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Archive through January 17, 2000

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to balalaika

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sorry, you'e next 🙂

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to all russian fuckers:
you are trying to get rid of me, because you all know that i'm right. •••• you all. as you can see, everywhere in the world, they say about HUGE HUGE russian losses. and i'm glad. i hope there will be more and more dead russian soldiers. and very few chechnyans.
DEATH TO RUSSIANS !!! (ultra, voloch or whatever)


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2 armenian,

>>> sorry, you'e next 🙂

so what? i indeed wery much wonder how far you can go...

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Death to the commie Russian mother f*uckers!!!

Those Chechnians are screwing the Commie Russians real bad.

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War on the innocents
War of the innocents
blood is blood
The pain the same
walk in peace..if not agreement
the countless faces..
of youth...
the future...
Ravaged by war...
their hearts see no future
Their eyes can not hide...
the terror and misunderstanding...
The children ask why into the night
Their only answer...
the rumbling and reckage around them.
Who will explain to them
the unexplainable..
how war can ravage a childs world...
War against the innocents...
They ask you to...
Please stop...

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Chechnya is not part of Russia, and never will be.

Prove that. And, remember, I was saying that you're a good example of mind's presence? I was wrong.""""

What sort of proof do you want? Isn't it enough that Russians were not living in these territories, and they tried to forcefully annex it. After centuries of Chechen rebellion, when Chechens were deported by Stalin resulting in the death of three Chechens out of every four, some Russians settled in Chechen houses and farms. After Chechens returned, this was always a cause for resentment (a few good articles were actually posted on this board.)

Look this is a tragic chapter in the human history. Just because you are not in the receiving end, don't be so insensitive to the plight of these people. Like every nation, they have the right to live in their country peacefully, without being attacked and killed by an agressive foreign power, hell-bent to ransack this small country. One day, your children will read about this Russian violance with shame.

Chechens are admirable in their bravery and determination to rid their country of the invaders. I salute them.

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british, slovak, bosna:
you guys/girls are just bunch of racist nazis who like seeing dead people, like killing people.
Slovak: I hope you go through that 6 millions jew and other innocent people went through during wwII. When I hope you would understand that nazi did.

british, bosna: you guys use the name of Allah to much, do not wear it out. You use the name but have no clue that does it means to be a muslim (at least based on your postings) He sees it all and your day will come, as well for all those who use the religion to kill and bring suffering to innocent.

balalaka: The most of information I get is from the western resources. I just take it all with some salt, and I would suggest you to do the same.
Of cause, some russian solders do not get paid, of cause in the long run most of the politician look for themself only. But I do not believe it is everywhere in russia.

You guys just post here to insult russians, you do not care for debate (expect Turk), you just read peace of info and if it fits you, then you post it. The world is not black and white and in this war you cannot take one side and say they are right or wrong. If you think that "freedom fighters" are so right then why do they use civilian as a shield (please read report by Human Right watch group).

I do not know if russia is/was an evil empire (Reagan come up with a good phase) I just know that majority of people there are nice and friendly. You say they are evil and commie, but communism fold down 10 years ago and majority of russians do not want it back (sorry ultra, but this is what i think).

You guys use history to say that russia occupied other country, but please, look around you it is history of world. You say that Chechen do not want to be in federation, fine, but what those terrorists are doing is not a solution. Ask youself, who is suffering the most - right! it is ordinary civilian, chechens, russians, ukrains, etc all people who live there and whos lifes being destroid in their's name.

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You Muslims are Flicking idiots as usual got nothing to say.Who cares if Russian army gets paid, I would kill the bastards for free.Who cares where they sleep, I wouldn't have time to sleep, have to get the job done.The bottom line is the bandits will be dead .I saw a whole bunch of bearded bastards on B.B.C. And BOSZZZNA there will be more Arkans, so don't worry.Its all over real soon.Afghanistan next stop on parade? OH yeah I see we have another Abfool except this one is Slovak the punk no brainer.That about covers it you MORONS>

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Turk do I need to remind you of Turkish violence RE Armenians? What are you blabbing about. Did you watch videos of your peace loving freedom fighters?


quit" TARGET="_top">

quit the bullsite still waiting for your response to site

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My dear Chechen and Russian brothers and sisters:

Oh dear. Indeed I had a very nice time reading these messages. I haven't had a laugh this good for over 15 years. No, no, make that 20. At first I was very wary of this new fangled idea -- the internet! Imagine the very idea of speaking to someone miles away with just a click of a button!I am very surprised my heart has not failed me yet! Oh dear surprises aren't too good...
May God bless my soul! May God bless my soul! May God bless my soul! May God bless my soul! AMEN!


P.S. Yes, brothers and sisters do fight all the time but don't forget... GRANDMA LOVES YOU!

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Being pro-Russian doesn't mean to be Nationalist. I believe communism is a kind of internationalist movement based on brotherhood of working class people. I even remember some Russian communists were sent to China to direct the communist uprising there during the early years of Mao's reign. Communism is actually hostile to the nationalism. You must be National Socialist with a tag of "Communist".

This is an interesting subject for me, since I was a communist sympathiser during my university years, until finding out that out of all those propaganda, there was nothing workable in a real world, which eventually proven by the collapse of the soviet block. But I must admit, despite its shortcoming, communism provided real benefits to poor people of Russia.

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Posts: 1518 They know where money going ---For terrorist activities yet still sending it. The society urges its supporters to "formulate a fifth column for the spread of Islam". It has strong links with Islamic militants in Kashmir, Chechnya and Afghanistan, many of which are regarded as terrorist organisations by security sources in the West.

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Sorry, I did not realize that whose questions where from the title on this board.

What sort of proof do you want? Isn't it enough that Russians were not living in these territories, and they tried to forcefully annex it. After centuries of Chechen rebellion, when Chechens were deported by Stalin resulting in the death of three Chechens out of every four, some Russians settled in Chechen houses and farms. After Chechens returned, this was always a cause for resentment (a few good articles were actually posted on this board.)

You are right russians there not living there 2 centuries ago. Now they do, as well as many others. I am sorry, but this is not a good reason on why now all other must leave and they will should not be taking into account.
You right, Stalin did bad thing to chechen, but again, Stalin did those thing to all others (in case you ask for example - jews). Nationality did have any relation to that Stalin did. He did it to russians, belorussians, ..... He did it to his friends and enemies. I am very sorry for chechens, but two wrong does not make it right. So, because during the centuries, some other nationalities came to this territory and settle down, they must be killed and driven out???
I should also mention here that chechen were not discriminated as much as over nationality (not that it makes it o.k.) Dudaev was a general in USSR air force (can you find any jew in the same position, I doubt you can).

I totaly agree with you that if people would like to leave RF when they should, but you are forgetting than Basaev and Co. started it all by invading Dagestan.

Also, in my last posting I said that Chechenya was independent (although not internationaly recognized). You said because of that where were no capital flowing in. I would like to point out, what president of Chechenay signed a international oil deal with western companies in 96 (or 97). You can find references of it on the web. Also, there were a lot international organization in Chechnya (95-99) untill increased level of kidnapping and killing (western news).
I do not want to say it is because all Chechen are bad, I just do not think that they are all innocent white sheeps and russians are bad wolf.

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good night


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