN. Unfortunately with Chechnya, it
is neighbour to the evil empire, which will
continue to destabilise it. However in the longer
run, as democratic forces (and I don't mean the
family) finally establishes itself in Russia,
Chechnya will do just fine.
That is very
interesting answer, first I guess by evil empire
you mean Turkey or perhapse you mean established
ultra-islamic forces which seems to prying on
weak. You also mention that: "...s democratic
forces (and I don't mean the family) finally
establishes itself in Russia," but based on your
posting you donot seems to have high oppinion
about current goverment in russia - a little bit
of contradiction here.

Q.What is your opinion of the situation in
Chechnya? What should the international
community's role be?

International community should help federal forces
to combat terrorism and help russian democracy.
The help should be in form of anti-terrorists
experts, intelegence, political pressure on
country that support terrorists. Also,
humalitarian workes should be present in liberated

Your answer was:

A. Russia is committing war crimes in Chechnia,
and their behavior is shameful. There is no place
in Chechnya for the invading Russian Army.
Chechnya is not part of Russia, and never will be.
International community should recognise this fact
and assist Chechnya.

First, Chechnya is formally russian territory and
was not consider by Russian Federation as
independed (although this is very grey area).
Second, please, read news again it was Basaev who
invaded Dagestan twice and said that he will
combat russian federation outside Chechnya. So,
not sure who invading whom. Also, although it
seems that were are number of cases there federal
troops commit illigal actions (responsible must be
prosecuted by law), there are number of cases the
so called "freedom fighters" commited crimes again
chechen population. Majority of these terrorists
are not chechen, but foriegners who came to fight
in the name of Allhu, money or other private
motives. Please, refer to the latest Human Rigths
publication which specifcally said that these
terrorists use loc

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svoloch: yes, you will just sit while chinese will come, because you won't have anything left to fight them with. maybe with sticks with your bare hands. you won't fire any nuke, because the system you build will not work. it's like that, that whatever russians build, it does not work in few days. so don't count on your nukes. even if they'll fly, they will miss the target as all russian missiles do. so your nukes are no threat to anybody.

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Ultra Russian nationalist
I hope you will read this personal message to you.
I don't understand you...
Me, I'm talking in your back? It's impossible. You are mistaking.
Are you provoking me? Why did you apologize yesterday and coldly attack me today?
What do you have against french or belgians?

It seems that you are looking to offend everybody who has not the same ideas than you up to the foot of the letter.

The F-ck if I'm not pro russian



You are right on my account, I'm not russian and even not descending from russian.
But i have few russian friends and i can assert they are very nice poeple.
Beleive me, not everybody is extremist in Russia.
They are rather pacific poeple. I mean the POEPLE.
They like to sing, to dance, to have fun. They realy hate to fight.
The poeple and the politicians are two different things in russia.
If they support the war, it's because of the reality of the islamic savagery.


Russia is in bad situation socialy. That's true.
BUT why you and the west are always pointing to the misery in Russia.
Why aren't you talking about the misery in India, or in Brasil?
Because in Russia it's not (fortunately) regarded as normal. Russia host misery and unhuman inegality but at least doesn't have it as a norm.

a hint? "The child told social workers..."
A social worker. Not mother Theresa.

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Your refence to nazi is very strange, especially
you are really slovak. A lot of people gave away
their lifes to clean the earth of this garbage. Do
not you know what nazi did to jews, slavs,
muslims, gips

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balalaika: russian soldiers will never get paid for their fighting in chechnya. again, big russian leaders lied to them as they do always. but of course, talk about it here, with all of those russian fanatics. they won't believe ••••.
(by that i mean us, and western news). too bad they are blinded by all russian propaganda. experts calculated, that just for paying all those soldiers, russia would spend daily about 3.2 million dollars on paychecks to soldiers. so there's no ••••••• way, that soldiers will get paid. russia does not have money to buy ••••••• ammo, not to mention paying soldiers.

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What is the point of your last posting?
If you like hosting news articles, then i
understand. Also, I do not believe this article
said: "all russian solders sleep.... or do not get

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citizen: as you know, hitler created slovakian state. he gave us independence. but by that i don't mean that he would leave us alone. i don't give ••••. but, too bad they losed the war against soviets. look, where are we now, and think about where we would be, if germans would win. no russian faggots would exist ( like ultra, svoloch, and so on so on.) therefore i'm hitler. he ment only good, that he wanted to conquer communists.

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:))) sorry about that. i ment therefore i'm for hitler, not him.

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Turk, Citizen of the W

Chechenya has no chance to survive economicaly.
It's too small. It's hardly 1/32 of Turkey . Europe is unifiying to be stronger, separatists are dividing to be weaker.
Ho! I suppose as soon as they will be independant Chechenya will apply to enter European Community! Hahaha!
What they'l be gonna do to defend theyr position on the world market? On what kind of domestic product will they be autonomous? Autonomous on paper maybe, but economicaly someone will take over them.

Independant from Russia could be OK but if they become the next Kuwait or the Caucasus'Luxembourg, Talibans won't agree you know...

What International Community should do?
CitizenOfTheW answered pretty well.

a question for you: what international community should do with the Kurds?

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>>>> balalaika: russian soldiers will never get paid for their fighting in chechnya. again, big russian leaders lied to them as they do always. but of course, talk about it here, with all of those russian fanatics. they won't believe ••••.

This summer I had opportunity to watch russian tv, and heard then PM putin saying that russian soldiers in dagestan should get wages as high as their comrades in bosnia (that is, about 800 USD a month, instead of peanuts they are getting now, if any). i wonder if there is anybody in chechnya who gets now 800 greenbacks a month (unless russias steal goods from chechen civilians for that amount of money).

>>>>What is the point of your last posting?
If you like hosting news articles, then i
understand. Also, I do not believe this article
said: "all russian solders sleep.... or do not get paid

if you do not believe what western press is saying, here is a link for you:

and you can enjoy the great spirit of russian ministry of truth.

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"We were sleeping in a cowshed in the open"
they can be happy, many other are sleeping in tents!

But I agree Russian soldier are not offered Jihad's better offer: a 5-star hotelroom in the paradise of Allah!!!

Igor, what do thing about that? Isn't it a shame?

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