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Archive through January 19, 2000

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Watch the reputable newscast of your choice but never go completely by any message board, common sense only and everyone knows it...nothing being said against anyone here.

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was that you answer? I shouldn't have given you too much credit. you actually turned out to be...*drumroll please*

another "bosna", with a slght knowledge of "holy" book..that's about it..

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to adder21
it's american
are you live in country of "big satan" ?

go home my little friend.
we have a lot of you dead friend on "real white snow"

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Lady PISS, you even dumber than Abdullah!
You must be Saigon Jane. Who is the wife of Ted Turner. Who is the co-owner of CNN. Ah?
Has Turner really dumped you?

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I don't know enough about the situation in Chechnya, but i hope it all ends soon.Is there a political solution to this?Chechnya wants it's independence, right, But will Russia let them breakaway? Whatever your religion or race once your hometown or country is being destroyed and invaded you can't help but to fight to defend your way of life. If Russia wants to put a loyalist government(Puppet Government) in Chechnya the people will not accept it. I do understand that Russia had bombings and a wave of fear due to the terrorists, but maybe Russia is better off letting the Republic of Chechnya Break away?

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LOBO The Chechens do not accept bandits,what are you rambling about?The other minoritiesalso do not want fundametalists there either.

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as per your proposal - after that campaign is over complitely, then it(break away) might me considered as an one of the solutions. It just has to be finished first.

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Lobo. I think you are right. Even if Russia claims victory in taking grozny they will face the same situation America did in Veitnam. They wouldn't and didn't win the hearts and minds of the people and will forever be targets of snipers and hit and runs as long as they are there. Heres something it was 5 years ago today the russians re-gained control of the presidential palace in Grozny.

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The Russian Forces tried to creep up to the Mujahideen positions in Serghenyort late Saturday night from within a dense forest. A Naval Infantry Unit from amongst them reached the Mujahideen just as they were changing guard patrols. As soon as the Russians saw the Mujahideen marching in order to replace their comrades on patrol, they began to fire at the Mujahideen. They were under the impression that the Mujahideen wanted to outflank and surround them. A vicious close-quarters battle took place in which the Mujahideen were able to annihilate that Russian Unit, killing 28 soldiers (including one Lieutenant-Colonel) and injuring those that fled. Four Chechen Mujahideen and one Foreign Mujahid (Abu Hudhaifah Al-Yamaani from the Arabian Peninsula) were martyred; we ask Allah to accept them from the martyrs. Three brothers were injured. The Mujahideen captured one grenade launcher and a quantity of light weapons.

The Mujahideen found a map in the possession of the dead Russian Officer, in which the positions of the Mujahideen were marked out in red. The map also contained diagrams of planned attacks on Mujahideen positions identical to those on the map found on the body of the officer who was killed by the Mujahideen yesterday (Saturday).

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Boza you put that up yesterday.Please no more reruns,it's bad enough we have to read your B.S.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2221 I thought so 🙁

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2500 fighters left in Grozny (Vremya).Russian soldier describes fighters as zombies(must be good hashish).

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Good news BOZA

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Has Russia lost support from traditional Arabic Allies due to this war with Muslim fundamentalists or Chechen Rebels? What is being said in Russia and better yet in other Arabic countries? In a war the government usually tells you the good things(victories) and conveniently leaves out the bad. The propaganda machine works to help gain public support and the news is usually one-sided.

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