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Archive through January 17, 2000

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turk.... are you muslim or humanist ?
and what do you think about chechen conflict declaration of Prime Minister ECEVIT ?

Russian soldiers feel tired, betrayed in Chechnya campaign


GROZNY, Jan. 15

But Kazantsev's eyes darkened when he recalled the Argun Gorge, where
his 60-strong company ran into an ambush by Chechen fighters. Sixteen
soldiers were killed and 27 injured.
''We lost a lot of good comrades,'' he said, his voice growing low
with sudden bitterness.
Army trucks loaded with disfigured bodies of Russian troops roll out
of Chechnya into the neighboring Russian region of Ingushetia every day.
At least a dozen bodies arrive daily - a number several times above the
official casualty figures, said soldiers stationed at border checkpoints
between Chechnya and Ingushetia.
''Some days they carry out 200 bodies, all cut up,'' said Denis
Kulikov, 20, a soldier from a unit staffing a border checkpoint. ''You
look into a truck, there are heads, arms, piled up in a heap. You can't
even tell whose arm or whose leg it is.''
Many of the bodies are those of 18- to 20-year-olds who had been
rounded up by Russia's mandatory military draft, barely trained, and
sent into battle against experienced Chechen guerrillas

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yes I am fighting now.

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way to go chechen!! are you implying that muslim can not be humanist??? what do you say to this Turk? He seems to be one proud "Mujahideen"

chechen: you did not answer my question: are you currently fighting in chechnya

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can you check chechen ip address.

chechen: or do you mean informational war

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better: yeah, he had a great time. bullshit, he was shitting in his pants, just as tom hanks and matt damon were. so don't start with this american bullshit.

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Slovak what world are you living in? So you tell me when you lay on the beach in your crapy little country (wishing you were here) you see the "Bay Watch" girls you dream of? Nice try. We have freedom, we have the best of everything. Of course you would like to live under the rule of a homo dictator like hitler. Don't you have an answer for the rest of my questions. To bad my grandfather didn't shoot your grandfather so an ignorant hatchling like you could ever been born. the best part of you ran down the crack of your mom's ass and wound up as a brown stain on the sheet! Sorry about this readers but I hate little wanna be's who want to live their in the shadow of that fag hitler...

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betterthanyou: i think slovak is living in usa. He just like to piss other people off. He also like nazis very much, it seems he/she is either redneck or skinhead.

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cotw, yeah you are probably right.It's all in the name of fun. Except for some who beleive in ignorance. Maybe that's why this world has so many problems.

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In islam there is no compulsion. A muslim woman, on her free will may choose to cover her face, but the requirement is only to cover her hair, and not to reveal her body. When a girl is young, parents are required to teach her how she should be dressed, and explain the reasons, but on reaching adulthood, a woman has her own free will on what to do.

Application of violance against a woman to cover her face is not an islamic act, but it is a local tradition, as such should not be used as a proof against Islam.

There are a lot of women who converted from Christianity to Islam and chose to dress in Islamic way, and expressed the feeling of being liberated after doing so.

When a women is dressed revealing her body, she is treated as a sex object, not as a person.

Unfortunately there will be people with different beliefs on every society, and some will try to use force to impress their beliefs on others. This is true in every religion, or society. Don't you have "Militia" in USA which is advocating violance?

Here we go. I ended up commenting on Islam, which was something I was trying to avoid.

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Here is where Chechen is commuting from:
Ahmet Adnan Saygun cad. No 54
Kat 1 Ulus
Istanbul, 80620
How to reach the provider:
Phone: 902122840390
Fax: 902122804979
I can get more specific infrmation if Chechen insists.

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thanks man.

chechen: here you go, you are brave fighting "man". Of cause you are fighting, it is called information war, your freinds kill and destroy and you are trying to make them look good. atta boy.

just do not use Allah name, you know he can lose his patience one day with people like you and woom, smack, poof....

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Turk, i have to respect the traditions of other nations, as well as beliefs, yet I have trouble with violence or hate in the name of God. I guess everyone has their own vision of a perfect world. What is "right" will never be percieved as the same by everyone... every country has it's group that hate and look to cause violence the US included. we can only look to each other for good and maybe someday we will come up with an answer.

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I am trying to figure out why the Muslims support the Chechens.Is it because you think they are right or is it because they are Muslims?

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I am a Muslim, but I like to see myself as an enlighten Muslim who has achieved freeing oneself from non-islamic traditions and false beliefs. I see democracy and human rights as natural extentions of Islam. I respect the right of every person to form their own opinion, act accordingly and face its consequence either in this world or the next. Who am I to impose others, while the God, with all his infinite wisdom, chose to create human beings with free will.

I admire Chechens' determination to fight for their indepence, and hope one day to contribute towards its reconstruction.

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Agree 100%.

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