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Archive through January 17, 2000

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SLOVAK, take a look inside yourself and tell us you aren't a racist. Hate does not pay. Chill down. Also if you want to salute Hitler, this is not the best place for it. Find another board.

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igor: i want to know who atributed to this discussion. you tell me. either you, who doesn't know what to say anytime somebody asks you a question. or is it ultra nacionale, who talks bullshit about his dreams of great russia. or is it svoloch or who??????????

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armenian: well, i don't know what to say to you. that was the best message you were able to write.

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"""Acting President Vladimir Putin's campaign to wipe out all Chechen resistance to Moscow's authority is no longer a triumphal parade. Russian casualties have begun to mount."""

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By Stanislav ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 11:01 pm:
Russians are not hiding from Chechen rebels. 🙂 If your Chechens are so brave, then let them come and face the battle with our forces. I doubt they will dare to do so. I repeat, so who is coward?

Hmm.. well why don’t your brave russians storm grozny instead of being scared and bombing the hell out of grozny
How many russians are there over there 100.000? how many chechens are there? You have airpower tanks e.t.c. what do they have ?

By Stanislav ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 11:01 pm:

What are you trying to say? That Muslim goverments are most economically advanced? 🙂
They are who we must take an example from. 🙂

What im trying to say is She is poor. She is weak. She is starving. She is in chaos.

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"""without winning over the civilian population it's extremely difficult for even the best-armed conventional armies to prevail against a committed guerrilla army fighting on home ground.""",2633,37453,00.html

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By FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 08:32 pm:
Russia is in bad situation socialy. That's true.
BUT why you and the west are always pointing to the misery in Russia.
Why aren't you talking about the misery in India, or in Brasil?
Because in Russia it's not (fortunately) regarded as normal. Russia host misery and unhuman inegality but at least doesn't have it as a norm.

The reason we or I should say I don’t criticize india e.t.c…. is cuz those arrogant {russians}. Tend to still consider russia as a grand and powerfull nation . I take immense pleasure from what has happenned to russia . to imagine these were the same russians who WERE once a superpower, The same russians with there haughtiness invaded afghanistan thinking they were easy pickings and were utterly disgraced. Then they were humiliated again in chechnya and obviously have not learnt there lesson not to mess with muslims How ironic it is that the russians were battling the mujahidin in afghanistan those same mujahidin are now fighting the same russians on there own soil. How the mighty have fallen This conflict cannot be won by russia Even if grozny falls the war will not end . it will continue to deplete russia’s already meagre resources and material. Of coarse this is perfect for the west this will keep the russian bear on its knees in shackles for years to come while they devise a plan to destroy russia for good .

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Manipulating someone's thoughts, emotions, impressions, or beliefs through intimidation, blackmail, disinformation, or rumor involves a craft known as psychological operations. Its techniques are universal yet cheap if put into the hands of skilled and competent operators. Its principles are applicable to many civil wars all over the globe.

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RUSSIAN military commanders have accepted large cash bribes in return for not bombarding certain Chechen villages suspected of hiding Islamist fighters, according to accounts by witnesses published at the weekend. They will only strengthen the impression of mounting chaos in a war that Vladimir Putin, the acting President, has admitted has no quick end in sight.

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Elsewhere, locals claimed that underpaid officers had stopped attacks in return for food. The claims were reported in the Moscow Times and dismissed by the Russian Defence Ministry as "not worth talking about", but they recall all too clearly a notorious protection racket that operated in Chechnya in the 1994-96 war

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If you think Russians are selling weapons to rebels I have some swamp land for you in Florida.You must be really stupid to believe that.

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Russia, the doctrine asserts, remains an important country on the global stage but "had to cope with the efforts of a number of states" to weaken and marginalise it. This meant that the "level and scale of the military threat" to the country was growing, forcing it to re-evaluate the role of its huge nuclear arsenal.

Under the previous defence doctrine issued in 1997, Moscow would resort to nuclear weapons only if its very national existence was threatened. Now however, it may use them "to repel armed aggression" once "all other means of resolving the crisis had been exhausted or proved ineffective".

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By igor ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 10:30 am:
If you think Russians are selling weapons to rebels I have some swamp land for you in Florida.You must be really stupid to believe that.

RUSSIAN military commanders have accepted large cash bribes in return for not bombarding certain Chechen villages suspected of hiding Islamist fighters, according to accounts by witnesses published at the weekend. They will only strengthen the impression of mounting chaos in a war that Vladimir Putin, the acting President, has admitted has no quick end in sight

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Human rights workers there have heard claims of Chechen villagers being forced to buy guns simply in order to surrender them and last week the Georgian government accused troops on a Russian base near Tbilisi of selling weapons to the rebel fighters themselves.

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