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Archive through January 17, 2000

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slovak come on now a monkey can turn on a computer. If you are so smart why are you trying to find your identity in some homosexual retard from the 1940's. What's a matter can't you think of anything on your own. Your father must have molested you, and your fathers mother must have also been his sister.

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Grear example Bosna

Chechnya is a place where journalists are killed and murdered (18 so far) and arrested (nine in a recent week alone), In Grozny, the thud of missiles was a testament to unanswered attacks. In Shali, residents were as hospitable as possible. ( Magellan Geographix)

people are kidnapped (more than 1,200 to date), innocent aid workers and expatriates are executed. And the greatest evil: the countless deaths and wounding of soldiers and civilians every day.

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slovak, I'm a college graduate. How about you dumb ass. You guys are so envious of the US but will never admit it. I bet you watch "Bay Watch" and want to have sex wuth David Hasslehoff!

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igor: thank you. i know that you know that i know more than you know. keep being impressed.

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better: that you are college graduate doesn't mean anything. i know a lot of college graduated and they are dumb as ••••. so don't try to impress with that. bay watch is good, because there are hot women. and NO, we don't wont hasselfhof. we wouldn't do that to you. you can have him for yourself. enjoy!!!

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your dady is here so you know how to talk, or I will ** Ass**


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In Chechnya, an Undaunted Diplomat

Unfortunate for Russians that they have too many dumb generals who love to destroy and very few diplomats who like to help.

What a stupid thing! Turn whole cities into rubble (with or without its local population) then offer to reconstruct (if ever!)

Russia does not give any option to people, but to fight to death. She has no idea how to extract itself out of this mess.

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By Armenian+ ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 02:25 pm:

Poem of a day,

armenia you know every one come from mother's woumb as normal way to this world and

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Slovak, ok there you go. Hot American women that would have nothing to do with some third world racist, hitler loving homo. you guys talk down about the US but love everything we have to offer. Because we are the best...

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How are your pits Abfoolah ready to bring them over.My dog had a field day with Rottweiller Bull Mastif cross,chewed half its face off.Discount on vaseline this week.

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russian chicken aka eagels are living in cow shade per abc raw news. They also did not get paid for 2months and generals are asking them to stay another 2 months. That will be commiting suicide for the chickens.

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Abfool you were hatched from a camel shite.You should try for a job at YUK-YUKS .You would make a great comedian.

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"People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser degree, Moses did the same." Professor Jules Masserman"

Isn't that hilarious to call a specialist in the adolescent sexuality to provide a foundation to your political statements?

Well, probably Moses was too deaf and blind to go for a leadership in the first 2-3 senses. What about the 6th one? He, at least, had a clue.

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igor ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 06:20 pm:

How are your pits?

Ask yur mom first son, come see her often. You are our son so come visit when you feel human ok boy


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Posts: 386

slovak, when I speak with my grandfather he has fond stories of WW2. He always tells of the great times he had shooting nazis in the back as they ran crying for their mothers wishing they had never had taken it in the ass by hitler you fag.

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