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Archive through January 19, 2000

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Reputable Member
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Posts: 341

These days NATO is not about the security. It is about selling weapons. It does not matter who is buying.
Hail NATO and Russian weapons makers!

Noble Member
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Have to watch hockey now Chicago vs New Jersey

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The whole war was media disinformation.

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armenian: i don't care. that's only their problem. i don't want to join NATO either. but when i hear all of those bitchings about it. well, why don't they make their own. that's my question for dmitri and the rest of them.

no nato no russia no china............

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>>>no nato no russia no china............
I doubt this.
It will be much easier to get rid of Slovaks like you. Don't you think?

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I'm far from defending the Russians in this war.
But somebody wrote here that what is going on in Chechnya now is worse than what happened during Stalin's great eviction of the Caucauses.That is wrong since when they were exiled to Khazakstan over one third of those nations (Chechens being one of them) died.
Today it would amount to over half a million dead Chechens alone.

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Slovak 88

You didn't say anything because you •••••• knows that I'm saying the truth. Does your mom still spreads her legs for Russian soldiers? 🙂 She probably does, because Slovaks man can not possibly satisfy her.

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y beating around the bushes. u did not answer muy question you little pigshit rusiian begger: did daddy hurt so much so you are getting all dirty and filthy??
that's OK baby; you are russian and u should be used to daddy getting u all over...

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Goodbye I wish only for peace...

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"Dimitri; Goodbye I wish only for peace...

Perfect spoof. Goodbye our Lady of Sorrow.

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Good article at Time magazine:

Does Russia Have a Way Out of the Chechnya Quagmire?
As initial confidence begins to fade, the current war is looking more and more like the last one.,2633,37453,00.html

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dimi,igor and the rest of the pigs:

russian can only and only kiss asses, beg for money and food, and open its legs for hornies. if afghanistan was afraid of russian using their nuclear sh1t, it would not recognize chechnya as an independent country... did you think about that u bumb shithead creature?
second; why russian NOW is accepting to talk to the rebels, where earlier its chicken generals were bullshitting: we will not talk peace until all the bandits are exterminated. it seems like russia is realizing that it CAN NOT win this war.
u got that, boneheads.

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"I'm far from defending the Russians in this war.
But somebody wrote here that what is going on in Chechnya now is worse than what happened during Stalin's great eviction of the Caucauses.That is wrong since when they were exiled to Khazakstan..."

Not far enough. Otherwise you wouldn't imply that Caucauses didn't pay a rent and, if not for their destination to be Khazakstan, everything would be quite all right.

Honorable Member
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Slovak, you said you laugh at what i posted on here? What the •••• could be so funny dumbass?
That picture of Russian soldier pounding your mothers pussi?

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nice and easy...........
how many times do I have to repeat that.

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