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Archive through January 19, 2000

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ADDER Ithink this is for you ,if not disregard: Iran will nuke Russia?
1811 GMT, 000119 Jordan/United States – A military prosecutor has indicted a U.S. citizen of Jordanian origin on conspiracy to carry out terrorist attacks and the possession of and manufacturing of explosives, claiming he is connected to Osama bin Laden, reported The Associated Press. Khalil Deek, who was extradited from Pakistan on Dec. 16, is expected to stand trial in February.

1753 GMT, 000119 Russia/United States/Iran – Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev said that Russia will continue to provide military aid to Iran, and would not allow “any interference by third countries” to disrupt their relations. Former President Boris Yeltsin had promised the United States in 1994 that Russia would no longer sign military contracts with Iran.

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Preferabally by wit...
More often than not they are defended by the gentlemen around them...
but per chance if a lady must defend herself...
she would not devulge her secret defenses...
she will only say she learned them from the with them she protects her young...

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Ultra Russian,
What the F-U-C-KK ? american-jewish ass??? Whatch your mouth, parnisha, cuz you start sounding like a freakin'racist..Gonzo expressed his point of view and he got called american greedy jewish assshole? If you like communism so much, YOU SHOULD F-U-C-KK-I-N-G KNOW BETTER - COMMUNISTS ARE INTERNATIONALISTS AND NOT RACISTS(as you appear to be). And besides - one of the best and honest communists of 1917 were Jewish ones. SO DON'T MAKE ANOTHER RACIST COMMENT, UNLESS YOU WANNA BE SPOKEN TO AS I SPEAK TO MUSLIM RACISTS

P.S. I am partially Jewish too. YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WITH THAT?

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Lady P.,

There are no(or almost no) gentlemen left, I believe 🙂
I used to say - it's the 90's..
what do you say now?
And that is why(unfortunatelly)
wit appears to be the only weapon
you've got left..

peace(to you)

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Igor, i think Putin might nuke Chechens. Dimitri, quit ••••••• refering to me as Communist when i make a statement. If i feel like eating at some restaurant, does it mean because i am Communist? If i drink pepsi than sprite, is it Communist? I am not racist, i said that statement to insult the little snot. And with you being jewish and all, its fine with me, i have many jewish friends, i dont hate them, but dont open your big mouth at me like that again.

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U R N , As an American I could never understand why one would want to live under the communist system. But do understand your point about the need to get rid of the corruption, crime and bring more prosperty to Russia. The transfer from a Communist state to a capitolist one has been handeled very badly. For a country that never had a democratic government I think things were done to fast and to soon. The old system didn't work ether. I checked out the web site Igor posted. very interesting. I don't want to see Russia break up or slip father. Maybe a nationalistic leader will be good for Russia. If I understood your question right I don't think I can name a good Communist leader.

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Gonzo, now its a much more pleasure to speak with you on this term. Yes, i saw link too. Thats the things i dont want to see happen. A nationalistic leader, one that is not hungry for his own gains will be good for Russia. Maybe Putin, maybe Zyuganov or maybe even Zhirinovsky. Perhaps, i had a political status, i would be nominee as well.

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Well time to go...U R N . Putin might just be the guy for the job. I hope so , I think a weak Russia is a ver bad thing for the world.

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Ultra Russian,

I will open my mouth when and where I want to and it's not for you to tell me what to say.

that little "snot" expressed his opinion gently, without ANY intentions of insulting you personally. And you got personal and RACIST. And, paren', if you don't want me to refer you as a Communist - then you shouldn't express you communistic views in almost every posting. YOU GOTTA RECOGNIZE WHO YOUR ENEMIES ARE. And you just open your big mouth at someone who agrees with Russia's political views..he just doesn't belive in communism. Or can't you take a little critisism??? You gotta start with nationality or race hatred instead??? Don't do it anymore and I promise I won't open my "big" mouth.


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U R N. The post was very interesting. I started thinking that islam is not a bad thing but The millatants who want to spread there form of Islam via terrorism is very bad and they make the Islamic religion look bad. America learned a lesson from supplying weapons to these groups during the cold war in Afganastan to fight the U.S.S.R. Now these same groups have thoes weapons and harbor terrorist that have killed Americans. It is OK to try to spead ones religon but with missonaries not guns.

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zirinovsky would be the best prezident right now. he's the dictator russia needs. i believe, that with him chechnya is gone. i believe that he would not be afraid to use nukes. putin can do ••••, he is too soft.

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Blea krygom odni LOXu.

Zdorov Diman, kak dela?

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privet Svoloch 🙂
kak dela, drygan? Ia tol'ko chto vernyls'a s Odessi. Nastroenie oxyitel'noe ! :))

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Go •••• yourself.

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