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Archive through January 19, 2000

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The Chechen foreign minister Ilyas Akhmadov continues his diplomatic visit to Washington. He is meeting with American politicians trying to expose to them the Chechen gouvernment's view of the ongoing war in Chechen. For the same purpose he is trying to attract a little attention of American mass media to the Russian atrocities in Chechnya.

The Chechen are attacking the Russians at the periphery of Dzhokhar. In Staraya Sunzha they performed a raid into the enemy's hinterland, killed about 45 Russian and destroyed 2 armoured vehicles.
At the fringe of Savodsky Rayon and Chernorechye they carried out an operation against Russian outpost. Near the Anisimov factory a Russian unit of 14 terrorists was annihilated, 1 Russian taken POW.
The bombardment and shelling of the Chechen capital continues. Once again Minutka place is one of the centers of Russian efforts in this relation.

In Shali and Gudermes Rayon the Chechens attack Russian columns moving between the single concentrations of Russian troops. The most intensive fighting of the last 24 h took place at the crossroads near Mesker-Yurt and on the road Rostov-Baku next to Chernaya Rechka. Near Gudermes a Russian block-post and a tent camp have been destroyed.

The Chechen command presents a list of Chechen and Russian casualties in the fights of the last days in and around Gudermes, Shali, Argun, and Achkhoy-Martan: 10 mujahidin died, 17 have been wounded. In Shali the Chechens suffered the heaviest casualties: six fighters died because of a direct hit of a 'Skad'-rocket. Three men died in Gudermes and one in Argun.
In these fights about 800 Russian have been killed, more than 1,000 have been wounded. About 200 armoured vehicles knocked out. Booty: 3 BMPs, 6 howitzers, 4 lorries with equipment, a great amount of infantry weapons.
Chechen scouting units notice confusion among the Russians.

Kavkaz-Tsentr charges the diffent yardsticks Russian military and Russian mass media use to distinguish between men and children: On the one hand 10 years old boys are considered men, on the other hand there is weeping and mourning about the horrible fate of 18 years old Russian youngster in Chechnya.

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Always feel sorry for Bosna ancestors. Just think about, what was have done to them to turn into muslims, to such degree that the once that sorvived Turkish terror never had backborn to rise from the mud.
I guess that even other muslims must feel disgusted with Bosnas. Bosnias, what a shame for all Slavic people. Croats, Serbians and Turkish
alike spill at you.
In general, Islam is an exellent brainwoshing. Invented by undedeveloped semitic tribes that couldn't cope with complexity of neither Tora, nor Bible. They are not even suppesed to read Qooran
in their native language, just mumble 'laillohuillallawamahmudrasullaqullquallahuahadallasuhamad'. It's sad.

ut the once that sorvived never

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Muslim Brothers! Here is another Miracle.
The record was bitten today. One Chechen FREEDOM FIGHTER destroyed 15,000 Russian aggressors with a toothpick!
Mahmud Babakh just finished his light French dinner in a barn. 15,000 hungry Russians bandits surrounded the barn asking for leftovers. Chechen hero chose to fight. The only weapon available to him at the moment was a toothpick. He asked Allah for help prying hard for an hour and fighting just for 5 minutes. When fight was over, the wooden toothpick was still like a new one! Chechen hero used it for a nose-picking as he always did with toothpicks after dinner.

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"Muslim Brothers! Here is another Miracle.
The record was bitten today. One Chechen FREEDOM FIGHTER destroyed 15,000 Russian
aggressors with a toothpick!Mahmud Babakh just finished his light French dinner in a barn. 15,000 hungry Russians bandits surrounded the barn asking for leftovers. Chechen hero chose to fight. The only weapon available to him at the moment was a toothpick. He asked Allah for help prying hard for an hour and fighting just for 5 minutes. When fight was over, the wooden toothpick was still like a new one! Chechen hero used it for a nose-picking as he always did with toothpicks after dinner."

That's what every true Muslim should do now. I mean nose-picking with a toothpick 🙂

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"...around Gudermes, Shali, Argun, and Achkhoy-Martan: 10 mujahidin died, 17 have been wounded. In Shali the Chechens suffered the heaviest casualties: six fighters died..."

Interesting scale. I can only imagine what the lightest casualties might be.

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"The Chechen foreign minister Ilyas Akhmadov continues his diplomatic visit to Washington. He is meeting with American politicians trying to expose to them the Chechen gouvernment's view..."

I think that the state officials are usually not supposed "to expose" their own governments. Unless they want to apply for a political asylum.

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"I believe that using the jargon often used by Clint Eastwood or Dirty Harry, to describe a majority of you would be most appropriate: MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!"

Dirty Harry never said those words or considered them appropriate in any way. But a punk who would go ahead and used them would probably make his day.

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>>.."Unless they want to apply for a political asylum."
It would be interesting to see if he's got one. LOL!
Yeah, C-FU WAN! Go ahead punk. make my day!

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Think before you speak in anger...
who owns the anger...
Only you...
Others can own the past,even the present...
Who owns your future...
Only you...
Who owns your dignity and grace...
Others throw things at you...
for you to lose face...
by speaking words piblicly in anger without grace...
A man is but a say?
there are many in this world...
No one but you knows who you say?
You know...You know and that should be enough for you to become the gentleman you know you are deep inside...
Being a gentleman takes great strength...
He is one who does not speak publicly in anger...
but keeps his thoughts for private conversations..
to keep his dignity and grace... not only for himself..but for his family, his country and
the future...Because he knows speaking in anger can change his world...thus knowing that speaking with grace publicly daily can change the whole world. Think before you speak in anger...
Be gentlemen of the world.

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It doesn't take that much intelligence to infer
that there is a Creator and Sustainer of the

Think about all the myriad interconnected systems
mechanical, microbiological, and so on, that are
so finely tuned to work to perfection, all around
us and even within us - and only screws up when
man tries to dabble in something beyond his puny

If you had even the vaguest education you would
understand that all that did NOT come from nothing
- it's like saying all the most impressive human
"achievements", I don't know what YOU would consider
great, would arise out of nothing but the inherent
"noise level" in the universe - pure poppycock!

Or perhaps you are too scared to ponder on the
consequences of there being a Unique, Omnipotent
God, Who is going to hold us all accountable for
our omissions and commissions!

No - religion cannot be some private obsession - it
has to be a very public, shared accountability
for everything that happens in a country, all the
way from the top to the very bottom. And that is
the way God meant it to be. And no - Muslims have
had no problems with reconciling scientific fact
and religion. The Quran has always encouraged man
to seek knowledge and ponder on God's creation.

Sure - with something as riddled with human
editing as the bible is, the west was forced to
separate their religions from science. But look at
the cost - there is now an inhumanity and sadism
in how the west goes to war, from the inhuman
pounding of germany, to everything that came after
governments have become corrupt, and no country
in the world can have real justice today.

The WORLD is waiting for a resurgence of Islam.

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I believe someone already asked, but where can I get a free copy of Koran? Thank you.

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No it was not the Chechens who attacked
Daghestan - it was the Russian Army who
was trying to stop Daghestan from being
united with Chechnya back into the joint
republic they had had in the past as
Muslim peoples - no matter what your KGB
putin or anybody else would like to claim.

You may choose to swallow all putin's bait
but we can research and find out the truth

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Slovak shut up or we will track your real name and adress down and post it along with your phone #

Noble Member
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TRUTH here is some for you research this you moron

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