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Archive through January 17, 2000

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Turk did not they tell you that they are building a Loblaws in Grozny so they need a large parking lot for all the camels for Hattab and Co.

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By igor ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 06:25 pm:
or a whorehouse for those deperate russians who cant get laid....

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Afghan govt recognized CHECHNIA as a INDEPENDENT COUNTRY.

way to go Chechnia.

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Russians losing the propaganda war in Chechnya

By Patrick Cockburn in Moscow
The Independent (UK)
17 January 2000

The conflict in Chechnya is confirming the saying that the first casualty of war is truth. During the fighting last month in the capital Grozny, a Russian armoured reconnaissance unit sent to locate Chechen firing positions was ambushed and suffered heavy losses as it entered Minutka square in the heart of the city.

Foreign news agencies in Grozny reported that 115 Russian soldiers were lying dead amid the wreckage of their armoured vehicles. Russian defence officials denied that any battle had occurred at all.

"In fact the agencies got it a little wrong," said Captain Jury Gladkevich of the independent Military News Agency in Moscow. "Our losses were 52 dead and wounded. It wasn't an attempt to storm Grozny. The Russian commander wanted to draw Chechen fire to find out where they were, but he underestimated their defences."

The incident explains why Russia is doing so badly in the information war in Chechnya. No setback is ever admitted, however strong the evidence to the contrary. A Russian general speaks of 7,000 Chechen fighters killed – yet even a pro-Moscow Chechen politician says the real figure is 200. Official spokesmen lose credibility by the month.

After four months in which the Russian high command trumpeted a trouble-free advance through Chechnya, the ability of guerrillas to strike at the towns of Gudermes, Shali and Argun shocked the Russian media and public. "Suddenly it turned out that no defence was organised against potential strikes," wrote the daily newspaper Izvestia last week. "The troops were scattered all over the territory and mobile armoured units had no unified command."

None of this was a surprise to General Vladimir Kosarev, a dapper middle-aged officer who last year set up the Military News Agency (known by its Russian initials as AVN) just before the start of the latest Chechen war. He had resigned from the army in frustration at its refusal to tell the truth.

"There was always a high wall between journalists and the army," said Gen Kosarev as he recalled his last years in uniform. "I thought I could destroy it, but I failed."

Now is trying again. In a Moscow office he has gathered the former military journalists he considers the best in the field, all of whom were once in the armed forces, none below the rank of captain.

Gen Kosarev and his journalists do not oppose Russia's war in Chechnya, but they are keen to see it properly reported. Capt Gladkevich, a specialist on Chechnya, said that, for example, "the number of Russian casualties is three or four times the official figure". The numbers are massaged to keep them low by various means, such as not reporting numbers of missing soldiers, most of whom are dead.

Capt Gladkevich admits that he does not have an exact figure for Russian losses, despite repeated efforts to find out. It is, he said, a closely guarded secret. "When a senior medical office at the Ministry of Defence asked about our casualties, he was immediately cross-questioned about why he needed to know."

Few of AVN's reports have gone down well with the official spokesmen for the army or the Defence Ministry. With some glee, Gen Kosarev records how one such spokesman accused AVN of helping the Chechen rebels by revealing in advance that two senior Russian generals in operational command in Chechnya – Vladimir Shamanov and Gennady Troshev – were to be moved from their posts. Gen Kosarev promptly got up at a press conference and attacked the spokesman "for misleading the Russian public".

In fact, said Capt Gladkevich, the background to the apparent firing of the two generals – who are now to be promoted – had nothing to do with any feeling in Moscow that the war was going badly, although Gen Shamanov was in bad odour with President Boris Yeltsin for making political statements.This was confirmed by acting President Vladimir Putin at the weekend; he said the authority of both Gen Shamanov and Gen Troshev was to be "expanded, not diminished".

Many Russian generals and defence officials approve of the AVN's record of accurate reporting on military and security affairs. Gen Kosarev proudly showed off a congratulatory letter from the air force commander. But, on more mundane business matters, he concedes that "it is too early to tell if the agency will ever be profitable".

