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Archive through January 18, 2000

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Come on you coommies you are nothing but a dead chicken.

200,000 VS 15,00 What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chechen Rebels Shoot Unarmed Civilians in Gekhi
Civilians in Town Attacked by Both Russian and Rebel Forces
(New York, November 30, 1999) -- Unarmed Chechen civilians attempting to maintain a neutral zone in the town of Gekhi came under direct, point-blank fire from Chechen rebel fighters on Sunday, November 28, Human Rights Watch said today. At least five civilians were wounded in the attack.

Related Material

Renewed Catastrophe: Chechnya Focus Page

"Then they started to shoot, at very close range, aiming straight at our legs" with 5.45-caliber automatics, said Islam. One bullet went directly through Islam's leg, while another lodged in his shin.
"Islam" (not his real name), a Chechen Civilian Wounded in Rebel Attack

Gekhi, located about 20 kilometers southwest of Grozny, had already come under heavy bombardment by Russian forces on November 7-8. That attack, according to many eyewitnesses interviewed by a Human Rights Watch research team in Ingushetia, resulted in civilian casualties, left numerous houses in ruins, and severely damaged the local hospital. Many civilians, including women and children, still remain in Gekhi, and cannot flee due to dangerous conditions en route to Ingushetia.

Human Rights Watch researchers gathered testimony in separate interviews with three of those wounded during Sunday's incident in Gekhi. Their accounts fully corresponded to each other.

The three wounded men— "Islam," 34 years old, "Hasan," 49 years old, and "Lyoma," 47 years old— recounted to Human Rights Watch how in recent weeks, rebel fighters regularly entered Gekhi from Urus-Martan to fire on Russian positions located several kilometers away, and then withdrew immediately. This strategy would regularly attract Russian fire.

Close to one week ago, residents established a checkpoint in the center of Gekhi on the road leading to Urus-Martan. Soon after the checkpoint was established, the witnesses told Human Rights Watch, Russian firing on Gekhi ceased. Three days ago, elders from Gekhi met with Gen. Vladimir Shamanov, the commander of Russian forces in western Chechnya, in Achkhoi-Martan. Gen. Shamanov reportedly assured the elders that if Russian forces were not fired upon, they would not return fire on Gekhi.

Islam recounted that on November 28 at 2:00 p.m., he and four other men were staffing the checkpoint, unarmed, when about ten heavily-armed rebel fighters appeared, apparently from the direction of Urus-Martan. Islam said the rebel fighters dismissed pleas not to enter the town. "Who is the eldest here?" one of them asked. "Are you defending the village?" When the residents responded affirmatively, the rebels replied, "And who do you think you are?"

"Then they started to shoot, at very close range, aiming straight at our legs" with 5.45-caliber automatics, said Islam. One bullet went directly through Islam's leg, while another lodged in his shin.

Hasan received bullet wounds in both legs. He corroborated Islam's testimony. "We provoked them in no way at all," said Hasan. "They want to get in to our village, to attack the Russian positions. But we don't have rebel fighters here, and we don't want them."

Lyoma received a bullet-wound in the right leg. "They were practically standing right beside me, that's how close they were," he said.

For Further Information:
Rachel Denber (New York) +1 212 216 1266
Diederik Lohman (Moscow) +7 095 250-6852

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Infidels your death are in hell like arkan the PUOSSY KITY


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It's unbelievable of the low degree of intelligence that the chatters in this site have. Truly unbelievable. Though I am from an undeveloped and backward nation as South Asia, we do not speak in the uncouthly and immoral language that most of you have. I believe that using the jargon often used by Clint Eastwood or Dirty Harry, to describe a majority of you would be most appropriate: MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!

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igor ( - on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:56 pm

THE FOOLE they, are slaves of russian so they deserved it.

The one who does not fight to escape slavery deserved double SLAVERY.

You son of monkeys now understand ISLAM, that is the CuRe for your diseases.

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English      00-01-18

Russians Withdraw From Gekhi

Last night Chechen forces carried out a successful operation against Russians occupying Gekhi. As a result of this the local command post was destroyed along with 3 armoured vehicles. The Russians retaliated by redirecting a tank column based on the outskirts of Gekhi and ordered indisciminate shelling of Gekhi.

The newly established diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and Chechenya marks a beginning of close cooperation between both countries. The Russians occupied Afghanistan in 1979 and pulled out after a 9 year war that resulted in many Russian casualties. May this strategic alliance be a warning to the Russians. It must be pointed out that the question of recognition by different members of the world community is not critical as long as the simple fact remains in that two Islamic states are cooperating.

The fighting in the Argun Valley contines to intensify. According to Chechen commanders near Duba-Yurt a force of about 40,00 Russians is massing up. They have occupied a strategic height and are in pursuit of another. Three Mujahideen died whilst defending the height. The Russians are also trying to outflank the Chechen defensive positions. However, the Mujahideen are resisting and contine to mount successful counter attacks. In the past 24 hours about 70 Russians have been killed.

The Russian propaganda machine has recently reported the so called "Russian successes". These stories are baseless, in that in Sharoy Rayon the Chechens struck near Day wiping out a whole Russian unit. The precision of this strike was achieved by information gathered by successful scouting missions carried out to pinpoint the camp. As a result of this, the camp was completely destroyed along with about 90 Russians. Moreover, 5 'Urals' and 3 BMPs were wiped out. A depot containing equipment was captured.

The Russians resume their onslaught on Dzhokhar. Since Jan 16 bitter fighting for the Chechen capital. The aggressors are assaulting the Chechen positions in the 56th district, near the tinning factory, in Chernoreche from the direction of Khankala. Armoured vehicles are used. Heavy tanks try to clear the way through the Chechen position. Behind them light armoured vehicles and infantery advances. [If this is true I wonder whether the Russians will ever learn at least the basic rules of urban fighting! Klaas]

During the night [Jan 16-17] the fighting calmed down a bit, but the bombardment of the centre of Dzhokhar was intensified. In the morning also the fighting became heavier again. Near the tinning factory the Chechens knocked out 3 tanks. Face-to-face fighting in Chernoreche. bitter shooting in the 56th district. And the Russians use chemical weapons again: From Khankala they fired at least 30 shells with chemical warfare agents on Michurina. The Russian suffer heavy casualties: During the last 48 h at least 250 aggressors died.

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