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Archive through January 17, 2000

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Russian authorities will have a hard time denying the massacre of Alkhan-Yurt now that new evidence has come out. But what about other reports of similar atrocities which Russia continues to deny? What about the Russian troops which fired on a group of civilians fleeing near Goity village, killing 40 and wounding 7, according to survivors? "They shot us point blank and they burned the bus," said survivor Taisa Aidamirova, one of the wounded from her hospital bed in Ingushetia (The Independent-UK, Radio Liberty, December 4, 1999; AP, December 3rd; BBC, December 7, 1999; Reuters, December 7th; Human Rights Watch, December 6th). Russian sources, including the FSS (Federal Security Services of Russia) and Russian Defense Ministry, dismissed the attack on the convoy of civilians as "Chechen propaganda." (BBC, Radio Liberty, December 4, 1999, Reuters, December 5, 1999). However, survivors tell a different story which match many others during the course of this brutal war. A convoy of 7 cars and 1 bus, led by a woman with a white flag in front, were inching their way to a safer place. One, Aisa Bakova, said that soldiers stopped them and threatened to shoot if they went any further. Yet, she claimed that the Russian soldiers would not let them go back either. It took an hour to negotiate with the Russian soldiers. Finally, the Russians told them they could pass. And as Taisa got into her car, the Russians shot point blank: destoying all but 2 cars and burning the bus where many died in flames. In the end, only Taisa's car was allowed to leave Chechnya on December 3rd. From her hospital bed in Ingushetia, she said: "I do not know such cruel people that everyone had to die." (News from Radio Liberty, BBC, The Independent-UK, December 4, 6, 7, 1999; Human Rights Watch, December 6th).

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Old news

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And yet in another town, Shali, 12 miles southeast of the capital, villagers invited Russian soldiers to come in after insuring that chechen fighters were gone. Yet the Russian military still bombed the center, close to the market, killing at least 5. (RFE/RL, December 9th).

Refugees and villagers are repeating the same stories over and over again: that elders of villages make arrangements with Russian soldiers to leave them alone, but then they are bombed anyway a week later. (The Sunday Times-UK, December 12th). In the village of Gropte, for example, Russians guaranteed safety to all villagers, but one week later, they bombed the village and then Russian special forces came in and threw grenades into basements. Another village, Kurchaloy, allegedly paid the Russians tens of thousands of dollars to be left alone (The Sunday Times--UK, December 12, 1999).

What is clear: The massacre of Alkhan-Yurt is no longer a dirty secret. Someone will be held accountable

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Yeah the Chechen bandits will be accountable

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Russsian chicken drunken eagel can show their strength to only civiians and wet THEIR PANTS WHEN THEY SEE MUJAHIDS.

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Mohammed saw the young boys ass and he lusted for it" Surah V

"Allah sucked cock as if cock were his lifeblood" Surah XXV

"And Allah the almighty faggot told Mohammed that true Muslims must rape boys and eat cum" and so it was done. Surah IV

"So Allah told Mohammed to write a book about Muslims" he said "Speak of the Muslims who are QUeers, whORes, and altogether morONs" and Mohammed said instantly "I'll call the book a quoron" Surah VII
The next day Allah said to Mohammed "Bitch are you done?" Mohammed replied "Yes my anal master" Surah VII

"So the two fags bought all the vaseline the town offered" "And for nine days, their asses bled and they could not walk" nevertheless they were in bliss. Surah IX

"They went to Mecca looking for young men to bugger. And came upon many there" So he became king of the gays. And declared that all Muslims who are real fags must make a pilgrimage of homosexuality to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. He said "They will get on their knees and bend over and be buggered there in Mecca" Surah XXXIV

So Allah proclaimed "There is no use for women" and Mohammed said "Well, let's cover their heads and faces with veils, so we can fu*k then and think about men, so we may create more fags" Then he said "But let us not quit our adoration of the greatness of the male body" And Allah said "Yes bitch I agree" Mohammed replied "Thank you my delicious dicky darling" Surah XXVIII

The new moon arose and Allah told Mohammed his bitch, “let us go rape some boys in the guise of night”, and so the did. Surah VX

So Allah dwelled into a small town, after his breakup with his male companion. He wandered into an unknown territory. The men of the villagers asked him “who the fu*k are you, ya filthy fag boy?” Where upon he replied I am Allah King of all Gays”. And the men asked “what do you do exactly?”, he said “I am a chicken farmer, as I tend to all the cocks available.” Surah VIIIX

On a very boring day Mohammed and Allah ran out of strange gay acts to perform. They wore out all their dildos, and exhausted the oils and lubes that were available. It was just the two of them and the QUORON. Then suddenly Mohammed told Allah to bend over, and Allah complied. Mohammed then shoved the Quoron up Allah’s ass-hole, and then dubbed it a HOLY book, and it became known as the Holy Quoron. Surah XIX

So it was written and preached “If no man is willing to become a man-fu*ker like a Muslim, he shall die.” He shall be he shall be captured, (hijack) upon which time “we will bugger him to death.” However, if that fails he shall be destroyed (bombed) in a fashion suitable. “We shall equip a brainwashed straight man into arming himself with explosives, and then he will commit a suicide by killing his worthless self and others like him.” And so it is practiced until today. Surah L

Allah consoled Mohammed as he wept about men dying and not women. He wept oh Allah shoulder, for he was a simple minded buffoon, who was illiterate and fu*ked the animals he tended, as was his nature. Surah LVIX

