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Archive through January 18, 2000

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Adder more fairie tales .You people can not be for real. You are sooooooooooo flicking stupid it is beyond comprehension,have to watch hockey you are boring me today.

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Informations for the russians cooomiies igor and
deaf blind gangs

WHEN THE SLEEPING GAIN( all muslims nations) WILL WAKE up and unzipe the pants and peeee you all will be flooded and will die in peee ocean.

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We say with confidence that the Russian actions in the mountains are tantamount to them digging their own graves. The legend of the Russian Army will end in these regions, for the Mujahideen have prepared themselves for a long fight that can only be won with special preparations. The Mujahideen have concluded these preparations and are about to surprise the Russians with operations that will annihilate Russian forces on the mountain tops and in the valleys, just as they were crushed in the very cities they were fortifying themselves in, insha-Allah.

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The acting President of Russia, Putin the failure, and his band of loser generals, pinned high hopes on their offensive in the mountains. However, they were stunned by the preparations undertaken by the Mujahideen who had positioned themselves effectively throughout the region. A testimony to this preparedness was the capturing of a map from a dead Russian officer. The map indicated the positions of the Mujahideen that were scheduled to be attacked by the Russians.

We also praise Allah who enabled us to defeat two groups of Russian forces that were commissioned to carry out these attacks. The first group included the special "Desant" unit and the second was comprised of Special Forces and snipers who were ordered to capture the peaks of the mountain ranges. Both "special" units were completely annihilated. The commanding officers of the two units, a Major and a high-ranking commander respectively, were both killed in the fighting. We can say with confidence that Putin's first grand military plan has resulted in a dismal failure that echoes the likeness of its planner.

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two queers just look how they like each other must have given it to him in the arse .

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Fifth: We would like to whisper in the ears of all Muslims who are closely following these events a few words of reminder that Allah most High supports His soldiers and bestows upon them victory over their enemies, even if they were few in number: "How many a little company hath overcome a mighty host by Allah's leave! Indeed Allah is with the steadfast " [Quran 2:249] So often during Ramadan we sensed the blessings of the supplications of Muslims around the world. Indeed Allah answered their prayers and extended His support to the Mujahideen, keeping them steadfast and granting them victory, whilst planting fear in the hearts of His enemy and scattering them in defeat and destitution.

In the name of Allah! We call upon you all to shoulder the effort of this Jihad with us, and to stand by the Mujahideen by supporting them in every way possible, through Dua, or by other direct means. Victory will be for Islam and the Muslims. We ask Allah to give glory and victory to His religion, and to support those who raise the Word of Allah, while humiliating His enemies, and may the peace of Allah and His blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and His companions.

Field Commander Ibn-ul-Khattab

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By MOHAMMED ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 09:05 pm:


Mohammed saw the young boys ass and he lusted for it" Surah V

"Allah sucked cock as if cock were his lifeblood" Surah XXV

"And Allah the almighty faggot told Mohammed that true Muslims must rape boys and eat cum" and so it was done. Surah IV

"So Allah told Mohammed to write a book about Muslims" he said "Speak of the Muslims who are QUeers, whORes, and altogether morONs" and Mohammed said instantly "I'll call the book a quoron" Surah VII
The next day Allah said to Mohammed "Bitch are you done?" Mohammed replied "Yes my anal master" Surah VII

"So the two fags bought all the vaseline the town offered" "And for nine days, their asses bled and they could not walk" nevertheless they were in bliss. Surah IX

"They went to Mecca looking for young men to bugger. And came upon many there" So he became king of the gays. And declared that all Muslims who are real fags must make a pilgrimage of homosexuality to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. He said "They will get on their knees and bend over and be buggered there in Mecca" Surah XXXIV

So Allah proclaimed "There is no use for women" and Mohammed said "Well, let's cover their heads and faces with veils, so we can fu*k then and think about men, so we may create more fags" Then he said "But let us not quit our adoration of the greatness of the male body" And Allah said "Yes bitch I agree" Mohammed replied "Thank you my delicious dicky darling" Surah XXVIII

The new moon arose and Allah told Mohammed his bitch, “let us go rape some boys in the guise of night”, and so the did. Surah VX

So Allah dwelled into a small town, after his breakup with his male companion. He wandered into an unknown territory. The men of the villagers asked him “who the fu*k are you, ya filthy fag boy?” Where upon he replied I am Allah King of all Gays”. And the men asked “what do you do exactly?”, he said “I am a chicken farmer, as I tend to all the cocks available.” Surah VIIIX

On a very boring day Mohammed and Allah ran out of strange gay acts to perform. They wore out all their dildos, and exhausted the oils and lubes that were available. It was just the two of them and the QUORON. Then suddenly Mohammed told Allah to bend over, and Allah complied. Mohammed then shoved the Quoron up Allah’s ass-hole, and then dubbed it a HOLY book, and it became known as the Holy Quoron. Surah XIX

So it was written and preached “If no man is willing to become a man-fu*ker like a Muslim, he shall die.” He shall be he shall be captured, (hijack) upon which time “we will bugger him to death.” However, if that fails he shall be destroyed (bombed) in a fashion suitable. “We shall equip a brainwashed straight man into arming himself with explosives, and then he will commit a suicide by killing his worthless self and others like him.” And so it is practiced until today. Surah L

Allah consoled Mohammed as he wept about men dying and not women. He wept oh Allah shoulder, for he was a simple minded buffoon, who was illiterate and fu*ked the animals he tended, as was his nature. Surah LVIX

On one particular day Mohammed and Allah were fornicating in the bushes. They did not realize that other people were around. And as Mohammed was boning up Allah (at this time known as Imran) Allah began to moan. Mohammed heard it and urged him to get louder. He said “lemme hear you holler bitch, come on who’s your daddy bitch. Come on scream, I want you to holler, holler, holler.” And then busted a nut on his friend. However the people around the area heard this, and were curious. They came to the two men (already dressed again) and asked what all the noise was about. Mohammed denied any noise. The people said “we heard someone say holler, holler, holler as if being asaulted.” Upon which Mohammed spoke and said “ I was saying Allah, Allah, Allah, for that is the name of my friend here. I was calling him, for I was lost” And Imran’s name became known as Allah at that moment.

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:03 pm:30.

36. And how many a generation We have destroyed before them, who were stronger in power than them, and (when Our Torment came) they ran for a refuge in the land! Could they find any place of refuge (for them to save themselves from destruction)?

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By ABDULLAH THE CHILD MOLESTER ( - on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:17 pm:

82. Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne! Exalted be He from all that they ascribe (to Him).

83. So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised.

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ABDULLAH THE CHILD MOLESTER ( - on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:17 pm:

9. And when he learns something of Our Verses (this Qur'ân), he makes them a jest. For such there will be a humiliating torment.

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Shamil Basayev, Commander of the Mujahideen in Chechnya states:

"The news regarding Russian troops entering Grozny is not true and the capital remains under our control, and to Allah is all Praise

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You can always tell when it's going really bad for terrorists in Chechnya. Their supporters here start to post long old unrelated articles and curse as if Allah told them to. So no one has anything to say about Russians taking over the bridge in the downtown of Grozny or attempt on Maskhadov's life? Speaking of which, I think his own Presidential Guards botched the assassination because they were disbanded couple of days ago!

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Bdrother adder

igore is a sick pupy he knwos no good and he is not human, I usaly call him son of swine and monkeys.

His ip -


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