The agency may also benefit from a growing willingness by the Russian media to admit that so far the official account of the war in Chechnya has been grossly misleading. The army announced the capture of villages and towns as soon as local Chechen leaders agreed to run up the Russian flag, but never really controlled them.

The ability of AVN to tap into so many sources inside the armed forces shows that there are plenty of Russian soldiers who believe there is no danger in revealing what is happening.Still, the overall picture of victorious advance in Chechnya is unlikely to change. As the daily newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets points outs: "While losing soldiers and losing the war, the word will be that we are winning, at least until the presidential elections."

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"""In Moscow, acting President Vladimir Putin defended Russia's military campaign in breakaway Chechnya during talks Monday with a Council of Europe delegation critical of civilian losses sparked by the conflict.

He urged the group to judge Russia's actions in the North Caucasus on facts and not propaganda, saying: "We want the international community to understand and judge the events in the North Caucasus not on the basis of propaganda but on facts, and real events."""

I could not say better than that. Judge Russia's actions on facts, not on Russia's propaganda. To start with:
- Indiscriminate heavy bombing of civilians;
- Wholesale destruction of Chechnya's infrastructure, towns and villages;
- Violation of Human Rights and Geneva Conventions.

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Turk no comment on video?

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to all

Russian Unit Surrounded inside a Thick Forest

The Mujahideen have currently surrounded another Russian unit in the middle of a dense forest. This unit came to reinforce the Special Forces unit surrounded by the Mujahideen in the region of Deberyort. By the Grace of Allah, the Mujahideen were able to kill the Commander of this Special Forces unit together with 34 of his soldiers. Soon after this, a serious mutiny appeared within the ranks of the remainder of the Russians and they began to kill each other to such an extent that the colour of the land became striped with white skin and red blood due to the large amount of blood that was spilt. Those still alive after this internal bloodbath attempted to flee the area until they arrived in an area of thick fog, where they began to fall down steep slopes leading to a high drop. All of this was happening infront of the eyes of the Mujahideen, who saw the Russians falling down that drop one after the other. "And none knows the forces of your Lord except Him." [Quran 74:31]

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Wishfull thinking,must be another of those faerie tales from Koran

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to all and coward igor especialy...

hey igor , why do you fight togethether russian forces in chechenya. why ?
are you fear ?

Encirclement of a Bunker of Russian Soldiers

The Mujahideen have, at present, surrounded a large Russian bunker which is believed to be a Command and Control Bunker controlling Russian operations from inside the side of a mountain. This bunker is believed to house a very high-ranking officer. A little while earlier, the Mujahideen announced to them that they should surrender and come out of the bunker so that they may be imprisoned alive. However, they refused. The Mujahideen are still trying to get them to surrender to avoid having to attack the bunker. We will keep you informed on the progress of this situation.

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to all and coward igor especialy...

hey igor , why do you fight together russian forces in chechenya. why ?
are you fear ?

Encirclement of a Bunker of Russian Soldiers

The Mujahideen have, at present, surrounded a large Russian bunker which is believed to be a Command and Control Bunker controlling Russian operations from inside the side of a mountain. This bunker is believed to house a very high-ranking officer. A little while earlier, the Mujahideen announced to them that they should surrender and come out of the bunker so that they may be imprisoned alive. However, they refused. The Mujahideen are still trying to get them to surrender

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I could not access the video When I tried I get "The page cannot be displayed" message. But I rely on your word on its content. If as you said, it was showing a three year old girl's fingers cut by Chechen kidnappers, this is most deplorable. There is no place in any civilised society for such a barbaric act. This is also an unislamic act, and no Muslim will defend such a criminal behaviour.

Will you now, similarly express outrage for people tied up and pulled behind APCs to their deaths, which you(?) posted the picture. Does Geneva Convention prescribes that?

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So when the mujahideen win the war for chechnya are they going to implement extremist/dumbass laws like women cannot show their face or they will be beaten within an inch of their life. If religion is about love and God then why do they turn it into a violent factional extremist group.

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chechen: are you currently fighting?

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better: yes, if you mean technology, you are the best. but the life, you are 100 behind the whole world. there's no ••••••• life in us. the worst it could ever be.

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actually those pictures are from which is a pro-chechen web site. I believe I saw them there.

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