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Archive through January 17, 2000

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to armenian:

The London Sunday Times has reported that the foul creature Zeljko Raznatovic, also known as terrorist Arkan was shot and killed in the Hotel Intercontinental, Belgrade. The fowl smelling Arkan was shot 3 times in the face. An unconfirmed report also states that Arkan make strange squealing noises similar to that of a pig as he died. Apart from blood on the floor of the hotel lobby, there are also exrecment stains, as Arkan dirtied his pants (like many serbs) when he died.

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igor and co:

did you read it.... the tiger arkan was shitting before he died, wassup with this faggot tiger????

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to bosna,
This is very sad story. Did you kill the guy? Do you really need to post each message twice?

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my plan is this: china must attack eastern russia: siberia, kamchatka and so on so on.

🙂 Russia has nukes. If China will attack, then be ready for armageddon.

Chechnya is not part of Russia, and never will be.

Prove that. And, remember, I was saying that you're a good example of mind's presence? I was wrong.


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news from the front lines:

Saturday 15 January 2000: Vicious Battles Around the Town of Deberyort. Heavy losses amongst Russian Special Forces

The Russian Forces tried to insert a group of Special Forces and anti-tank infantry onto the mountain of the town of Deberyort, but they were turned back on their heels after suffering heavy losses in men and equipment. 45 Russian soldiers were killed and the Mujahideen captured quantities of specialist weapons and many bozes of AK-74 rifle ammunition. This offensive followed the dispersion of the Russian forces in the battles of yesterday (Friday). The objectives of both of these offensives was to enter fighting vehicles and tanks into the town of Deberyort in order to try and capture the mountain peak over the town of Shargun, leading to the city of Shatoi.

In another region, at Fajr (dawn) today (Saturday), the Mujahideen carried out a major offensive against Russian Special Forces entrenched in a thick forested region near the town of Deberyort. These forces had previously been trying to enter the city in order to reach the Mujahideen positions. With the Grace of Allah, the Mujahideen were able to surround these forces within the forest and fierce battles are raging up to this very moment.

Russian Unit Surrounded inside a Thick Forest

The Mujahideen have currently surrounded another Russian unit in the middle of a dense forest. This unit came to reinforce the Special Forces unit surrounded by the Mujahideen in the region of Deberyort. By the Grace of Allah, the Mujahideen were able to kill the Commander of this Special Forces unit together with 34 of his soldiers. Soon after this, a serious mutiny appeared within the ranks of the remainder of the Russians and they began to kill each other to such an extent that the colour of the land became striped with white skin and red blood due to the large amount of blood that was spilt. Those still alive after this internal bloodbath attempted to flee the area until they arrived in an area of thick fog, where they began to fall down steep slopes leading to a high drop. All of this was happening infront of the eyes of the Mujahideen, who saw the Russians falling down that drop one after the other. "And none knows the forces of your Lord except Him." [Quran 74:31]

Encirclement of a Bunker of Russian Soldiers

The Mujahideen have, at present, surrounded a large Russian bunker which is believed to be a Command and Control Bunker controlling Russian operations from inside the side of a mountain. This bunker is believed to house a very high-ranking officer. A little while earlier, the Mujahideen announced to them that they should surrender and come out of the bunker so that they may be imprisoned alive. However, they refused. The Mujahideen are still trying to get them to surrender to avoid having to attack the bunker. We will keep you informed on the progress of this situation.

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Friday 14 January 2000: They Ran Back With a Humiliating Defeat

Russian Forces advanced forwards, coming from the Khanki region of Dagestan and arriving in the Dagestani region of Daaii, which lies 15km from the Chechnya-Dagestan border. These Forces wished to cross a very rugged passageway leading to the village of Shahar-Aqun, which is a mountainous village in the region of Shatoi.

The brave soldiers of Allah lay in wait for the Russians until they came closer into the passageway, leaving just them and the Mujahideen. A fierce battle ensued where the Mujahideen were able to send these forces back to where they came from, as losers. The Mujahideen killed 70 Russian soldiers in this battle, they destroyed more than 4 Army vehicles and shot down a helicopter, which had set out to support this battle. There were no mentioned losses within the ranks of the Mujahideen, by the Grace and Favour of Allah - Mighty and Magestic.

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poobshatse ne xosh, v drygom mesti ot etix loxov.

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The Mujahideen attack the Russian Police Base in Shali

During the entry of the Mujahideen in the city of Shali, in a hit-and-run operation, they set out to attack a Russian Military Police Base. They killed 14 Russian soldiers and two motorised vehicles, a Batayar and two carriers (Kamaz type). The Mujahideen were able to retreat without any loss in lives or equipment, and now they are outside the city of Shali.

The killing of 120 Russian soldiers in the battles today, around the city of Argun and Maskar-Yurt

The Mujahideen were able to destroy all the re-enforcement convoys that Russia pushed forward in order to regain the city of Argun. The resultant number of killed from the Russian Forces in the continuous operations reached more than 120, and 18 military motorised vehicles were destroyed. Then the Mujahideen leadership saw the need for retreat from the territories that were attacked, assuming an intense air-bombardment expected from Russia upon the regained territories. They now face towards other territories in order to surprise the Russian Forces by continuous strikes, and a painful liberation of them from their hands.

The Failing President Putin calls the war generals for an emergency meeting today, after continuous losses

After coming to realise the failure of all his plots to take control of the Chechen territories, where Russia is based, and the continuous destruction that it met during the past days, the looser Putin set out to call a surprise meeting with the war generals over the continuous fighting in Chechnya, in the Military centre in Moscow, in order to discuss the present situation. So what more embarrassment do you think the next stage will bring?

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Afghanistan recognized Chechen government and its independence. That's good, now terrorists have a place to escape to. And a reason for Russia to bomb Afghanistan if it feels like it.

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Those are good stories for Muslim kindergarten. Do you really believe it? Get real. If NATO did not help you, Muslim separatists, where would you be?

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Svoloch, Thanks. davai v drugoi raz. I gotta go now. honest.

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oops u r getting upset??

wait till u see the picture of the russian bodies and POW's. BTW, a report was saying that the russians also were SHITTING as they were dying. just like the tiger, arkan. do we c a common thing here between the russians and the serbs tigers and russian eagles???

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FredDeLingue, you are starting to piss me off, when the •••• did i ever ••••••• apologize to anyone for anything? You ••••••• talk too much ••••, shut your ••••••• mouth, i would ••••••• kill you before the thought of apologizing crossed my mind moron!

Turk, how can i be nationalist and Communist? Well i am Russian Nationalist who is pro Russian everything, i am Communist in believing that only thing better for the country is Communism. I am Ultra Russian Nationalist.

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Oh, and someone before said that the only way to go is through Yavlinkskiy, well Yavlinskiy joined forces with Zyuganov. So please go and vote for him still, hehehehe

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