On one particular day Mohammed and Allah were fornicating in the bushes. They did not realize that other people were around. And as Mohammed was boning up Allah (at this time known as Imran) Allah began to moan. Mohammed heard it and urged him to get louder. He said “lemme hear you holler bitch, come on who’s your daddy bitch. Come on scream, I want you to holler, holler, holler.” And then busted a nut on his friend. However the people around the area heard this, and were curious. They came to the two men (already dressed again) and asked what all the noise was about. Mohammed denied any noise. The people said “we heard someone say holler, holler, holler as if being asaulted.” Upon which Mohammed spoke and said “ I was saying Allah, Allah, Allah, for that is the name of my friend here. I was calling him, for I was lost” And Imran’s name became known as Allah at that moment.

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I feel so sorry for the russian chicken that they are sleeping in cowshade with cow dungs.

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- on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 09:05 pm

you are doning fine, thats al you can do, our faith is not like yours. You are helping 1000s to bacame muslims.

keep up and raise your rank in the pit

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Abdfool your daddy said this to you?lemme hear you holler bitch, come on who’s your daddy bitch

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HUMANITARIAN STATEMENTS: Russian Officials Claim There Is No Humanitarian Catastrophe: The Following Statements Are The Tip of the Iceberg Which Say Otherwise

As the civilian death toll climbs over 5,000, with thousands more wounded or ill, 270,000 having fled, and tens of thousands unable to flee in the 4 months since the latest war began, the human tragedy unfolding in Chechnya has shocked the entire world. While Russian authorities deny stories by eyewitnesses, international groups and press, the reality is far worse than anyone can imagine. As Patrick Cockburn of the Independent of the UK stated on November 3rd: "In one respect the Chechens are much worse off than either the Kosovars or the East Timorese." On December 6th, the Russians gave the civilians inside the capital city an ultimatum: leave or die by December 11th. These horrific words are creating an outcry worldwide which we will continue to report. (BBC, AP, CNN, December 6 & 7, 1999; Human Rights Watch, December 6, 1999).

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igor ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 09:12 pm

Your mom gave me your the Dna sample I will soon let you and your gangs know the results.


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Here are a few samples of some published international comments regarding Russian action against the civilian population in Chechnya:

1.Professor John Dunlop, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Washington, D.C., November 3rd: "It is my conclusion that this campaign of terror against Chechen civilians has been fully intentional on the part of the Russian military, Prime Minister Putin and President Yeltsin. Its principal aim appears to have been ethnically to cleanse hundreds of thousands of Chechens from their home republic, in what resembles a repeat performance of the Stalinist deportation of 1944, which eventually resulted in the Chechens losing 20-25% of their populace." (CSCE, Testimony, Washington, November 3rd) 2.Human Rights Watch, USA, stated that witness testimonies suggest that "there is evidence of war crimes in Chechnya." (Reuters, November 3, 1999; Web site for Human Rights Watch, November 9, 1999). Rachel Denber, Human Rights Watch says "the effects of the Russian campaign in Chechnya are 'tragic and mounting.'" ("Victims Without A Voice: Chechen Casualties of War, Toronto Star, November 19, 1999).

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3.International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) "Demanded an end to the slaughter of innocent civilians by Russian forces, expressing fear that Moscow's present course could even lead to genocide." IHF President Ludmila Alexeeva, who also chairs the Moscow Helsinki Group, stated on October 29th, "Under the pretext of fighting terrorism, a real war is being waged against Chechnya, with tragic consequences for the civilian population...adding that in several Russian cities the authorities are conducting a campaign of ethnic cleansing...'These events are no less dangerous for European security than the Kosovo crisis caused by the Milosevic regime last spring.'" ("As Russians Bombs Chechnya, US Calls For Dialogue," by Charles Fenwesi, October 29th). 4.European Union President, Finnish Foreign Minister Tarja Halonen, "The EU insists on a corridor being opened....I am concerned about speed representatives of a Nordic country, we understand that winter will wait for no one. We have to hurry." (Reuters, october 30, 1999)

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5.Amnesty International's Secretary-General, Pierre Sane, met with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in NY on 2nd November and expressed grave concerns, citing reports that artillery attacks have resulted in civilian deaths and injuries, as well as forcing more than 190,000 from their homes. Mr. Sane said that "Russia seemed to think it could get away with such behavior because there was little media coverage and because Russia was a permanent member of the UN Security Council...Fighting crime and terrorism is no justification for violating human rights...International law is being blatantly ignored."(Reuters, Nov. 3rd) 6.Helsinki Commission, Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe, Washington, D.C., November 3rd: There is a "horrific humanitarian disaster unfolding in Chechnya." 7.US Congressman Christopher Smith, CSCE, Washington, D.C., November 3rd: The "Russian Government applies indiscriminate force far out of proportion to its stated objectives in was the case 4 years ago, thousands of innocent persons are being killed or displaced..." 8.US Congressman Steny Hoyer, CSCE, Washington, D.C., November 3rd: The Russian "policy is not only murderous, but incredibly short sighted...the war in Chechnya has not only become an attack on innocent non-combantants, but it will strain the fabric of Russia's democratic development to say nothing of the financial resources that could be used to build up a society, rather than destroy it"

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abd, I am puking of your cut and paste capabilities.
Your friend Armenian

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